
Heavy! The High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University settled in Guangying!

author:Beijing Neighborhood Circle

For those who come to Guangying, education is a topic that our residents are particularly concerned about! In recent years, everyone has paid great attention to the improvement of regional educational resources, and today Xiaobian learned from the official of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University: Chaoyang School of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University is about to be established, and the school site is located on the south side of the Zhuhuanian Community in Laiguangying, and it is planned to open in September 2027! This means that we have one more public ordinary middle school in Guangying area!

In May 2024, the Chaoyang District People's Government and Beijing Normal University signed a framework agreement on school-local cooperation, under which the two sides will give full play to their respective resource advantages and strengthen exploration and exchanges in the fields of education, culture, social governance, and talents. At the same time, the Chaoyang District Education Commission, the Experimental High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and the Basic Education Development and Management Department of Beijing Normal University jointly signed a cooperation agreement to jointly hold a high-level and distinctive Chaoyang School of the Experimental Middle School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University, and the new school will be completed and opened in September 2027.

The picture comes from the official public account of Chaoyang Affiliated School of Beijing Normal University

The school site is located in the south side of Zhuhuanian Community in Chaoyang Laiguangying District, we can clearly see through the map that the south side of Zhuhuanian Community is currently a vacant land, the location of the school is in the red box in the map below, the south side is the Red Army Camp South Road, the east side is Qingyuan Road, the west side is Qiushi East Street, the size of the school speculates, the gate should be on the side of the Red Army Camp South Road:

The school is basically surrounded by mature communities in Guangying, including Zhuhua Nian, Jiaxing Garden, Chengjin Garden, Beiwei New Garden, etc., as well as nearby Qingyou Garden, Yunshi Garden, Yingqiu Garden, Modi Garden and other communities, which provide a new choice for children to go to school in this vicinity.

Heavy! The High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University settled in Guangying!

After the completion of the school, we can see that in this area, including two middle schools (Heping Street No. 1 Middle School and Beijing Normal University Affiliated High School Experimental School), a primary school (Huajiadi Experimental Primary School Chaolai Campus), as well as kindergartens, etc., the school is not far from the Hongjunying Station of Metro Line 17, which can be reached in 5-10 minutes by bicycle, and there is no doubt about improving the regional education level!

Heavy! The High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University settled in Guangying!

In the future, the Chaoyang Basic Education Group of Beijing Normal University, led by Chaoyang School, an experimental middle school affiliated to Beijing Normal University, may be established to actively give full play to the advantages of group management, provide more high-quality public services for basic education, expand high-quality educational resources, play a leading role in a wider range, and promote the high-quality development of Chaoyang education.

Heavy! The High School Affiliated to Beijing Normal University settled in Guangying!

In order to build a strong education district with Chaoyang characteristics, deepen the "double name project", further optimize the allocation of educational resources, and run an education that satisfies the people, the Chaoyang District Government also signed a school-local cooperation agreement with Beijing Normal University, and the two sides will give full play to their respective resource advantages, strengthen the exploration and exchange in the fields of education, culture, social governance, and talents, and further improve the quality of Chaoyang basic education.

For the people who come to Guangying, the addition of a public middle school has raised the level of education in the region again, and it has also made it convenient for the children at our doorstep to enroll nearby. It's a big plus! Xiaobian will continue to pay attention to regional education trends, release the latest news at any time, and you must pay attention to the Laiguangying Neighborhood Circle (beiyuan99)!