
"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

author:Entertainment on movies

The family comedy "Stop-and-Go" starring Gao Yuanyuan and Hu Ge is about to be released, which has won three awards at the 14th Beijing International Film Festival "Temple of Heaven Award" for Best Film, Best Supporting Actress (Yue Hong), and Best Screenplay (Huang Jia).

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

The film tells the story of Wu Di (played by Hu Ge), a young man who has been in Beijing for many years, who has achieved nothing and decides to go back to his hometown to repair for a while, and finds that everything in his hometown is not going well, and later meets his classmate Feng Liuliu (played by Gao Yuanyuan), and his life has taken a new turn.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

At present, the crew is promoting that the "crispy youth" played by Hu Ge, also known as the "gap youth", workplace GAP refers to a period of time in which an individual is in the process of career development, is in a state of resignation, unemployed or engaged in part-time work, but has not found a job that matches his interests and long-term career planning.

Wu Di is a short-term unemployed and is on the waiting list.

Hu Ge also responded to his gap period, saying that actors are not like office workers, they may finish filming a drama in the next part a few months later, and the time in the middle is the gap period, while Gao Yuanyuan said that her gap period is more than the time of work, so she starts again, and she feels that the gap is too long, and she can't keep up with the rhythm.

Hu Ge responded by squeezing into the nest and waste the track, admitting that there is also a nest side in life, but it is definitely not wasted.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

Hu Ge also responded to the Magnolia Award nomination, saying that starring in "Flowers" was filmed for three and a half years, and he saw the artist's persistence in director Wong Kar-wai.

Hu Ge has actually been shortlisted for the Magnolia Award for Best Actor four times, the first time was for starring in "Langya Bang" and won the award, the second time was "The Hunting Ground", the third time was "County Party Committee Compound", and the fourth time was for starring in "Flowers". This time he was shortlisted for the 29th Magnolia Award for Best Actor, Hu Ge still has a lot of hope of winning the award, but the competition is very fierce, and the other shortlisted actors are Wang Yang, Fan Wei, Ding Yongdai, Wang Renjun, etc., until the last moment, I really don't know who won the final award.

Hu Ge is undoubtedly a motivated actor, he constantly tries different themes and plays various roles, effectively improving his ability to adapt to roles, broadening his acting path, and his ability to choose scripts is also constantly improving. used to be a traffic star, but now he is more like a powerful actor, constantly climbing the peak of performance and winning many awards.

Some people are still tearing up the position, caring who the nomination is, these fan circle culture has fallen behind, which is not conducive to the cultivation of actors, and Hu Ge has long walked out of such a predicament, constantly honing his acting skills, and gaining everyone's recognition. Hu Ge also said that the purpose of acting is not to win awards, the process is the most important, and he is very happy to be able to shoot.

Hu Ge has such an understanding, which shows that he is not a star, but an actor who is serious about acting. How good an actor's acting skills are, it shows how high his pattern is, and some people are complacent about winning awards, but he doesn't care about winning awards at all, and enjoys the process of shaping the role more.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

Hu Ge is 42 years old, in recent years, he has actually been transforming, no longer acting in idol dramas, but in contact with many film and television dramas with realistic themes, such as starring in "It's Not Worth the Trip", "Stop and Go", "County Party Committee Compound", "Flowers", etc., many of which are in line with the mentality of young people today, and they are also social issues, partial to literary and artistic genres, and not big productions. may be able to temper his acting skills by playing some small characters, and if the little people are all alive, it means that Hu Ge's acting skills have improved. "It's Not Worth the Trip" won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Actor, he plays a young man who writes eulogies for others, the theme is special, there are no popular elements, but it hits people's hearts, makes people reflect, and can go to the heart, which is very important.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

Now starring in "Stop and Go" is about to be released, netizens also give high praise to Hu Ge's performance, thinking that he performed the playful and cute "Crispy Youth", and it is lifelike, no matter how good or bad it is, it cannot represent the essence of the individual, the important thing is the attitude towards life and family.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

Everyone found that Hu Ge was very suitable for acting in comedy, the laughter was very smart, the laughter was very good, the director filmed very life-like, avoiding things that may be bloody or chicken soup on the story, the comedy effect may be life itself, the actors have a lot of improvisational performances on the shooting site, and they also filmed the most real and natural reactions of many actors, this kind of performance gives the movie an extremely relaxed life texture.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

Some people also think that Hu Ge acted in a non-literary film, and this movie is not only extremely good, but also extremely romantic.

Hu Ge played the screenwriter for the second time, Wen Shan of "It's Worth the Trip" and Wu Di of "Stop and Go", the two characters are sad and happy, showing different personalities, but what remains unchanged is to express the current living conditions and ideal thinking of young people.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results

The film has opened pre-sale and will be released on June 8, only 4 days away, looking forward to the film's big hit and more audience recognition.

"Stop-and-Go" will be screened, an anti-anxiety comedy, and Hu Ge plays the role of GAP youth comedy with good results



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