
A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

author:Wang Xinxi

Text/Wang Xinxi

The development of the Internet is also accompanied by the disappearance of many Internet memories, and the post-80s generation has a lot of feelings, and many Internet products that used to be very easy to use have gradually disappeared. Let's take stock of it.

Behind the fall of the Golden Mountain Ranger

After the 80s and 90s who like classic games, many people have an impression of a software called "Jinshan Ranger". "Golden Mountain Ranger" is a modifier software that became popular among players around the beginning of 2000, in that era when PC computers were just beginning to become popular, the original Age of Empires, Warcraft Frozen Throne, Need for Speed, Medal of Honor and other stand-alone games were very popular.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

The software's support for game modification is close to perfect, and it was even able to modify online games at one time, and it is also a modification artifact for all kinds of old games.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

In that era when software resources were not abundant, "Kingsoft Ranger" provided many practical functions, such as game screenshots, game screen recording, variable speed gear, virtual optical drive, etc., these tools did benefit many players back then.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

The core function of Kingsoft Ranger is to locate the memory address of a specific data by tracking its numerical changes, and then modify it to achieve the purpose of cheating. The existence of this anti-heaven function has aroused the disgust of game developers.

In order to prevent players from using "Golden Mountain Ranger", in addition to special encryption of data, some games have also tried to prevent players from modifying by listening to specific shortcuts, such as pressing the keypad* in the game and popping up other windows, and the game will freeze directly.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Therefore, this has led to the uselessness of Kingsoft Ranger in many games, which is the most important reason why Kingsoft Ranger has withdrawn from the stage of history.

Qianqianjing listened to the times, and local playback turned to online playback

Most of the post-80s and post-90s adolescence are accompanied by thousands of music playback software. Qianqian Jing Listening, is a popular music playback software all over the country, and it is also recognized as a very excellent product.

The installation package is very small, and the interface of the main program is very small, so it can be stored in a tray without taking up space on the taskbar. It takes up less than 5MB of RAM to run, so even the oldest computers with 128MB of RAM can run.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

As a local playback software,You can copy it to a USB flash drive to use,And the whole software runs without any ads,All functions are completely for local music playback,Supported formats in addition to conventional MP3、WMA,AAC format,Lossless APE、FLAC are also supported。

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

One of the highlights of this app back then was that you could automatically search for lyrics in LRC format from the Internet and display them, with very fast matching and downloading speeds, and completely free.

The disappearance and cessation of such an excellent music playback software went downhill after being acquired by Baidu, and in 2013, it was officially renamed Baidu Music and lost its original characteristics. In the era of mobile Internet, it is almost no longer necessary to play music locally, but more to play music online. After Baidu's acquisition, it did not make a good transition to the mobile terminal and did not keep up with the rhythm of the mobile Internet, resulting in the continuous loss of users, which is a big pity in the eyes of many people.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Where is QQ video and audio loss?

QQ video and audio are also the memories of the youth of the post-80s and 90s.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Launched in September 2008, QQ Video is a local player launched by Tencent that supports a wide range of video and music file formats. After the product was launched, the user reputation has been good, with a small volume and its own hardware acceleration capabilities, and there are no ads for playing videos, with a fairly high user base.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

No ads, playback format support is not bad, and it also comes with various small features, format conversion, etc. This product, which is called Tencent's conscience, is also a product in the memory of the post-80s and 90s.

Computer movies replace video recorders and disc players, and all kinds of video playback software are indispensable, but its end stems from the rise of online video on the Internet, the demand for local playback has decreased, and the video copyright has gradually been standardized, and local video content is becoming less and less. In 2022, the PC, Apple Mac, Android, and iOS versions of QQ Video are no longer available for download.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Jinchang EX9000, the mystery of easy-to-use software stoppage

This software is the domestic printing and dyeing color separation software, which has strong ability and reliability in processing high-precision and high-difficulty drafts. In fact, it has stopped updating when Microsoft 98,Before that,A lot of download stations can download the cracked version,This software was running on a floppy disk back then,Industry share is as high as 80%. Microsoft has reached W11, but it is still a very important software tool in the textile and printing industry.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

It is not clear whether the textile printing and dyeing industry in other countries has this kind of similar software, but more than 80% of the prints on everyone's clothes are made by this software.

In fact, as a software tool in the textile and printing industry, it is conditional to become bigger and profitable, and the suspension of this software is still a mystery.

Feiqiu's disappearance was hit by giants

Feiqiu software, after 80 in the university intranet to learn computer courses even when just joined the work, many people or have the impression that it focuses on a pure and efficient communication tool on the intranet, it refers to the flying pigeon and QQ, fully compatible with the flying pigeon transmission protocol, with the advantages of LAN transmission, fast speed, simple operation, and at the same time has some functions in QQ, is a perfect substitute for the flying pigeon. It supports voice, remote assistance, group chat, and doesn't require a server.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Feiqiu's disappearance stems from the fact that there are fewer users who use it. 13 years later, Ali, DingTalk, Tencent and WeChat, and other enterprises have developed products that are more in line with the company's internal use in terms of function and security.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Feiqiu lacks a proper profit model, a product without a profit model or a product that is not intended to be profitable from the beginning, it is difficult to maintain, especially when Ali Tencent cuts into this market, developers can develop with enthusiasm, but in the case of not making a profit, it is difficult to update all the time.

If customers are asked to pay, then they would rather use Alibaba, Tencent's products. When users poured into Tencent Enterprise WeChat and Ali DingTalk on a large scale, Feiqiu's software was naturally eliminated and became the tears of the times.

Behind the deactivation of Picasa, the free steering charges

Picasa was founded by Lifescape in 2002 and later acquired by Google. It includes cloud backup/storage of unlimited photos and videos, completely free, animated GIFs, and more. Picasa is an easy-to-use, local image browsing management software with automatic categorization and machine learning functions, which will help you automatically scan the software, sort by date, and help us quickly realize the layout of images and the creation of image walls.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

Select a few pictures to typeset, and you can get a better effect with one click, saving us a lot of cropping, zooming in, and shrinking, which is very efficient and practical.

Especially if you have more than 10,000 photos, you know how important a good image management software is. Later, Google Stop made it into an online Google Photos, which automatically migrated Picasa's content to the corresponding account's Google Photos, providing more powerful machine learning and auto-categorization capabilities.

A sigh, behind 6 easy-to-use but discontinued software

But the problem is that Google is doing this to pave the way for a fee, and in 2020, Google Photos announced that any new photos uploaded by users, whether in original or high quality, will take up 15GB of free storage, and if you exceed the limit, then you will have to subscribe to Google One cloud storage to unlock more storage. Local storage became online storage, and a fee-based business model followed.

Nice to use but disappear behind the software

Behind these easy-to-use but disappearing software, either when the tide of mobile Internet comes, it still follows the product model of the PC side, such as Qianqian Jingting; In addition, it is either a long-term lack of profit model and the impact of more powerful giant competitors, such as Feiqiu. Either it's good to work behind it, but it has the problem of infringing on the rights and interests of other companies. For example, Kingsoft Ranger infringed on the normal rights and interests of other game companies, and was countered by the game industry, resulting in the inability to survive.

At the same time, many of the original software suffered from the impact of the online business model, including Qianqian Jingting, QQ video and audio, etc., from the trend point of view, some of the original software that only did local playback and storage have become online, online means that resources, copyright content rights are concentrated in the hands of giant companies, rather than in the hands of users, which is more conducive to Internet companies to occupy resources for commercial realization, but also lead to many high-quality film and television works can no longer be seen, A lot of good software stays in the user's memory.

When more and more audio-visual content begins to charge, the rise of Douyin is essentially to impact the giant audio-visual content charging model with free audio-visual content resources, and the era is a new reincarnation.


The development of the Internet is rolling forward, we must not only follow the spirit of free openness and sharing of products in the old era, but also conform to the direction of the tide of the times and the transfer of user habits, the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves, and the new people replace the old people in a year, for Internet manufacturers, it is always important to keep up with the changes of the times and the changes in consumer needs and habits, we cannot change the direction of the tide, but when the next wave of tide comes, we can ensure that we can follow the direction of the trend and let ourselves stand there.

Author: Wang Xinxi, Senior Reviewer of TMT This article is not reproduced without permission

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