
A master of seeing crises in the subtleties

author:Lack of desire for good
A master of seeing crises in the subtleties

Shan Xianggong

In 600 B.C., there was a minister in the Zhou Dynasty, Shan Xianggong, whose eyes were like torches, who was good at observing words and colors, seeing the small, and seeing the big with the small, and became a great prophet admired by everyone, do you know?

A master of seeing crises in the subtleties

Shan Xianggong sent an envoy to Chen Guo

Once Shan Xianggong sent an envoy to Chen Guo, the monarch of Chen State did not have time to greet him, it turned out that the monarch and the other two ministers went to look for flowers and ask willows, Shan Xianggong relied on his own observation, thinking that people who do not know etiquette and do not know honesty will definitely be in great trouble. As a result, Chen Guojun was killed because of jealousy, and the country perished.

A master of seeing crises in the subtleties

Minister Jin Xiao

Another time, when he went to the Jin Kingdom, he saw that Jin Ligong was attending an event, his eyes always looked far away and not near him, and his feet were raised high, and he was absent-minded, and his ministers were arrogant and spoke presumptuously. Shan Xianggong saw that there was a discord between them, so he predicted that something would happen, and sure enough, soon, Jin Ligong was killed, and those ministers were also killed one after another, and there was a big mess.

A master of seeing crises in the subtleties

Accurately predict who will succeed you

The prince sent by the Jin State to the Zhou Dynasty to study with Shan Xianggong is called Zhou, although he is in the Zhou State, this person is very concerned about the state affairs of the Jin State, no good or bad things happen in the country, he is sometimes sad and sometimes happy, these are all seen by Shan Xianggong, and the prophecy says that Zhou cares so much about state affairs and will become the heir of the Jin State in the future. Sure enough, a few years later, the Duke of Jin Li was killed, and Prince Zhou returned to the Jin Kingdom and inherited the throne, which was the Duke of Jin Mourning.

Another time, he found that Guo Zuo of Qi State was talking very arrogantly, his eyes were empty, and Qi Linggong was gullible enough to kill, so he predicted that these two people would not have a good result. Later, the fate of the two was just as Shan Xianggong said.

I didn't expect that as early as 2600 years ago, there was such a figure in our Chinese nation, he must be a wise man like Guiguzi, but unfortunately, because the writing and writing were not developed at that time, and Shan Xianggong did not leave a work, we can't know what his knowledge is, and we can't learn his observation methods, so we can only sigh.

In addition, let me explain to you what the Xiang of Shan Xianggong means. The so-called Xiang, is a person who has the virtue of opening up the territory, it seems that at that time, the Zhou Dynasty named him Xianggong, and the evaluation was also quite high, he must have a lot of wisdom that is not known to us, but unfortunately it is drowned in history.