
2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

author:Zhang Zhongrong's grandfather who is a scumbag

Source: Xinmin Evening News 2024-06-03 16:48 Shanghai

Yesterday (June 2)

Two tourists in Shiren Gorge, Taizhou, Zhejiang

Washed away by water while crossing a stream

Today (June 3), the reporter learned from the Taizhou Public Security Department that after the incident, local public security, emergency departments and civil rescue forces are working together to search and rescue. As of 11 o'clock today, the search and rescue work is still ongoing.

It is also understood that the place where the incident occurred is not open to the public.

According to media reports, online videos show a man in red and a woman with a backpack crossing a stream with the help of a rope, and were washed down one after another because of the turbulent current, and the teammates next to them shouted anxiously and tried to rescue the two unsuccessfully, and then the rope broke. The two were washed away.


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

A person familiar with the local topography in Yutou Township told reporters that the mountain stream from Shiren Gorge flows down into Rouji Creek, the main stream in Yutou Township, and then flows into the Changtan Reservoir. "Based on the current flow rate and the length of time it has been in the water, it doesn't feel very optimistic." He said.

The staff of the Propaganda Department told reporters that after receiving the alarm call, the local relevant departments immediately organized a number of rescue forces such as the local water rescue team, public security, township, emergency department, and Pegasus rescue team to search and rescue, but the missing traveler has not yet been found.

The reporter learned from local outdoor enthusiasts that Shiren Gorge was once a paid scenic spot, and now it has been abandoned, and the reporter noticed that Shiren Gorge is located near the Budai Mountain Scenic Area, but the staff of the scenic spot said that Shiren Gorge is not under the management of the scenic spot.

On social platforms, there are a lot of check-in strategies about this place, judging from the past pictures and videos, the water flow at the accident site is not urgent, and people can wade through the stream. The reason for the turbulent water in the video is related to the heavy rain before the incident.


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

According to reports, the local rain weather from June 1 to June 2 for two consecutive days, resulting in the water level of the mountain stream that usually has almost no water flow, the water level of the mountain stream soared, affected by the slope of the mountain and the narrowness of the river, the water flow in the mountain stream is very turbulent, the danger of wading is great, and it also brings difficulties to the rescue.

Some outdoor professionals said that the people involved did not do a good job in many aspects, such as weather, route, crossing method, ropes, carrying equipment and emergency plans. In this accident, from the organizer to the missing person, and then to the rescuer in the picture, there is a lack of basic outdoor self-rescue knowledge, and the superposition of errors in multiple links has led to the current result.

Wang Yingjie, a public welfare person and outdoor rescue professional, told reporters that when doing outdoor sports, you should first grasp the weather conditions. In addition, when the organizer arrives at the site, he or she should make an assessment of the latest situation of the route according to the situation on the site. He believes that the team did not avoid the rainy season in the video, and the route needs to cross the wading valley, and that flash floods can occur at any time during this season and the terrain.

Wang Yingjie said that outdoor sports are based on the principle of "bullying the mountains but not the water", and if there is a river blocking on the way ahead, you should choose to return to the original road or detour from the mountain, and do not risk wading. When it is necessary to cross the rapids, it is also advisable to build an off-water crossing system, such as a bridge with trees or a rope crossing system, to minimize the need for people to cross the water.

He said that the soft connection used by the personnel in the video to assist in crossing the river cannot help people resist the impact of the flood in the water, and the two ends should be tied tightly with bamboo poles or ropes in the state of leaving the water.

"In the video, only a protective rope is set, and there is no traction rope, so people can't pull on both sides when they fall." Wang Yingjie said that under normal circumstances, two ropes should be set up when crossing the river, and when crossing the river is in danger, people on the bank can use the tow rope to move the people in the river.

In addition, he said that the rope used in the video is not a professional rope, like a flat rope used in a trailer.

"The depth at which a person can wade is below the base of the thigh, beyond which manpower is no longer able to resist the current. The bag should be separated across the river, otherwise the backpack will become a burden to you. Wang Yingjie said that in this situation in the video, there may have been a last chance to rescue, that is, to loosen the flat rope on one side, and tie three big knots at the end of the loose side, and there may be a chance to pull up from one side.

Pay attention to safety when traveling during the flood season

As the temperature rises

People are going out in the wild on the rise

At present, the mainland has entered the flood season in an all-round way

Heavy rainfall and other disastrous weather are frequent

May appear in some areas

Disasters such as flash floods, landslides, and mudslides

Wild play during the flood season

Be sure to stay safe!

The following related cases are a long time of alarm

Punching in and taking pictures suddenly encountered a flood and 7 people died

On August 9, 2023, at the online celebrity check-in point of Yuliangba in Yucheng District, Ya'an, Sichuan, more than ten tourists were taking photos and checking in, when the river suddenly rose, and many people were washed away by the flood, resulting in 7 people killed.

2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

Playing in the wild water suddenly encountered a sudden rise in water, and 4 people died

On August 1, 2023, a number of tourists in Haifeng County, Shanwei, Guangdong Province were caught in rising water while playing in the water at the Dadongmen of Lianhua Mountain, and many people were washed away, resulting in four deaths.


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

Screenshot of the online video

13 people died in a flash flood during a wild trip

On August 4, 2019, a flash flood broke out in the Dodge Gorge in Hefeng County, Hubei Province, trapping many people, killing 13 people and rescuing 61 trapped tourists. "Dodge Gorge" belongs to the Pingshan Scenic Area, and the relevant infrastructure has not yet been built and improved, and there are potential safety hazards, and the opening conditions of the scenic spot have not yet been reached.


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

Be vigilant about the risks of wild travel

Many wild attractions lack the necessary safety facilities, complete tourism supporting services and auxiliary facilities, etc., which cannot ensure the personal safety of tourists.

When traveling, you should strictly abide by the announcements, prohibitions, and warnings issued by the local government and relevant departments, and shall not enter undeveloped and unopened to the public in protected areas, reservoirs, canyons, uninhabited islands, beaches, Internet celebrity attractions and other "wild attractions" to carry out mountaineering, sightseeing, exploration, water play, camping and other activities, and consciously resist the behavior of traveling to "wild scenic spots" to check in.

Please choose regular scenic spots to play, and do not visit, camp and sleep in tidal flats, rivers, mountain foothills, floodways and other areas. Enhance the safety awareness of wading activities, abide by safety regulations, and do not take photos in dangerous locations; Be wary of risks such as falling into the water and falling.

Outdoor travel during the flood season

What are the things to be wary of


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

Travel during the flood season

Facing possible dangers

How to avoid danger and save yourself


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition
2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition
2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

In case of accidental drowning

How can we help ourselves?


2 tourists were swept away across the stream, and they are searching for and rescuing them with all their might! Pros: Multi-link error superposition

Xinmin Evening News (xmwb1929) integrates CCTV News, Beijing News, Upstream News, Orange Persimmon Interactive, Dahe News, and the Ministry of Emergency Management of the People's Republic of China

Edit: Shi Yu
