
Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers


Lawyer Liu Yi "I Speak for Technical Lawyers"

Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers

Hello everyone, I am Liu Yi, deputy director of Jiangsu Wantuo Law Firm.

Before sharing, let's look at a set of data:

According to official statistics released by the Ministry of Justice, by the end of 2022, there were more than 651,600 practicing lawyers and more than 38,600 law firms in China. By 2025, the number of lawyers is conservatively estimated to reach 750,000......

I am based in Suzhou, a new first-tier city, and am a practical lawyer in dispute resolution and enforcement in civil and commercial matters (intellectual property direction). I have been in the industry for nearly ten years, and the most intuitive feeling of the legal industry in the past 1-2 years is that the overall demand of the market has tightened, the customer's ability to pay has declined, and legal service companies and online promotion offices engaged in low-price competition have sprung up, and the development of young lawyers is very difficult.

Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers

In the past few years, with a lack of experience, not enough technology, and a poor industry environment, is there any opportunity to gain a foothold in the lawyer industry or even open a hanging?

I think there are definitely opportunities.

First of all, the polishing of one's own profession is always the first; Second, hardware and software must be upgraded simultaneously.

It is generally believed that the work of lawyers is often non-standardized, but in fact, there are some general rules, scientific time allocation, good work habits, and the application of efficiency tools can improve the quality and efficiency of work.

Recently, I have gained in-depth experience of legal tools such as Alpha, Evernote, No-Litigation and Peacemaking in my case-handling practice, and have gained a deeper understanding of the convenience and inspiration they have brought to me.

In summary, legal tools have the following advantages:

1 Increase productivity

Legal tools can help lawyers quickly retrieve laws and regulations, cases, legal documents, and other materials, saving us time spent on consulting paper books and documents. For example, using the "Cainiu Lawyer" app, these tools can also help us to carry out simple case management, calculate lawyer fees, and improve work efficiency.

2. Organize case information

Legal tools can help lawyers organize and archive case-related materials, including evidentiary materials, legal documents, case progress (I see that this part of the function is also available in peace, litigation), etc., so that lawyers can consult and adjust at any time, which helps to improve the organization and systematization of case handling.

3 Search of laws and regulations

The legal and regulatory retrieval function provided by the legal tool (the magic weapon of Peking University, Alpha has this function) can help lawyers quickly find the required legal provisions, judicial interpretations, cases, etc., and provide strong support for lawyers to handle cases.

4 Case management

Legal tools can help lawyers effectively manage cases, including case progress, case reminders, task assignments, etc., to improve the work collaboration of the lawyer team, in order to solve this pain point, I used Tower to achieve case progress management, and then I still feel that Tower is not a software for the legal market segment, and there is no preset case progress node as an optional option, which is still more troublesome.

5 Work together

When I worked in a state-owned enterprise many years ago, I knew that there was a China Shipping Collaboration Platform, which is a SaaS system. If legal tools can realize online communication and collaboration between lawyers and parties, judges, prosecutors and other parties, it can greatly improve communication efficiency and reduce communication costs.

In my opinion, most lawyers' inefficient handling of cases is not entirely due to the limitations of objective conditions, but also because of problems in their own working methods and time management.

Among the productivity tools I have used, the ones that best meet my work needs are not Alpha, which has a reputation of thousands of annual fees, nor Evernote, which has more users, or no lawsuits, but peace lawsuits that do not have high brand influence but high prices.

What I agree about peace litigation is that it can meet almost all the scenarios I work from, from case acceptance to case closure.

The first is case management, which is a card-based case management table, which can integrate the information and progress of multiple cases, and can also directly display the timeline of the project in the table;

Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers

The second is time management, which directly creates schedule reminders in tables and outlines, and the team shares schedules;

Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers

The third is document management, the table switches the file view, and you can access the project file at any time when you follow up the case.

Lawyer Liu Yi: The "skills" of lawyers in the form of an army of 750,000 lawyers

This way, I don't have to switch between case management tools, time management tools, and document management tools, and I can use one settlement tool.

However, while enjoying the convenience of legal tools, I was also aware of some problems.

Here, I would also like to share some suggestions and expectations for peace litigation through this article.

As a long-time user of peace litigation, I would like to put forward the following views and suggestions on the lawyer tool of peace litigation:

1. Support the payment model

First of all, I support paying because it ensures that the lawsuit has enough money to continue to iterate and update it, so as to keep it competitive and attractive. At the same time, I also hope that the litigation can be continuously improved, avoid unfinished, and truly become a tool that lawyers can trust for a long time.

2. Add the function of accidental deletion recovery

Regarding the 100G cloud disk service provided after payment, I would like to add a function to restore accidental deletion. Similar to the service of Nut Cloud, such a function can ensure that when we use the cloud disk, even if we accidentally delete the file, we can easily retrieve the previous version and avoid losses caused by misoperation.

3. Collaborative file checking

I believe that the clerical function may not be reaching its full potential at the moment. Compared with simple document generation, if the litigation can be optimized into a collaborative file search function, it will be more in line with the actual work needs of lawyers. In this way, we can organize and search case materials more conveniently, and improve work efficiency.

4. Increase the exposure of celebrity lawyers

I suggest increasing the exposure of celebrity lawyers. By showcasing their successful cases, professional knowledge and experience sharing, they can not only attract the attention of more users and form organic traffic, but also provide examples for other lawyers to learn from and learn from, and promote the progress of the entire legal service industry.

More than.

The legal profession is a long and challenging one, and once you decide to make it your lifelong career, you need to have a strong will and perseverance.

In the early stages of your internship and practice, you need to be able to endure financial hardship, physical and mental exertion, and great pressure, while keeping up with the development trends of the industry.

In the face of rapid changes in the legal industry, we must remain discerning and innovative. Only by constantly learning and actively adapting to new changes can we gain an advantage in the fierce competition and become a leader in the industry.

Finally, I look forward to the continuous optimization and innovation of "Peacemaking" to provide more efficient and convenient services for lawyers. I also hope that the peace lawsuit can take into account some of my suggestions and expectations, and grow together for a better future.