
BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.

author:Xiao Xu's car life

BYD Qin L high-speed endurance measurement, running out of 1977 kilometers, strength proves everything, since BYD Qin L listed, the heat has been high, excellent product power has made many people moved, especially the 5th generation DM technology blessing, 100 kilometers of 2.9 liters of fuel consumption, and full fuel and full power of 2100 kilometers of endurance.

BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.

However, some people questioned Qin L's true endurance, feeling that there was moisture, but he couldn't actually run so high. In order to test the real high-speed mileage of Qin L, he issued a challenge, driving Qin L and a Honda Accord hybrid version, starting from Xi'an all the way to Shenzhen, live broadcasting, and the number of online people in the live broadcast room was as high as tens of thousands, which was very lively.

BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.
BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.

The challenge took 3 days, full fuel and full power, 90% high-speed road conditions, 24-degree air conditioning throughout the whole process, Qin L vehicle plus passengers close to 2 tons of weight, ran out of 1977 kilometers of results, after lying in the nest, the measured refueling volume of 66.74 liters, 535 yuan ran nearly 2000 kilometers, the measured fuel consumption of 3.37 liters / 100 kilometers, has been very close to the fuel consumption declared by NEDC (120 kilometers version NEDC 3.08L, WLTC 3.98L), converted to 0.27 yuan a kilometer, the rumors are self-defeating.

BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.
BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.
BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.

At the end of the test, there was bad weather and heavy rain that made the test more difficult, but it still ran 1,977 kilometers, and if the weather is good, it is possible to go around 80 to 100 kilometers per hour, and more than 2,100 kilometers are possible. In this live broadcast test, netizens are also positive and enthusiastic, and congratulate Qin L on his good results.

BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.
BYD Qin L's high-speed endurance has been measured, running 1977 kilometers, and its strength proves everything.

Judging from the results of this unofficial test, BYD is indeed powerful, not playing data stacking, proving itself with strength, 21 years of accumulation of plug-in hybrid technology, and a technical team of nearly 100,000 people, so that BYD has the confidence to face this test and respond to questions with actual data. This is also a major moment for our domestic cars to raise their eyebrows, BYD has brought global hybrid into a new era, once again defended the honor of domestic car series, and made the joint venture car series feel unprecedented pressure.