
Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"

author:Lao Sun is at the forefront of science and technology


Quick guide

Apple recently classified the iPhone X, first-generation AirPods, and the original HomePod as classics, defining classics as products that have been out of sale for 5 to 7 years, and obsolete products that have been out of sale for more than 7 years. These classic products are still repairable, but will lose hardware service support once they become obsolete.

Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"

Apple's classification of classic products

Apple recently classified three of its iconic products as "classics." The iPhone X, the first-generation AirPods, and the original HomePod have been included in Apple's list of classic and knocked out products.

Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"

Definition of classic vs. obsolete

When Apple stops selling a product for five to seven years, the product is classified as a classic. On the other hand, if a product is out of sale at Apple for more than seven years, it is considered obsolete.

Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"

Apple's repair policy for classic products

Classic Apple products such as iPhone X, first-generation AirPods, and the original HomePod can still be repaired subject to parts availability. However, once the product becomes obsolete, it will lose all of Apple's hardware service support.

Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"
Apple announced that these three products are "obsolete"

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