
Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

author:Guangdong Satellite TV is healthy and good
Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

In the hot summer, the air conditioner "helps". But after staying in an air-conditioned room for a long time, some people have small "emotions" in their bodies, such as frozen shoulder, knee pain, wrist pain, and so on.

I can't help but ask myself, is it blowing the air conditioner that blows out the arthritis?

Joint "cold" knowledge

Cold is not a direct cause of arthritis, but it can worsen joint discomfort.

To put it simply, if there is a problem of joint pain, it is most likely because the joint itself is damaged, and it is not arthritis blown in the air-conditioned room.

The joints of our body are like "consumables", the main consumption is that thin layer of cartilage, once the cartilage wears and degenerates, the bone collides directly with each other, and pain follows.

As we age, so does the risk of developing joint discomfort.

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

Joint "cold" protection

Many people are resistant to blowing air conditioners, especially those who usually have joint problems, easy joint pain, or rheumatoid arthritis.

In fact, you don't have to have a "there is no other or me" attitude and panic about the air conditioner, as long as you do a good job of joint maintenance on weekdays, then the air conditioner can be enjoyed, and the joints are also healthy.

  • The temperature is moderate, don't be greedy

Studies have shown that low temperatures stimulate the "TRPA1 channel" of the nervous system, causing nerves to transmit pain signals, which exacerbates pain in patients with arthritis.

Therefore, when we set the temperature of the air conditioner, it is best not to be too low, around 26 to 27°C is the best! Also, don't let the cold wind blow directly on you, and it's also a good idea to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to effectively avoid the pain!

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer
  • Don't sit for long periods of time

Joints are like little athletes in our bodies, they love to move and move! But if it remains motionless for a long time, as if it is "imprisoned", this poses a threat to joint health.

Even in the comfort of an air-conditioned room, remember to get up and move regularly, stretch and move your joints to relax and exercise.

Try some gentle aerobics, such as stretching or gentle yoga, but of course, the specific intensity of the exercise depends on your individual situation.

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

Poor sleep is the "pot" of arthritis

Relevant medical studies have shown that difficulty falling asleep and sleeping poorly are a big problem for arthritis patients, and they are also the biggest motivation for these patients to seek medical treatment.

More than 30% of patients do not sleep well

The pain symptoms of arthritis make 33% of patients sleep poorly, and 32% of patients cannot enjoy this leisure activity as they want.

Joint strain is often accompanied by pain and discomfort. During the night, as the body relaxes into a state of sleep, the pain may worsen, leading to difficulty falling asleep, decreased sleep quality, and even frequent awakenings during the night.

At the same time, long-term pain and discomfort may cause anxiety and psychological stress, which in turn can affect sleep. Anxiety and stress can make it difficult for a person to relax, leading to difficulty falling asleep and even insomnia.

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

Maintain joints and delay retirement

Protecting joints has become a growing health topic. Joint problems can not only cause discomfort and pain, but also affect productivity and quality of life.

Today at 21:15, the program "Healthy and Dao" will invite Wang Haizhou, director of the Geriatric Fracture Department of Guangdong Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, to talk about "delaying joint aging".

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

1. What is the best way to improve "arthritis insomnia"?

Experts offer tips to help improve insomnia caused by arthritis through bedtime activities, sleep aids, and sleep-promoting dietary remedies.

2. How to improve the limited movement of the elbow joint?

A simple and easy exercise to enhance the flexibility of the elbow joint, effectively relaxes the joint, and helps increase the range of motion of the elbow joint.

3. What are the actions to relieve knee pain?

A way to protect the knee joint, which can improve blood circulation, strengthen the joints, pass through the meridians, and play a strong stabilizing role.

Don't let your joints be "cool", it's time to take care of your joints in summer

Today at 21:15

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