
Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared

Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared

Dawan News

2024-06-05 14:20Published on the account of Anhui "Xin'an Evening News".

Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared

Dawan News Dad suddenly fell ill at home, and the 7-year-old girl calmly gave her father cardiopulmonary resuscitation and medicine when there were no other adults at home. Several surveillance videos at the time of the incident caused many likes on the Internet. On June 5, a Dawan News reporter learned that the incident occurred in Harbin. Subsequently, the reporter contacted the girl's mother, Ms. Wang, who told the reporter that her husband had undergone two heart surgeries and was discharged from the hospital for heart disease more than ten days before the incident. After the incident, her daughter told her that she was actually scared.

Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared

Girl feeds medicine to her father (screenshot of online video)

The video of a 7-year-old girl saving her father was liked by everyone

Recently, in an online video, the father suddenly fell ill at home, and his 7-year-old daughter was in critical condition to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation and give medicine. The video received a lot of likes.

The Dawan News reporter noticed that the online video was suspected to be from the monitoring equipment at home, showing that the incident occurred at more than 1 o'clock in the afternoon on June 2. In the video, the little girl is playing on a chair in the living room, and a man walks out of the room, a little faltering, and he says to the little girl, "It's a little uncomfortable", and the little girl says, "Then you can take oxygen", and then said that he used his mobile phone to play the story to the man and let him sleep. But the man soon showed obvious discomfort and, after barely getting up from his chair, collapsed to the ground.

The little girl in the video looks to be only six or seven years old, and after the man falls, she slaps the man and shouts "Daddy", but the man does not respond. The little girl then took a pillow from the room and put it under the man's head and tried to lay him down. The little girl lifted the man's clothes again and began to press on his chest, doing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and the number of times was still counting in her mouth during the compression. After pressing it for a while, the little girl slapped her father's face and called out to her father, and she was suspected of artificial respiration.

After doing the above rescue actions, the little girl saw that her father didn't seem to react, went into the kitchen, poured a glass of water, took it out and put it next to her father, and then counted the medicine in the cabinet at the door, counted some medicines, and fed it to her father who was lying on the ground. After feeding the medicine, the little girl picked up her mobile phone and called her mother. After a while, a woman returned to the house, put down her belongings, and stepped forward to check on the man.

The mother said she had taught her daughter how to do first aid

On June 5, a reporter from Dawan News contacted Ms. Wang, the publisher of the video. She said that in the video is her daughter and husband, the daughter is 7 years old this year, and after returning home on June 2, she gave her husband oxygen, measured blood pressure, and fed brown sugar water, and her husband's face gradually recovered, and his health has improved.

Ms. Wang said that her husband, who had undergone two heart surgeries a few years ago and suffered from epilepsy, was discharged from the hospital more than 10 days ago. My husband had also been sick at home, but this was the first time that only his daughter was at home. In the video, from holding a pillow to cardiopulmonary resuscitation and feeding medicine, the 7-year-old girl does not look very panicked. "I asked her later if she was scared, and she said she was scared and thought her father was dead."

Ms. Wang's video has attracted a lot of attention from netizens on social media, with some suggesting that girls should be taught to call 120 after their father's illness. To this end, Ms. Wang explained that her family lives in the suburbs of Harbin, and that her husband had called 120 to save people after he became ill, but because of the distance, it could take more than an hour for emergency personnel to arrive, so she also taught her daughter some first aid measures. She went out to buy groceries at the time of the incident, and when she received a call from her daughter, she was already downstairs at home.

"The medicine she fed is a fast-acting heart-saving pill, and I taught her that if she encounters a father's illness, she can feed 10 to 15 pills, so she counts how many pills she has before feeding the medicine." Ms. Wang told reporters that she had also taught her daughter the position where CPR needed to be compressed, and in the video, her daughter lifted her father's clothes before pressing to determine the position. Although the child was relatively calm when her father became ill, Ms. Wang said that her daughter appeared to be frightened afterwards, and the next day she was speechless and did not go to school for a few days at home.

Ms. Wang told reporters that her husband does not often have heart attacks at home, and that he may have been a little tired on the day of the incident, and he did not eat lunch well, and the first thing her husband said after waking up was to sigh that his daughter had saved him.

Dawan News reporter Cao Qing

Edited by Wang Cui

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  • Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared
  • Dad had a heart attack, and his 7-year-old daughter calmed down to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation? Mother of the child: She said afterwards that she was scared

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