
Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

author:Shanghai Chongming
Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

Colorful fallen leaves, fluttering butterflies, discarded plastic bottles, these commonplace objects in nature and life, with dexterous hands, can be collaged and carved into lifelike pictures of flowers and birds and breathtaking handicrafts. Chen Yong, a 70-year-old resident of Xingxian Street in Chengqiao Town, used his unique artistic inspiration and expression to show his love for life and unique insights into natural beauty. Let's take a look at his art world.

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful
Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

Walking into Chen Yong's house, it is like entering a colorful gallery, the walls of the living room and bedroom are posted with pictures made of butterfly wings and leaves, and the bedroom wardrobe and desktop are placed with handicrafts carved from laundry detergent bottles, which are dazzling and dizzying.

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

A picture of Cai Ling on the wall attracted the attention of reporters, the materials used to make this picture are butterfly wings and ginkgo biloba, the natural texture of the leaves and the gorgeous butterfly wings are perfectly integrated, into the shape of fishing boats, pavilions and lakes, showing a fresh and beautiful picture of Cai Ling in the water town, the whole picture has clear color layers, vivid charm, lifelike.

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

Chen Yong loves butterflies, and after retirement, he once happened to appreciate butterfly leaf stickers and handicrafts that turn waste into treasure, and since then, he has been obsessed with "waste handicrafts".

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

In addition to the leaves and butterflies puzzle, Chen Yong also showed the reporter another of his unique skills, carving handicrafts with waste plastic bottles, flowers, birds, fish and insects, birds and animals, architectural figures are the subject of creation, from cutting proofing, composition and stereotype, each process is meticulous, the site of the first congress of the party, the Badaling Great Wall, Hainan coconut grove style, a piece of different works are pleasing to the eye. Chen Yong said that whether it is collage or carving, you must concentrate.

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

To make handicrafts, material collection is the first step, for which Chen Yong has spent a lot of effort. On weekdays, he often goes to parks, green spaces, and sea ponds, not only to exercise, but also to look for precious butterflies, and he also goes to the recycling station and even the garbage bin room to find discarded laundry detergent bottles. For more than 10 years, Chen Yong has learned a lot about the characteristics of butterfly species and various leaves.

Amazing! Chongming's works of this ancient old man are so beautiful

Chen Yong introduced: "Cypress wood is generally used for leaf carving, and the leaves in autumn are more suitable, and ginkgo biloba leaves are the best, which are not easy to change color. I mainly collect colored leaves. ”

Over the years, Chen Yong has created nearly 100 works, some of which are placed at home, some of which are given to relatives, friends and neighbors, and he has found the joy of creation in the seemingly boring life. Although Chen Yong is 74 years old, he has a strong body and dexterous fingers, he said that it is very interesting to insist on doing what he likes, and he hopes that his works can be recognized by more people out of the "deep boudoir".

Reporter: Zhang Yongchang

Editor: Gu Jiali