
Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"

author:Lack of desire for good
Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"

Iron head

The iron head is on fire! Because he went to a place where ghosts were worshipped, it sounded scary. But he was there to soak in the divine water, and also indicated that this place was a toilet [呲tooth], amazing! Kudos to him [like] [like].

Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"


This is not a big deal, and it is safe to return home.

has safely arrived at the place of "heaven above, Suzhou and Hangzhou below", "after all, the West Lake is in June, and the scenery is not the same as the four seasons." The lotus leaves are infinitely green, and the lotus flowers are different red", little brother, you are this [like].

Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"

Eden Garden

Someone quits, a reward of 5 million, someone even quits, a reward of 10 million, my God, I'm really willing! It's just a pity that it's a yen, it's worthless.

Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"

A reward of 5 million was offered

Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"

A reward of 10 million was offered

And their reporter chased him to Hangzhou, interviewed Tietou, and asked him if he had no reflection on what he had done? The iron head and all the righteous people replied, "Reflect on you, "Eight $ Yalu".

Why don't you reflect on nuclear wastewater? How can illegal whaling not be introspected? Why don't you reflect on the Nanjing Massacre?

Don't worry, Tietou, there are 1.4 billion people to back you up, and more people agree with your approach, what do you have to fear!

Reflect on your "eight $ Yalu"


Stand up straight and don't lie down [呲tooth]