
Today (June 4, 2024)

author:Long An Rong Media
Today (June 4, 2024)

June 4, 2024

Today (June 4, 2024)

Rumor to travel to Yunnan subsidy of 3169 yuan per person?

Today (June 4, 2024)

Truth: Recently, a number of posts entitled "It's Settled!" have appeared on online platforms. XXX has been clarified! The subsidy is 3169 yuan per person! claimed that Yunnan officials are issuing large tourism subsidies, and tourists can enjoy 6 days and 5 nights of in-depth tours of Yunnan for 499 yuan. The posts were accompanied by a screenshot of the "Three-Year Action for the Construction of a Strong Cultural and Tourism Province in Yunnan (2023-2025)" issued by the General Office of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the Yunnan Provincial People's Government. In this regard, the Comprehensive Law Enforcement Supervision Bureau of the Yunnan Provincial Department of Culture and Tourism issued a statement to refute the rumors, saying that after verification, the online "It's Settled! XXX has been clarified! The subsidy is 3169 yuan per person! The relevant posts are all false news. Consumers are reminded to boycott "unreasonable low-cost travel" when buying tourism products, and in case of products with words such as "preferential travel" and "time-limited subsidies", please buy cautiously to avoid "greedy for cheap, big things". (Source: @云南省文旅执法)

Today (June 4, 2024)

Copp: What secrets are hidden on the far side of the moon?

Details: At 6:23 a.m. on June 2, the Chang'e-6 lander and ascender combination successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area on the far side of the moon, and will complete the shoveling, drilling and sampling tasks on the far side of the moon in the future. So, what is it about the far side of the moon that deserves so much painstaking exploration?

The main tasks of Chang'e-6 on the far side of the moon include: searching for new minerals, searching for deep lunar materials, searching for ancient minerals, studying thonzolite, searching for nominal water-bearing minerals, searching for high-pressure minerals, etc. In addition, some popular research topics that require the help of Chang'e-6 include space weathering characteristics, electromagnetic properties of lunar dust, new indicators of lunar soil maturity, and in-situ resource utilization schemes.

The Chang'e-6 mission is not only the first human return mission on the far side of the moon, but also Chang'e-6 chose to sample on the far side of the moon in order to collect samples as different as possible from the previous Apollo series of the United States, the LUNA series of the Soviet Union, and the Chang'e-5 of China, so as to help us study the moon more comprehensively. (Source: "Popular Science China" WeChat public account)


Chang'e-6 successfully landed on the back of the moon! What secrets are hidden on the far side of the ancient moon?

Today (June 4, 2024)

Reminder Tips on preventing the recruitment of non-staff staff in the name of the Department of Aging of the Ministry of Civil Affairs

Details: On June 3, the Department of Aging Work of the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the "Reminder on Preventing the Recruitment of Non-staff Staff in the Name of the Department of Aging Work of the Ministry of Civil Affairs", pointing out that recently, some institutions or individuals have fraudulently used the name of the "Department of Aging Work of the Ministry of Civil Affairs" to release information on the recruitment of non-staff staff. In order to protect the lawful rights and interests of the people, the relevant matters are hereby reminded as follows:

1. The Department of Aging of the Ministry of Civil Affairs has never organized the recruitment of non-staff staff through the issuance of documents or other means. The public is requested to be vigilant and not to trust relevant information from unknown sources to avoid losses.

2. If the public discovers that lawbreakers are recruiting non-staff personnel for profit under the pretense of the Department of Aging Affairs, they may file a complaint or report to the civil affairs department or other relevant departments. (Source: "China Civil Affairs" WeChat public account)

Reminder These acts that cause losses to the medical insurance fund constitute the crime of fraud

Details: In response to the non-standard problems of drug exchange and over-prescribing drugs in some retail pharmacies, resulting in the loss of medical insurance funds, the National Health Insurance Administration said on June 2 that it will increase the supervision of designated retail pharmacies.

In accordance with the provisions of the Regulations on the Supervision and Administration of the Use of Medical Security Funds and other regulations, designated retail pharmacies shall not induce or assist others to impersonate or falsely purchase drugs, shall not forge, alter, conceal, alter or destroy medical documents, accounting vouchers, electronic information and other relevant materials, and shall not fabricate medical service items. Violation of this requirement is an act of insurance fraud, and the responsible person may be imprisoned for it. (Source: "CCTV Finance" WeChat public account)

Today (June 4, 2024)

(Source: China Internet Joint Rumor Refutation Platform)