
Huaying cooked food and duck blood products won the honorary title of "high-quality characteristic products" in the province

author:Xinyang, the county economy
Huaying cooked food and duck blood products won the honorary title of "high-quality characteristic products" in the province

  In order to expand domestic demand and promote consumption, cultivate new forms of specialty food industry. Recently, the second Henan "Food Festival" Dragon Boat Festival special event - Dragon Boat Festival dumplings and special food release display and promotion activities were held in Zhengzhou International Trade 360 Square, from Henan nearly 100 local zongzi and special food enterprises carried out on-site product display.

Huaying cooked food and duck blood products won the honorary title of "high-quality characteristic products" in the province

  The theme of the event is "Ode to Duanyang Culture, Taste Henan Food". The event was guided by the Henan Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, and hosted by the Henan Modern Food Industry Alliance, Henan Food Industry Association, and Zhengzhou Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology.

Huaying cooked food and duck blood products won the honorary title of "high-quality characteristic products" in the province

  At the event site, the second Henan "Food Festival" Dragon Boat Festival special event was announced - the list of award-winning products of Dragon Boat Festival dumplings and special foods, among which Huaying roast duck legs, Huaying sesame oil duck, Huaying duck blood and other gourmet products were selected as "high-quality characteristic products". It is understood that the award-winning products have undergone strict tasting and screening, including quality requirements, appearance and packaging, smell, color, taste and texture, etc., aiming to evaluate the special foods with high quality and unique flavor.

Huaying cooked food and duck blood products won the honorary title of "high-quality characteristic products" in the province

  In this selection activity, Huaying roast duck leg, Huaying sesame oil duck, duck blood and other products stood out among the giants of the province with superior product quality, rich taste, convenient and fast packaging, and were recognized and respected by the judges. In the future, Huaying Agriculture will focus on the needs of customer groups, actively explore and innovate duck cooked food products, strictly control quality, build high-end brands, stabilize the status of leading enterprises, and lead the new future of Chinese duck industry cuisine.

(This article comes from [Huaying Agriculture], edited by [Kaisheng Financial Media], please indicate the original author to maintain the integrity of the article.) If there is any infringement, please contact us to delete. )

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