
Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

author:Liwen is pleasing to the heart
Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

1, "True Love is a Fear"

You came too suddenly

Love is silent


Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

A moment of love

It's a sudden bolt of lightning,

Heat that can't be resisted

It terrifies me,

Rapid heartbeat

It's the waves of the riptide tumbling

Rolling love

Boiling in the bottom of my heart.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you


I have real feelings for you


Love is all about wounds in the end,

Fear of true love

There's always too much helplessness,

harm 怕真情

It will be a bleak eventually.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

Don't want to

The flood of being loved


Just let me be hypocritical


Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

The flame that doesn't want to be loved


Just let me be helpless

Wandering around.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you
Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

2, "I Really Love You"

You came too suddenly,

Love is silent


Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

That flickering



Betrayed me.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

Like a moth

In your light


Use all your might

Get out of the way

Don't let yourself get caught in

The tide of love,

Don't let yourself

Fall into the web of love.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

It's you who are too good

I never panicked

It's you who are too innocent

I've never been nervous,

It hurts too much to be hurt by love

How could I do it again.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

Your love has awakened me

Wounds that have been sleeping for a long time

Wordless bitterness

It is a meandering river.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

Just let a little melancholy

Blowing in the wind

Float to your window

Say hello to you

I'm real

Love you so much!

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you


I like to see a sentence and create something deep. I saw Zhang Xinzhe's sentence a long time ago: "You came too suddenly, and love is silent and silent......"

I felt that this sentence could continue to be created, so I wrote two lyrics, I like in-depth creation very much, I can experience the different feelings of love, and feel the subtle fluctuations of the heart.

Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you
Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you
Two little love songs, true love is a fear, I really love you

Recognize beauty, explore beauty,

Discover beauty and love beauty

Follow the footsteps of beauty

Live a beautiful life

Liwen Yuexin,

In beautiful words

Delight the mind.

Editor: Ru Liwen,

Lovers of literature

He likes literature and poetry

May life and poetry always accompany each other,

May time and beauty always depend on each other.

The picture is from the Internet