
Wang Manni and Fan Shengmei are guilty of the common disease of poor girls

author:The soup is small

Recently, I have taken a lot of videos of how low-level girls counterattack, and then I thought of two representatives, one Wang Manni and the other Fan Shengmei.

They are all ordinary girls, and at the same time, they all want to counterattack, and in order to counterattack, they do everything they can.

The goal is to be able to put down roots in a big city and live a relatively good life.

The two of them worked really hard, Wang Manni didn't dare to drink water for work, and even her body had problems. Fan Shengmei, mixed among all the rich people, is about to mix up the money.

But unfortunately, even with such efforts, the results are not satisfactory.

Because they are trying in the wrong direction, and these mistakes are common to poor girls.


First of all, the money is not treated the right way.

Wang Manni's salary is not low, but most of the money is used to rent a house and buy luxury goods. When chasing the drama, some viewers said in the barrage that Wang Manni is too willing to spend money, isn't it good to save money to buy a house?

Ordinary girls are especially easy to be brainwashed by consumerism, thinking that in order to live in a better house, there must be a few luxuries, otherwise others will look down on them.

But in fact, luxury goods don't make others look at you more.

Gu Jia is a typical example, she spent a lot of money to buy a bag, but she was compared to the bag of other rich ladies when she took pictures, and hid behind her, none of those people looked down on her.

When I heard about her family's business, she couldn't make a lot of money, and she was still looking for contacts everywhere, why did people look up to her? Just carrying hundreds of thousands of bags?

To be honest, luxury goods also bluff people who are lower than you, so that others mistakenly think that you are rich and can benefit from you.

People who are higher than you, people can afford to buy them, and they have long been disenchanted by these things, and they value your true strength more.

So the ultimate role of luxury is just to make you a little more confident, and people who are lower than you have a better attitude towards you.

I'm an ordinary girl myself, and I've been lost in luxury and spent a lot of money on designer bags. I thought that carrying this bag would be treated differently, but it turned out that it was not.

Consumption beyond the scope of your ability, and another fatal flaw, is that it is easier to expose your poverty. The brand-name shoes that Wang Manni bought were pasted with bottom glue, and Liang Zhengxian saw this small detail at a glance.

This detail is actually telling people nakedly: I can't afford to consume these shoes, so I have to provide them like a baby.

is very similar to Zhang Ailing's sentence, when it rains, the poor want to rub the rich man's umbrella, but the rain flows more on his body and is even more embarrassed.

Every month's salary is spent on renting and buying, and I still want to stay in Shanghai, isn't it a delusion?

Compared with Wang Manni, Fan Shengmei is even more miserable, her money is spent on her original family, and she is endlessly sucked by her parents and brother.

I once said in a video that for girls at the bottom, they must not try to be the savior of the family. When you want to save the original family, you will definitely rot with the original family.

Because you are not capable enough, your strength is very weak, but you still have to fly with a big burden, and it is strange that you can fly high and far.

The ancients have long said: If you are poor, you will be good to yourself, and if you are good, you will help the world.

When you are still poor, take care of yourself first, try to grow yourself, and don't spend money on others. When you grow up and have the ability, you will be able to help your family better.

It's called latency help, and it's even more powerful.

All the people who can do things seem to be a little ruthless. But this ruthlessness is actually another kind of goodness, kindness to oneself and kindness to one's family.

If Fan Shengmei hadn't let her brother and sister-in-law suck blood, maybe her brother would still have a chance. It is precisely because she takes care of everything that the family relies on her for everything, and they can't learn to be independent.

However, with Fan Shengmei's way of doing things, if the money is not spent on the original family, it should be spent on renting and luxury goods like Wang Manni, and the result will be the same as Wang Manni.

They always think that if the money is spent in a visible place, others will look up to them, but in fact, it will only give people the impression of vanity.

Money should be spent on things that help grow and make money so that you have a chance to fight back.


The second is that he always hopes to change his fate through marriage.

Wang Manni's cruise trip is not only to enjoy life and see the world, but also because in such a place, it is easier to meet rich and handsome.

Later, when I was with Liang Zhengxian, I didn't have any suspicions, this person was perfect like a fake. Gu Jia also reminded her to be careful, but she still fell into it and spent most of her time and energy on Liang Zhengxian.

Not to mention Fan Shengmei, she has never thought of changing her fate by herself, and has always wanted to rely on men.

This is a common problem for almost all ordinary girls.

I myself have had, when I was in my twenties, I always fantasized that there was a prince charming who could save me from fire and water, he had everything, but I loved the ordinary I couldn't love it.

Otherwise, Qiong Yao and those overlord novels are so popular, because every girl will have such dreams.

It wasn't until I experienced the difficulties of marriage and saw the reality of men clearly that I realized how stupid I was at the beginning, it was just a fool's dream. You don't have anything, your family is not good, your career is not good, you look average, are you blind or stupid to love you!

Marriage is never a ladder to change your life, on the contrary, marriage is extremely important to the right person.

Getting married is as painful as swallowing a needle.

But most ordinary girls have strong self-esteem and can't stand a little grievance. So after Wang Manni knew that Liang Zhengxian had a genuine girlfriend, she said that she couldn't share her boyfriend with other women.

I actually admire the kind of girl who can endure any grievances in order to get married, and at least for the sake of the goal, she can endure all the hardships.

Most people can't do it, so it's not suitable for most people to change their lives through marriage, and even if they have the opportunity to meet it, they can't catch it, or they don't want to catch it.

What can be done, there is only one way left for most ordinary girls, and that is to rely on themselves.

After Wang Manni realized this, she worked hard for a period of time, and when she went to ask for debts, she withstood all kinds of pressure, completed the KPI perfectly, and got a large bonus.

This is the correct posture for ordinary girls to counterattack, spend time, energy and money on growth, and then work hard to break through on their own.

Don't delusionally think that marriage can change your life, you can't change it before, but now you can't change it, look at what the marriage and love environment on the Internet has become now, everyone takes an abacus to calculate, for fear that the other party will take advantage of themselves.

After breaking out by yourself, you can buy as many luxury goods as you want, and you have to have any kind of marriage.

Wang Manni and Fan Shengmei are guilty of the common disease of poor girls