
Xin Qiji's eternal masterpiece "Qingyu Case" weaves full of passion and resentment into a Yuanxi quest

author:Shimizu release

Background of creation

  This poem was composed in the first year of Chunxi (1174 AD) or the second year of Chunxi (1175 AD) in the Southern Song Dynasty. At that time, the powerful enemy was pressing the border, and the country's power was declining, but the ruling class of the Southern Song Dynasty indulged in singing and dancing to whitewash the peace. Xin Qiji, who has insight into the situation, wants to make up for the sky, but he has no way to ask for help. He is full of passion and resentment, interwoven into this Yuanxi quest map, let's enjoy this famous poem "Qingyu Case":

"Qingyu Case: Yuan Xi" Xin Qiji [Song Dynasty]

The east wind blooms thousands of trees at night, and the stars are like rain. BMW carved cars are full of fragrance. The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the light of the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night.

The moth snow willow is golden, and the smile is full of dark fragrance. The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was there, and the lights were dim.


The east wind blew away the fire trees and silver flowers on the night of the Lantern Festival, and the lanterns were brilliant, like a thousand trees blooming. The ceremonial flowers falling from the sky are like a rain of stars. Luxurious horse-drawn carriages pass through the fragrant streets. The melodious sound of the phoenix flute echoed everywhere, the bright moon like a jade pot gradually turned to the west, and the dancing fish lanterns and dragon lanterns did not stop all night, and the laughter was noisy.

The beauties wore gorgeous ornaments on their heads, and walked with the crowd with a smile, only the fragrance of clothes was still floating in the dark. I searched for her in the crowd a thousand times, and suddenly turned around, but I inadvertently found her in the middle of the lights.

Xin Qiji's eternal masterpiece "Qingyu Case" weaves full of passion and resentment into a Yuanxi quest


This word is an important masterpiece of the author, describing the scene of the Lantern Festival, sweeping away the clichés of such words, and opening up a new artistic conception with imagination and character close-ups.

The film depicts the lively scene of this festive season.

As soon as I came, I imagined the pen, "The east wind blooms a thousand trees at night." Blowing down more, the stars are like rain". The spring breeze has not yet blown the spring flowers, but the lights hanging on the treetops of the night have blown first. There is also the "star shower", which refers to the flowing fireworks like a shower of stars up and down the sky, which first rushes into the sky and then falls from the sky.

"BMW carved cars are full of fragrance. The sound of the phoenix flute moves, the light of the jade pot turns, and the fish and dragon dance all night". This is where the characters begin to appear, and these beauties appear in full costume, laughing and smelling all the way. There is a moving phoenix flute sound in my ears, as well as the singing and dancing of folk artists, which is so lively.

In this bustle, what is the lyricist looking for? Let's watch the next film.

Xin Qiji's eternal masterpiece "Qingyu Case" weaves full of passion and resentment into a Yuanxi quest

In the next film, I will write a close-up of the characters, and I will always write first.

"The moth snow willow is golden, and the smile is full of dark fragrance." Countless beauties wore the unique moths and snow willows of the Lantern Festival, and they kept laughing and talking while walking, but they were not the people the lyricist was looking for.

"The crowd looked for him thousands of times, and suddenly looked back, but the man was there, and the lights were dim." Among these thousands of people, the lyricist finally discovered her. just took one more look at her in the crowd, and since then they have started infinite nostalgia.

At this moment, the lively singing and dancing and the crowd described in the previous film all disappeared, and the lyricist only had this one in his heart. The pain of the previous search has all been transformed into the sweetness of the encounter at this moment, and there is the person I am looking for under the faint light, she is indeed there, and I saw her at the moment when I look back, not a second earlier or a second later, what kind of happiness is this that can not be found.

Xin Qiji's eternal masterpiece "Qingyu Case" weaves full of passion and resentment into a Yuanxi quest

Wang Guowei's "Words in the World" quotes this phrase "The crowd is looking for him thousands of times, and suddenly looking back, but the person is there, and the lights are shining" The third of the three realms that must be passed through for a great career can be understood as a person who finally succeeds after struggle.

Source: Collection of Good Chinese Poems

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