
Linchuan District's 2024 Fall Primary School Enrollment Implementation Plan

author:Linchuan release

Linchuan District's 2024 Fall Primary School Enrollment Implementation Plan

All primary schools in the district, central primary schools in townships and towns, and units of bureaus:

In accordance with the "Education Law of the People's Republic of China", "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China", "Jiangxi Provincial Compulsory Education Regulations" and other laws and regulations, as well as the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening the Reform of Education and Teaching and Improving the Quality of Compulsory Education", and the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Enrollment and Enrollment of Ordinary Primary and Secondary Schools in the Province in 2024" and other requirements, in order to further standardize enrollment and enrollment behavior, promote educational fairness, maintain the normal teaching order of schools, and promote the physical and mental health of students, Combined with the actual situation of the layout of primary schools in our district, this plan is formulated.

1. Guiding ideology

Strictly implement the "Compulsory Education Law", "Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors", "Jiangxi Provincial Compulsory Education Regulations" and other laws and regulations, conscientiously implement the spirit of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education on compulsory education without examination and the high-quality development of education, strengthen the work of controlling dropouts and guaranteeing education, firmly establish the concept of balanced and high-quality development of compulsory education, actively promote quality education, promote the high-quality development of basic education, and run an education that satisfies the people.

Second, the target requirements

The average number of new students in urban primary schools and rural central primary schools is controlled within the provincial standard, and computer balanced class arrangement is adopted to eliminate the phenomenon of large class sizes and large school sizes.

III. Enrollment Principles

(1) Must reach the legal age of admission. Children must be at least 6 years old to enroll, and children born on or before August 31, 2018 will be enrolled this year.

(2) The principle of admission without examination. Neither public nor private schools are allowed to recruit new students through any form of examination. Public schools are divided into enrollment areas and enrolled, and private schools are not allowed to enroll students across districts without the approval of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, let alone across provinces and cities. Citizen-run schools enroll students simultaneously.

(3) The principle of free admission. Strictly enforce the relevant fee policy, and public compulsory education schools are not allowed to charge any form of fees linked to enrollment (including donations for various projects).

(4) The principle of priority of household registration. The enrollment order is as follows: according to the degree situation, the family residence in the school district will be preferred; Secondly, it will be arranged in the order of the time of moving in. If there are still vacant places, other special circumstances such as home buyers whose household registration is not in the school district and who have moved to the city to work will be considered. Relocated households must be settled by June 30, 2024. The order of degree arrangement: one is the family household, the second is the relocation household, and the third is the house buyer; Fourth, the children of those who do business and move to the city to work, and the fifth is other preferential treatment targets.

IV. Enrollment Methods

(1) In principle, rural primary schools shall delineate the scope of enrollment in accordance with administrative divisions and village committees or natural villages. Remote mountainous areas can also delineate the enrollment scope of the nearest village committee or natural village according to the traffic conditions, the distance and the number of students. Urban primary schools are enrolled according to the school districts divided in the District Education and Sports Bureau's 2024 Urban Primary School District Notice.

(2) In rural areas, the central primary school shall demarcate the enrollment plan of the central primary school headquarters according to the requirements of the average class size. The enrollment plan for urban primary schools is issued by the District Education and Sports Bureau according to the scale of each school.

(3) Urban primary schools adopt the enrollment mode of combining the school district system and the degree system for enrollment. That is, each school first recruits school-age children within the school district according to the school district, and if the enrollment plan is not completed, it can enroll students in the school district with a large number of students in the urban area, but it can only be enrolled after the approval of the district education and sports bureau.

(4) Buyers of commercial housing (parents account for at least 50% of their property rights), and their children request to study in primary schools within the urban area, and those with real estate certificates shall provide real estate certificates and three-month water and electricity bill invoices (actual occupancy); If the real estate certificate has not been obtained, the house purchase contract, house purchase invoice, and three-month water and electricity bill invoice (actual occupancy) filed by the housing management department shall be provided. From the fall of 2024, grandparents and grandparents will no longer be considered for purchasing houses. If you can't provide three months of water and electricity invoices, the District Education and Sports Bureau will organize personnel to go to the house to verify the actual occupancy situation, and the house must meet the decoration and occupancy standards (the minimum is the end of hard decoration, that is, all the floor tiles are paved, the kitchen and bathroom have been decorated, and the wardrobe, ceiling, wall, and door are all completed, and only furniture and household appliances are not required).

(5) The children of migrant workers (including those who open physical stores to do business) are required to study in urban primary schools, and the children of business personnel must provide a business license (registered before February 28, 2024 and are still in actual business), housing lease registration certificate, tax registration certificate or tax exemption certificate for small and micro enterprises; The children of migrant workers shall provide household registration booklets, children's resident ID cards, legal employment contracts and bills for the payment of social endowment insurance by the employing unit for the employees (limited to more than half a year, at the time of registration), etc. The principle of the overall arrangement of the District Education and Sports Bureau is as follows: first arrange the primary school in the urban area, and if the primary school in the urban area does not have a place, it will be arranged to the suburban primary school, and the arrangement will be arranged in the order of application time.

(6) Other preferential personnel. The children of servicemen on active duty and the children of executives of merchants and enterprises shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant documents of the superiors, and corresponding preferential policies shall be given.

5. Implementation steps

Step 1: Make an announcement. Before June 12, the District Education and Sports Bureau will publicly release the announcement of the enrollment registration of new primary school students to the public through various forms, the implementation plan for primary school enrollment, including the specific policy of enrollment, the division of each school's school district, admission qualifications, registration materials, registration time and consultation methods.

Step 2: Registration. From July 4th to July 12th, new students in urban primary schools fill in the basic information online, and make an appointment for the preliminary review of on-site confirmation materials (enrollment registration website:, please use Google, Firefox browser or smartphone browser), and 17 elementary schools will register on "Ganfutong" (a registration QR code will be pushed at that time). From July 8th to July 12th, new students in urban primary schools will register, and parents or other guardians of school-age children will go to the school for on-site preliminary examination with the original household registration booklet, resident ID card and other relevant materials of the school-age children. Two opportunities to make up the report: 8 a.m. on July 15 to 12:00 a.m. on July 19, and 8 a.m. on July 22 to 12:00 a.m. on July 24. The school will submit the original of the above registration materials to the District Education and Sports Bureau for review. Late registration will be arranged according to the degree situation of the school district and surrounding school districts.

Step 3: Review and confirm. From July 22nd to July 26th, the District Education and Sports Bureau conducted a qualification review of the first-grade students in the primary school district within the urban area, and approved the enrollment of school-age children in the school district who were transferred to the city and entered the city with their parents for business and work.

Step 4: Notification of enrollment. Before July 31, the first-year freshmen in the urban area who meet the requirements will be issued by the Basic Education Unit of the District Education and Sports Bureau to approve the admission list. From August 28th to 31st, new students will register and go through the registration procedures.

Parents or other guardians of school-age children should directly register with schools in the school district with relevant documents (household registration booklet for school-age children and children's vaccination certificates) from August 26 to August 31 (the specific registration time will be arranged by the township central primary school).

Sixth, the work requirements

(1) Establish an organizational structure

The enrollment work of primary schools involves thousands of households and is related to the vital interests of the masses, so all schools must attach great importance to it, strengthen leadership, and set up a leading group for enrollment work with the school principal as the team leader and the vice principal in charge as the deputy leader. Each primary school in the urban area arranges personnel with a strong sense of responsibility, impartiality, and familiarity with the enrollment business to be responsible for enrollment matters.

(2) Increase the intensity of publicity

The admissions staff of each elementary school must first inspect the school district and know it well. Secondly, each school will post publicity at the school gate within the school district, announce the time and place of enrollment, and carry the relevant documents and materials, so that the household name is known, and the school will patiently explain the work during the initial review.

(3) Strict enrollment discipline

Schools are strictly prohibited from enrolling young children. All schools in urban areas must recruit new students in strict accordance with the enrollment plan and enrollment principles and enrollment methods issued by the school. Students will be admitted in strict accordance with the list of approved admissions, and the new student status will be established based on the approved list. For students recruited in violation of regulations, the Basic Education Unit of the District Education and Sports Bureau will not review the electronic student status of new students, and will be removed from the number of students in the school's education annual report, and the principal will be held accountable if the circumstances are serious.

If the school is found to have obtained the admission qualification due to fraudulent household registration, the school shall not accept the child at the time of registration, and the district education and sports bureau will give feedback on the household registration situation to the public security department. For those who hold a business license but have not opened a physical store to obtain admission qualifications, once discovered, the school shall not accept the child at the time of registration, and the district education and sports bureau will give feedback on the business license to the market supervision department.

Matters not covered in this plan shall be explained by the Basic Education Unit of the Linchuan District Education and Sports Bureau.

Education and Sports Bureau of Linchuan District, Fuzhou City

June 5, 2024