
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

author:Worry-free skies
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

The copyright dispute caused by a song "The Promise": the dispute between the second creation and the originality


caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet, the content creation industry has become increasingly prosperous, and various creators have shown their works through online platforms, gaining the love and attention of a large number of fans. In this process, the ensuing copyright disputes have become increasingly prominent, and the relationship between secondary creation and original works has become one of the hot topics in society.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Recently, a live broadcast singer named Guo Youcai became popular on the Internet with a song "Promise", and his emotional singing moved countless netizens, attracting the attention of a large number of fans in just a few days, and the number of viewers in his live broadcast room once exceeded the million mark, which can be described as an overnight hit.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Just when Guo Youcai was immersed in a thriving career, something happened that he didn't expect, Ding Xiaowen, the singer who originally sang "The Promise", suddenly shouted to recover the income obtained by Guo Youcai's live singing, saying that he had infringed his copyright and asked the live broadcast platform to return the relevant income to him.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

In this way, Guo Youcai's copyright dispute not only plunged him into the whirlpool of public opinion, but also made people think about the relationship between secondary creation and original works again, and how to reasonably protect the rights and interests of all parties under such circumstances.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

1. Guo Youcai became popular overnight but was involved in copyright disputes

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

The cause of the incident can be traced back to a live broadcast of Guo Youcai on the live broadcast platform, when he sang a song "Promise" affectionately in the live broadcast room, his unique voice and full of emotions moved countless netizens, and they rewarded and paid attention to his live broadcast room, and for a while, Guo Youcai's name spread quickly because of this "Promise".

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

It can be said that it was this "Promise" that opened the door to Guo Youcai's career, and also allowed him to quickly accumulate a large number of fans, and his popularity on the Internet has also risen, becoming one of the topics talked about by many netizens.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Just when Guo Youcai became popular overnight because of this song "Promise", the copyright dispute behind it also followed, and the singer Ding Xiaowen, who originally sang "The Promise", suddenly shouted through Weibo to recover the income obtained by Guo Youcai's live singing, saying that he had infringed his copyright, and asked the live broadcast platform to return the relevant income to himself.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Regarding Ding Xiaowen's move, many netizens have expressed their opinions, some people think that Guo Youcai should indeed give Ding Xiaowen a certain amount of publicity money, after all, it was this song that made him popular overnight, while some people feel that Ding Xiaowen is a bit too harsh in doing this, and the live broadcast reward is originally a voluntary act of the audience, and it should not be counted as an infringement.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

For a while, the copyright dispute between Guo Youcai and Ding Xiaowen has become one of the hot topics among many netizens, and it has also made people start to think about how to reasonably protect the rights and interests of all parties in the relationship between secondary creation and original works.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

2. The system and boundary between secondary creation and original work

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

For such a celebrity copyright dispute case, the relationship and boundary issues between secondary creation and original works involved behind it have also aroused people's deep thought, after all, in today's Internet era, secondary creation has become an indispensable part of public life, and all kinds of secondary creation works have emerged in endlessly, bringing endless fun to people's lives.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

The copyright issues involved in this secondary creation are becoming more and more complex, and the relationship and boundary between it and the original work are becoming more and more blurred.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

It is in this context that this copyright dispute case between Guo Youcai and Ding Xiaowen has undoubtedly once again aroused deep reflection on the relationship between secondary creation and original works from all walks of life, and has also made people begin to rethink how to reasonably protect the rights and interests of all parties in the process of secondary creation, and how to establish a more healthy and fair copyright protection mechanism.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Whether it is a secondary creator or the original creator, in the process of content creation, it is inseparable from the creative achievements of others, and the secondary creator can also create on the basis of the original creator, and the original creator also needs to gain more popularity and recognition through the publicity and dissemination of the secondary creation, and the relationship between the secondary creation and the original work is actually a mutual promotion.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

In such a relationship, how should we define the boundaries between the rights and interests of secondary creators and original creators, and how should we reasonably distribute the benefits?

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

In this regard, on the one hand, we should pay more attention to the copyright protection involved in secondary creation, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of secondary creators through a sound copyright protection mechanism, so that they can be more assured and free in the process of creation.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

On the other hand, it is also necessary to establish clearer rules for the division of rights and interests between original works and secondary works, and there should be clear provisions in terms of publicity and promotion and income distribution, so that both secondary creators and original creators can receive due rewards and recognition.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

Only on this basis can the relationship between secondary creation and original works become more harmonious, and a solid foundation can be laid for the healthy development of the content creation industry.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly
caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

3. Establish a healthy copyright protection mechanism

At present, with the rapid development of the Internet, all kinds of content creation works emerge in an endless stream, whether it is music, film and television, literature or art works, all of which are inseparable from the figure of secondary creation, and the copyright issues involved in secondary creation are becoming increasingly prominent, which has brought a certain impact on the creation and life of relevant creators.

It is particularly important to establish a healthy copyright protection mechanism, which can effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of all parties and make the creative environment more just and orderly.

In view of the copyright issues involved in secondary creation, we should pay more attention to the formulation and improvement of relevant laws and regulations, and clearly stipulate the protection of the rights and interests of secondary creators in the process of creative publicity and dissemination, as well as the copyright ownership and income distribution of the original creators.

Only under the protection of the law can creators have a clearer understanding of their rights and obligations, and can effectively avoid the frequent occurrence of similar copyright disputes.

In addition to legal protection, live streaming platforms and other content dissemination platforms should also strengthen relevant work in copyright supervision, establish a complete copyright identification and protection system, detect and deal with infringement in a timely manner, protect the legitimate rights and interests of original works, and provide greater space for the creation of secondary creators.

For the majority of netizens and audiences, their awareness of copyright protection is also very important, and the public should be more deeply aware of the importance of copyright protection through various forms of publicity and education, and should also respect the fruits of the labor of various creators, and support and share excellent creative works through legal channels.

Only with the joint efforts of the whole society can we establish a healthy and fair copyright protection environment, so that all excellent creative works can be duly respected and rewarded, and can also contribute to the prosperity and development of the creative industry.

caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly


caused a copyright dispute because of the cover of "The Promise", and the owner asked for a share of the live broadcast income, and Guo Youcai responded brightly

The song "The Promise" made Guo Youcai popular overnight, and also involved him in an unexpected copyright dispute, and behind such an incident, it actually reflects the relationship and boundary between secondary creation and original works, and also makes people start to rethink how we should understand and protect various creative works in today's dynamic era of content creation.

It is also hoped that through such copyright dispute cases, we can attract the attention of all sectors of society, let us discuss and think about how to establish a more healthy and fair copyright protection mechanism, and also provide useful inspiration for the sustainable development of the creative and cultural industry.

I also hope that the majority of netizens and audiences can participate in the work of copyright protection through their own strength, so that we can light up every excellent creative work with understanding and support, and contribute to the diversity and prosperity of culture