
The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record

The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record

IT House

2024-06-04 10:01Posted on the official account of Shandong IT Home

IT Home reported on June 4 that the source @i Ice Universe tweeted on the X platform yesterday (June 3), revealing that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will narrow the bezel, surpassing the Samsung Galaxy S24 mobile phone and becoming the mobile phone with the narrowest bezel in the world.

The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record

The source did not mention the Apple iPhone 16 Pro Max, and Apple is expected to narrow the bezels of this model as well.

The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record

IT Home reported on May 28 this year that Samsung Display and LG Display have been approved to mass-produce OLED screens for iPhone 16 Pro series models at the same time, and the screen bezels are further narrowed due to the use of Bezel Reduction Structure (BRS) technology.

Apple used a technique called "low-pressure injection molding" (LIPO) to successfully reduce the bezel width of the iPhone 15 Pro model to 1.5 mm (compared to 2.2 mm on the iPhone 14).

And this BRS technology reduces the bezel width of the display at the bottom of the phone by winding the internal copper wire into a more compact structure. Apple reportedly plans to apply this technology to all four iPhone 16 models that will be released in the second half of this year.

Both vendors received approvals earlier this month, paving the way for mass production of screens for iPhone 16 Pro models. Samsung Display will supply OLED screens for all four iPhone 16 models, while LG Display will supply screens for Pro series models. In addition, BOE is expected to offer OLED displays for the iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Plus.

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  • The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record
  • The news says that Apple's iPhone 16 Pro will break the Samsung Galaxy S24 bezel record

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