
Kim History~27



Kim History~27

In the first month of the tenth year, Song, Goryeo, and Xia sent envoys to congratulate. Jiazi, there is no lantern in the Lantern Festival in the palace. Jiaxu, with Situ and Imperial Historian Li Shi as the Taiwei and Shang Shuling.

On the first day of February, the Anhua Army Festival was the apostle Shan Ziwen and the deputy envoy Lao Junnu were ambushed for stolen goods. Wushen, Sejong said to his close ministers: "After the guards, they are all officials who govern the people, and their orders are taught to read." ”

In March, Renzishuo, Wanchun Festival, Song, Goryeo, and Xia sent envoys to congratulate. Bingchen, Sejong ordered the good shooters in the guard to give the Song envoy a bow banquet, the Song envoy was fifty, and the banquet was only seven, and the left and right generals said: "The guard is a five-grade official for ten years, and he goes straight every three days, and the service is also light. If you don't learn the bow and arrow, you will use it. "Wu Wu, with the Henan unified army envoy Zong Xu as the governor of the political affairs. On Geng Wu, Sejong said that he was a member of the government: "When Qing was the commander of the army in Henan yesterday, he said that the Yellow River embankment was beneficial and harmful, which was very agreeable. Every time I think of the people's bad tune, the officials are treacherous to each other, they don't calculate the materials early, and the spark rate of the expiration date is collected, and the cost is doubled, and the harm is not fine. Since the Qing participates in the politics of the court, he should reform the disadvantages and choose the advantages to do it. He also instructed Zuo Cheng Shiju and said: "The Jurchens live in a high way, and they don't know the suffering of Lu Yan. Thou hast been in the book to the end, and the people do not know anything. Where there are good and bad, it is advisable to apply them to the public. ”

In April, Ding You, the woman who ordered her to commit adultery, and those who do not need to be sealed by their husbands and children are not subject to this law.

May Yimao, such as the willow river.

In the leap month Gengchen, Xia Guo Ren had to coerce his lord Li Renxiao to make the above table ask for the division of his country. Sejong asked the minister Li Shi, and Shi and the others thought that the matter was related to the other country, so it was better to allow it. Sejong said: "He was robbed in the ears of the ministers. "The edict is not allowed, and the tribute is not allowed.

On the afternoon of July, autumn hunting. Wuxu, put the yard servant. The edict is from the grain and from the officials. Yi Si, the one who follows the people to indulge in animal husbandry and trample on the grain, the rod is still repaid.

August has not been, to the Liuhe River. Ren Shen, sent the governor to the north of the governor. In September Gengchen, Shangshu Zuo Prime Minister Su Shi Lieliang Bi Ding worried, and the recovery was the same. In the afternoon, he signed the Privy Council to move the matter of the Privy Council to congratulate the birthday envoy of the Song Dynasty. Geng Yin, with Hubu Langzhong Jiagu Ali as the birthday envoy of the Xia Kingdom.

In October, he was the birthday envoy of Goryeo. Jiayin, such as Bazhou. Winter hunting. Yi Chou, Sejong said to the minister: "Because of the hunting, I heard that Gu'an County ordered the Gaochang descendants to resign, and they have been ordered to be dismissed." Bazhou Si Hou Cheng is the first to serve his duties and be cautious, and he can advance to the next level, except for the Gu'an order. Xin Wei said to Zaichen: "If there is a person who fails to investigate the interests of the matter, the secretary and others should discuss it carefully, and retreat without doing anything." ”

In November, the person who made and stole the temple was the same as the one who robbed the palace. Jiashen, Xingdong Palace. Ding Hai, with the crown prince Zhan Shi Pu Cha Pu Suyue and so on, it is not the way of the world. From now on, it is also advisable to give away the privy offerings. Sejong said to his ministers: "In the past year, in the summer of Shanxi, the crops near the road were very extensive, and there was no land for animal husbandry, so it had to be cultivated five miles away. Now it is said that the people have gone to other places, and they are very merciful, and their orders are still cultivated. If there is something like this, it is advisable to tell me immediately. ”

Kim History~27

In March, the Spring Festival, Song and Xia sent envoys to congratulate. Xin Si ordered Yousi to be buried in Gongluo in the original of Gongluo with the Tianshui County Brigade.

In April, Ding Wei, Zang An'er, a citizen of Defu, rebelled and was ambushed. Li Changtu, the secretary of Dali, really determined that Yin Tu Shan Zhen and Yin Shi Mo A of Xianping had accepted stolen goods and were lawless, and if they were guilty, they would be deposed immediately, and they would be forty rods. Guihai, Governor Wei Ziping. The king of Goryeo, Brother Hao, abolished his lord and stood on his own, falsely claiming to cede the country, and sent an envoy to the table.

In May, Xinmao, the edict sent Lang Jing of the Ministry of Officials to ask Goryeo about the reason. 癸巳, with Nanjing staying in the transfer of Lai became the privy deputy envoy.

In June, the edict said: "Within the number of regular tributes on all roads, the sheep in Shayuan in Tongzhou are not urgent, and the people are in vain, so stop from now on." I live in the deep palace, how can I know everything about the labors and people, it seems that this should be heard. "Wu afternoon, watching the crops in the suburbs. Jiazi, Pingzhang Zhengshi Shan He Xixue, Sejong Fang hit the ball, and the obituary was heard. There is a priest to pay tribute to the funeral.

In July, Jiashen participated in the governor's political affairs.

Zongxu's real name is Deshou, and the fourth son of King Lu's mother Wanyan is also. Qiwei has great ambitions and likes to talk about soldiers. In the second year of Tiande, he served as a guard and awarded General Wuyi. Zong Shu went out of Songting Pass, took the cattle and handed them to Guangning. Wen Shizong ascended the throne and will return. Guangning Yin persuaded Zongxu according to Jinghai Brother Yanjing, but he was still in the middle of the rise. Bai Yanjing and Fu Shi Lie Zhining made Zong Xu surrender. Zong Xu saw that Sejong was in Liangyuwu and awarded Ningchang the military festival envoy.

In February next year, the Khitan attacked Ningchang, and Zongxu had 30 Jurchen and Bohai cavalry and 120 Han soldiers, and they would attack it. Encountered more than 1,000 thieves, the Han soldiers were scattered, Zongxu and the Jurchens, Bohai 30 cavalry fought with all their might, the body was created by the two, the horse was shot by the arrow, and then it was obsessed. After living for more than 100 days, there were thieves who moved to stab Ata, etc., and stole horses to give them and got rid of them.

Zongxu has been trapped by thieves for a long time, and he has made every difference between his fiction and reality, and when he saw that the marshal finished Yan Mouyan and Pingzhang finished his political affairs, he said: "The thieves are rabble, undisciplined, and easy to break." So the marshal wanted to confer a military position, but Zong Xu saw that he was greedy and plundered, and he wanted to return to the white and refused to accept the post, saying: "I have a secret, and I must play it face to face." "It's night, but I fled, went to Guangning, picked up the stagecoach, and galloped to Beijing. And the marshal's mansion heard about it, and Sejong sent an envoy to say: "You are modest, not outnumbered, defeated and captured, fortunately escaped, but refused the order of the marshal's house, and went to the capital by self-transmission, I put you guilty, but you can quickly return to the army, and break the thief." Zongxu reluctantly said: "If the minister is not a resign, he must face to face, and he has to come." "Then he was summoned, but it was a false and real among the thieves, and the advance and retreat of the armies were not in accordance with the situation. The edict ministers discussed it all by their words. At that time, he had already ordered the servants to scatter the loyalty and righteousness on behalf of the marshal to enter the discussion, so he worshiped Zongxu as the secretary of the military department, led the right wing of the capital with his own position, and led Zongning, Wuyan Cha Thorn, and Wu Lin Thorn to stab 1,000 soldiers each, numbering 30,000, Zuo Zhong and Yi Army. To the flower path, the thief, and the battle, the left wing of the general Zong Heng was defeated first, and the loyalty and righteousness were also led away, and the headquarters of Zong Xule covered it, and the corporal of the tent was three hundred, and the horse was on foot, and the thief could not succeed. The whole army returned to the army, and the thieves were defeated. And the marshal's right supervisor of the army, Su Shi Lie Zhining, led the army to the end, chased the nest in the trap spring, and broke it. Fu and Zhining and Tudan Kening, chased to the Qidu River, and was defeated. Loyalty and righteousness were left behind. Thief Ping, into the right Xuanhui envoy.

The Song soldiers were based in Haizhou and plotted to go deeper. The edict took Zong Xu as the marshal to supervise the army on the right and went to the imperial palace. Zongxu was stationed in Shandong, and the troops were divided to defend the key points, and the enemy could not go west. Looking for the edict, he and the left deputy marshal Su Shi Lie Zhining participated in the military. In the fourth year, Zong Xu entered the dynasty and said: "The summer moon is near, the border of the soldiers is not strong, and it is quite difficult to fly, and it is difficult to beg for the cool autumn." "Sejong invited from him. and return the army, grant success, give clothes, bows and arrows. In September, crossing Huai, Zong narrated Tang and Deng, compared to Xiangyang, and won many battles. The Song people asked for peace, and the army was returned, except for the Henan Road unified military envoy.

The river breaks Li Gudu, and the diversion is between Cao and Shan. Liang Su, the water supervisor of the imperial capital, looked at the river decision, and Zong said: "The river is not subject to water, so there is a danger of overflow." Now want to restore the old way, it is difficult to succeed, fortunately, it can be stopped, it will inevitably overflow Shandong, non-Cao, single than also. Several states along the river, the sudden uprising, the people's hearts were shaken, and the Song people were afraid of taking advantage of the fan temptation and constituting a border trouble. Liang Su also listened to the diversion of the two rivers to kill the water potential and stop it.

Ten years later, he was summoned to Beijing to visit the governor, and Sejong said: "The benefits and disadvantages of the Yellow River are very much in line with my intentions." I think of the poor adjustment of the people, the officials are treacherous, the sparks are collected, the cost is doubled, the commission is accumulated for many years, and the decay cannot be reused. Qing participated in the politics of the court, chose the interests and acted with the heart. And discussing the affairs of the south with Sejong, Zong Xu said: "The southerners sent spies, and I have a lot of things." I send spies, but I can't do much. Gai Pi is also rewarded with great rewards. Sejong said: "He spies people with huge profits, and wastes his money in vain, how can he do it." ”

For eleven years, he was ordered to patrol the border. In June, to the army, the general battle, there was a disease, the edict to the right prime minister Su Shi Lie Zhi Ning Dai, Zong Xu. In July, he was very ill, and he left behind the gains and losses of the government, as well as the interests and disadvantages of the border defense, and he was sick, so that his son was on it. Forty-six. When Sejong saw his widow, he mourned, dropped out of the dynasty, and sent Xuanhui to pay tribute to the heirs, with 1,000 taels of silver, 40 ends of color, and 400 horses of silk. Sejong said to the minister: "The sect describes the industrious country, and others can't reach it." ”

Kim History~27

August is too daylight. The courtiers said: "I have tried to tell you and others, and the country can be convenient and the body can be said directly." The officials and people outside the country also tried to say things, and you and the others did not say a word. How can we do all the things that are done? From now on, I will speak bluntly about the gains and losses, and there is nothing to hide. "Yi Si, Sejong said that the minister said, "The official who follows the court, he claims that he should get a certain position in the first examination, and he should get a certain position in the second examination. From now on, the external road officials and those who are excluded from the internal will be promoted to their official duties. But it is simple to do things, and it does not need to expire, so it will be produced with this product. If the reward and punishment are not clear, how can they exhort? Gengxu, the edict said: "Those who have not been released because of the robbery of women and people of all colors should be redeemed by the officials, and those who hide will be judged as violators." He is too young to be called a dweller, but he sits in and sits. Sejong said to the minister: "There are many people below the fifth grade, and it is difficult to win people." If you are above the third grade, you will know it, and if you are below the fifth grade, you will not know it. Qing and others have not said a word. If you want to draw a plan for long-term peace and prosperity, and promote the interests of the people, and have no unscrupulous assistance, everything you do is an ordinary thing. Although the day is looking at the court, what is the benefit. It is advisable to think about it. "Ji Si, with the Shangshu Criminal Department waiter Wu Lin Da Tianxi and others as the birthday envoy of the Song Dynasty, and the envoy of the Near Service Bureau Liu Hu as the birthday envoy of the Xia Kingdom.

In September, he hunted in Hengshan. Geng Yin, also all.

In October, Ren Yinshuo took Zuo Xuanhui to envoy Jing Sihui as the governor of the political affairs. Jiayin, Sejong said to Zaichen: "What I have done, the Qing and others think that the fate cannot be restored, but they are only obedient, and there is no execution." And if there is a play, why not obey. From now on, although my decree is issued, it is appropriate to judge and act, and if there is no convenience, it will be changed. Or if there is a word in the lower position that the province has not done conveniently, it should also be changed, and there is no refusal to obey. "Bingyin, Shang Shu Zuo Prime Minister Su Shi Lieliang Bi Jin Ruizong Record. Wuchen, Sejong said to Zaichen: "The heroes of the Yanqing Palace have been ordered to increase to twenty people. For example, Prime Minister Han Qixian, since the rejuvenation of the country, the charter and law have been more hands, as for the decision of major policies, but the ministers consulted, and finally did not make outsiders perceive. The prime minister of the Han people is incomparably before and after, and if he praises it, it is also enough to persuade and be cautious. ”

In November, Ding Chou used the southwest road to recruit envoy Zong Ning and others as the envoy of Song Zhengdan. Wu Yin, Xingdong Palace. Sejong said to the crown prince: "My son is in the position of the second prince, and I am the world for you, and there should be no more business." Thou art not to forget the pure and generous style of your ancestors, to cultivate morality as filial piety, and to believe in rewards and punishments. Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said to his son Gaozong and said: 'If I don't end up fighting Goryeo, you can continue it.' I will not leave you behind such things. For example, the seaside king of Liao, because the people of the country love his son, and kill him with jealousy, what is the reason for this? The Son is loved by all, the more beautiful things are, and if he does this, he will never die. Tang Taizong has a king, and his son Gaozong said: "You are in Li Wuen, and now you will do it." If I die, it is advisable to give him a servant to shoot immediately, and he will die. 'The gentleman is a hypocrisy. He who is grateful to the Father, and who forgets to repay the Son. I am the only one who hears honestly. "Long live the ministers. Bingxu, enjoy in the temple. Ding Hai, there is something to do in Yuanqiu, amnesty. 癸巳, the ministers presented the honorific title of Ying Tianxing Zuo Qin Wen Guangwu Rende Shengxiao Emperor. Yi Wei, edict at home and abroad.

December 癸卯, winter hunting. Yi Mao, return to the palace. Bingchen, the governor of the political affairs of Jing Si Hui Xu. Xin You, Jin Feng Yue Wang Yongzhong Zhao Wang, Sui Wang Yonggong Cao Wang, Shen Wang Yongcheng Feng Wang, Xu Wang Yongsheng Yu Wang, Teng Wang Yongzhu Xu Wang, Xue Wang Yongji Teng Wang. Yi Chou, Zhao Wang Yongzhong, and Cao Wang Yonggong both awarded Meng'an, and still ordered Yonggong to govern things in person and take Xi as the government.

Jing Sihui, the word Tang Chen, a native of Yizhou. In the second year of the Emperor's reign, he entered the Shidi, transferred Huai Ancheng, moved the government decree, and supplemented the history of the provincial order. Talented debate, Hailing is the prime minister, love, and usurpation, promote the residence note, and have advised the doctor, the servant of the ministry, and the envoy of Zuo Xuanhui. In August of the third year of Zhenyuan, Shangshi's cooking was inappropriate, and the officials each had 200 rods, and Sihui and Wu Juren, who knew the Xuanhui Academy, had a difference in their sticks. For a long time, I visited the governor. Zhenglong cut down the Song Dynasty in the sixth year, leaving Zhang Hao and Sihui in Nanjing, and saving trouble. Sejong ascended the throne, the evil heir Hui Qiaoyu, and the imperial historian Wanyan Yuanyi impeached Xiao Yu, Si Hui, Xu Lin and other six people were unavailable. Si Hui descended to the general doctor and released him into the field. Si Hui practiced the court, and the entry and end should deal with the leisure and elegance, and from the beginning to the history of the Danzhou assassin, the precept said: "Qing is the ruler of Zhenglong, and Ah Shun takes tolerance, and I despise it." Now do your duty with all your might, to wash away the guilt of the day before. If you don't do it, you will be punished without forgiveness. "Not a few, Ding's mother was worried, and she was reinstated as the envoy of Zuo Xuanhui. Sejong is quite good at Taoism, and said that Sihui said: "Shang Shiguan does not kill sheep and pigs in the forbidden, and Shuowang has a division in the first seven days without a criminal name." In the seventh year of Dading, Pu Chatong removed the defense envoy of Zhaozhou, and Shizong accused him of deception, because Gu Sihui said: "Ruqing can not be said to be talentless, but pure and unheard." "For a long time, there are anonymous books in the thoroughfare, saying that those who are not allowed to use the old ministers of Hailing have resentment and will be wrong. Sejong said, "How can it be? He said: "When Zhenglong, Qing was in power, and now he thinks that Qing is resentful, and I know very well that it is not." Qing is wise and can distinguish, but he is quite self-dazzling, and he has the reputation of fishing for everyone, so he should change it later. "Ten years, there will be something in the southern suburbs, when the court is in Hailing, the temple is too common, and the governor is too often to pay homage to the governor, and the edict is too often to serve the ruling crown. Licheng, 薨.

Kim History~27