
For such people, this must be done well, and that is to keep a distance

author:Xiao Ming talks about emotions

For such people, it is important to learn to keep your distance.

So, what kind of person is it? It's the kind of person who only asks, but never knows how to repay the favor, for such people, we must do this well, that is, keep a distance,

As the saying goes, "There is a limit to what you can do, and you should use it on those who deserve it." ”

Yes, you must know that not all people are worthy of your good. For some people, we need to keep our distance, and we don't have any interaction with these people.

For such people, this must be done well, and that is to keep a distance

You must know that your goodness is not bottomless, and it is not something that anyone can give. Only those who are worthy, who know how to cherish and be grateful, deserve it.

And you also need to understand that in the hearts of those who will only take, the good of others is a matter of course and deserved.

Otherwise, they will not accept your favor so reasonably, and they don't feel that they should pay anything for such a request.

suddenly thought of a character Wu Qian in a TV series "The World" I watched before, she is Xiao Guoqing's wife, and after getting married, the two of them lived in two small houses with their in-laws and two eldest sisters, which was very inconvenient for their lives.

They have a good friend named Zhou Bingkun, who lent his old house to the couple after buying a new house. Later, there was a problem with the house that Zhou Bingkun bought, and he didn't live in the house.

So he wanted them to vacate the house, but what Zhou Bingkun didn't expect was that he took care of them so much, but Wu Qian didn't thank Zhou Bingkun for this.

For such people, this must be done well, and that is to keep a distance

On the contrary, he completely ignored the previous ease, and he threw canned fruits, splashed and rolled, in short, he was unwilling to move away. Later, Zhou Bingkun had no choice but to say that she agreed to rent a room for them outside.

In the end, she even threatened Zhou Bingkun to find a job for her husband by not moving out, and they would not move out if they didn't find a job. She is such a person, not only is she not grateful, but blindly asks for it because of the other party's kindness.

So, the best thing we can do for such people is to keep our distance from them. Because some people take your efforts for granted, and if you don't do it one day, they are likely to take it for granted.

As the old saying goes: "Fighting rice feeds kindness, and bearing rice feeds hatred." ”

Therefore, in our lives, when we meet such people, we must remember to keep our distance. You know, kindness should be sharp.

For those who only know how to ask and don't know how to be grateful, stay away when it's time to stay, and say no when it's time to say it. Don't be embarrassed.

For such people, this must be done well, and that is to keep a distance

After all, for those who only know how to take, and those who don't know how to cherish and be grateful, don't think that one day you will be able to cover the heat. Because for those who don't know how to be grateful and cherish, they will never be warm.

Of course, this is not to stop us from believing in sincerity, but we must know that not all people know how to reciprocate. Therefore, the more kind you are, the more you need to have a bottom line.

Only in this way can we prevent others from touching our bottom line, and only in this way can we protect ourselves. Especially for those who don't care about their passion, who don't care about their own giving. We need to understand where our bottom line is.

After all, Zhenxin is not afraid of paying, but Zhenxin is afraid of being let down and wrongly paid. When you treat someone sincerely, but you get hurt again and again, I think no matter who you are, you will feel cold.

Oh, yes! The relationship between people, in fact, is very simple, that is, sincerity. As long as both people can give sincerely, then the relationship can last for a long time.

For such people, this must be done well, and that is to keep a distance

Because people are always mutual, although they do not need to be reciprocated, we must know how to cherish our hearts. After all, someone else could have otherwise.

Therefore, in life, we should all understand that we must know how to cherish the sincerity of others and be worth our own efforts. I think so.

Therefore, when we meet people who are just asking and do not understand the truth, we have to keep our distance and stay away from such people.

Text: Ming Fusheng

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