
Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

author:Liang Xiansen said
Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

Human beings are emotional creatures, and they all have seven emotions and six desires.

As individuals living in society, we are often troubled by a variety of complex factors.

However, as long as we can perceive and avoid the four evils, we can make our life path smoother.


Trouble in the way

Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

Disasters that stand in the way do not necessarily come from our enemies or adversaries, but are often caused by seemingly harmless people.

They may feel inhibited by our words and actions and take drastic action.

Once you get in the way of others, those who don't seem to be fierce tend to strike the hardest.

Therefore, we should always be humble and cautious to avoid hindering the development of others.

The scourge of words

Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

We must be careful not to let evil come out of our mouths.

Words are a double-edged sword, both to help us build good relationships and to hurt others through inappropriate expressions.

It's not just that you're scolding someone, it's also that what you say is embarrassing and revealing something that others don't want to mention.

Or if you say something inappropriate in an inappropriate situation, it will bring disaster to you.

Therefore, we should try to avoid making overly sharp or offensive remarks in inappropriate occasions to avoid causing unnecessary trouble.

Woe to relationships

Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

Many people spend a lot of time and energy to make friends with all kinds of people in order to pursue so-called network resources.

However, this practice often leads us to a difficult situation.

Because when we get too close to someone, if something happens to them, we can easily follow them.

Therefore, we should learn to think independently and not blindly follow the trend to ensure our own safety and interests.

Wise people know how to be alone.

The scourge of wealth

Avoid these "four calamities" and your path in life will be smooth

When you are poor, no one calculates you, but when you have money, someone will worry about you.

When we become wealthy, the people around us may covet us.

Whether it's a loved one, an employee, or a partner, it can be a contender for our wealth.

Therefore, we must raise our awareness of self-protection and properly handle the issue of wealth distribution and management to prevent accidents.


In short, the four major evils in life - the disaster of getting in the way, the disaster of words, the disaster of relationships, and the disaster of wealth - are all things that we need to be vigilant and guard against in our daily life.

Only through continuous learning and self-improvement can we better cope with these challenges and maximize the value of life.

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