
Latest! Linchuan Education Group public school district demarcation!

author:Linchuan release

Notification Announcement

In order to fully implement the "Compulsory Education Law of the People's Republic of China" and the "Jiangxi Provincial Compulsory Education Regulations", and strictly implement the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation >Plan of the < Jiangxi Provincial Compulsory Education Sunshine Enrollment Special Action (2024)" (Gan Jiao Ji Zi [2024] No. 12) and the "Notice of the Office of the People's Government of Fuzhou Municipality on Further Strictly Prohibiting Non-policy School Selection in Municipal Public Schools" (Fu Fu Ban Fa [2018] No. 60) The provisions of this plan are formulated in combination with the actual situation of our city.

1. Guiding ideology

Under the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the requirements of the Ministry of Education and the Provincial Department of Education on the exemption of compulsory education from examinations, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, scientifically and orderly do a good job in the admission of public schools of Linchuan Education Group without examinations, standardize enrollment and enrollment behavior, promote educational fairness, and do a good job in education that satisfies the people.

Second, the main objectives

In 2024, Linchuan Education Group's public schools will adhere to the principle of combining nearby priority with taking into account educational fairness, strictly implement the combination of nearby priority enrollment and computer allocation enrollment in the school district in accordance with the demarcated school district, fully implement the sunshine enrollment policy, and ensure that the enrollment work is compliant, stable and orderly in accordance with the law.

III. Enrollment Principles

(1) Priority is given to the nearest place. Those who meet the priority requirements for nearby enrollment shall be arranged for enrollment in the nearest place to complete compulsory education.

(2) Admission without examination. No new students shall be recruited by any form of examination. It is strictly forbidden to recruit students who choose to go to school.

(3) Sunshine enrollment. Standardize enrollment procedures, adhere to openness, fairness and justice, and fully implement sunshine enrollment.

(4) Free admission. The policy is strictly enforced, and no fees linked to enrollment may be charged in any form.

Fourth, the enrollment plan

According to the scale of the school, the enrollment plan for the first grade of junior high school is: 600 students in Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, 600 students in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School, 850 students in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School High-tech Campus (including 300 students in the Municipal Experimental School Diversion Plan), and 600 students in Linchuan No. 2 Middle School.

5. Enrollment Target

Fresh graduates from primary schools in the school district who meet the requirements for priority admission in the nearest school and are produced by computer allocation.

VI. Enrollment Methods

Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, Linchuan No. 1 Middle School, and Linchuan No. 2 Middle School adopt the method of combining nearby priority enrollment and computer allocation enrollment, and the enrollment work is divided into two stages: the first stage, the nearest priority enrollment. In accordance with the principle of priority enrollment in the school district, priority will be given to eligible students in the school district; In the second stage, computer-based allocation for admission. For students who meet the conditions for computer allocation, they will be randomly assigned by computer according to their volunteers, and the number of places allocated will be the remaining places after priority admission in the nearest place. If there are no remaining places, there will be no computer random allocation. The enrollment of Linchuan No. 1 High School High-tech Campus adopts the computer allocation admission method.

(1) Priority enrollment in the nearest area

1. School District Scope (with school district diagram)

(1) Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School

Latest! Linchuan Education Group public school district demarcation!

East: Dongyueguan Road (including the east and west sides of the street and the Yangdayu section of this section, excluding Zhouxueling, Xiayanhe Road, and Taishanbei sections); Liushuiqiao Road (including the north and south sides of the street in this section); From the intersection of Liushuiqiao Road and Gandong Avenue to the intersection of Huancheng North Road and Gandong Avenue (including the east and west sides of the street in this section); The section west of the intersection of Ruoshi Road and Gandong Avenue to the intersection of the highway and Gandong Avenue (only including the west side of the street in this section).

South: the intersection of Xuefu Road (formerly Huancheng West Road) and Ruoshi Road to the intersection of Gandong Avenue and Ruoshi Road (only including the north side of the street in this section); The section north of the intersection of Dongyueguan Road and the highway to the intersection of Gandong Avenue and the highway (including the house numbers on the north and south sides of the street in this section).

West: The area east of the intersection of Xuefu Road and Ruoshi Road to the intersection of Xuefu Road and Huancheng North Road (only including the east side of the street in this section).

North: the section south of the intersection of North Huancheng Road and Xuefu Road to the intersection of North Huancheng Road and Gandong Avenue (including the north and south sides of the street in this section).

(2) Linchuan No. 1 Middle School

Latest! Linchuan Education Group public school district demarcation!

Former Old Campus Area:

East: the intersection of Jianxian Road (formerly Yuming Road) and Linchuan Avenue (formerly Qiaodong Road) to the west of the intersection of Jianxian Road and Jianshe Road (including the east and west sides of the street in this section).

South: The section north of the intersection of Jianshe Road and Jianxian Road to the intersection of Jianshe Road and Zhongxing Road (only including the north side of the street in this section).

West: The section east of the intersection of Zhongxing Road and Jianshe Road to the intersection of Zhongxing Road and Linchuan Avenue (including the east and west sides of the street in this section).

North: from the intersection of Linchuan Avenue and Zhongxing Road to the south of the intersection of Linchuan Avenue and Jianxian Road (including Yanglin Village, Zengwan, Wanshou Palace, and Raobo New Village).

New Campus Area:

East: from the intersection of Caidu Avenue and Xuefu Road to the west of the intersection of Caidu Avenue and Linchuan Avenue (including the east and west sides of the street in this section).

South: From the intersection of Xuefu Road and Caidu Avenue to the intersection of Xuefu Road and Square East Road (including the north and south sides of the street in this section).

West: The area east of the intersection of East Square Road and Xuefu Road to the intersection of East Square Road and Linchuan Avenue (only including the east side of the street in this section).

North: from the intersection of Linchuan Avenue and Square East Road to the intersection of Linchuan Avenue and Caidu Avenue (only including the south side of the street in this section).

(3) Ninaka Toshikawa

Latest! Linchuan Education Group public school district demarcation!

East: from the intersection of Jianxian Road and Jianshe Road to the intersection of Jianxian Road and Fuba Line (329 National Highway) (including the east and west sides of the street in this section) to the west.

South: The intersection of Fuba Line (329 National Highway) and Jianxian Road to the east end of Linchuan Bridge (only including the north side of the street in this section) is the north section.

West: The intersection of Zhongxing Road and Jianshe Road is along the east bank of the Yellow River to the east of the Linchuan Bridge.

North: The section south from the intersection of Jianshe Road and Jianxian Road to the intersection of Jianshe Road and Zhongxing Road (only including the south side of the street in this section).

2. Admission Requirements

Fresh graduates of primary schools in Fuzhou urban area (central urban area and Shangdundu urban area) in Fuzhou urban area (excluding municipal public schools and students transferred to March 31, 2024) who have been registered in the school district for six consecutive years (starting from August 31, 2018, i.e., from the enrollment time of the first grade of primary school) and the legal guardian (with the same household register). Identification materials: household registration booklet.

The children of high-level talents introduced by the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, the children of active military personnel, the children of retired soldiers who have been awarded second-class meritorious service (inclusive) or above, the children of martyrs, the children of soldiers who sacrificed their lives in the line of duty, the children of fire and rescue in the establishment, and the children of executives of key enterprises above designated size in the High-tech Zone, etc., shall be enrolled in accordance with the Notice on Printing and Distributing the "Fuzhou Talent Classification and Recognition Catalog" and "Fuzhou Talent Policy Treatment Package" (Fu Cai Fa [2022] No. 3) issued by the Talent Work Leading Group of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, and the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Education and the Political Department of the Jiangxi Provincial Military Region Notice on the issuance of the "Implementation Measures for the Preferential Education of Military Children in Jiangxi Province" (Zhenglian [2012] No. 8), Fuzhou Veterans Affairs Bureau and Fuzhou Municipal Education and Sports Bureau "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Preferential Treatment Policies for Veterans and Other Preferential Care Recipients in Fuzhou City" (Fu Jun Jun Zi [2022] No. 61), Fuzhou Municipal People's Government Office "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Measures for the Occupational Security of Fuzhou Fire and Rescue Teams" (Fu Fu Ban Zi [2023] No. 4), the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government Opinions on Accelerating the Development and Upgrading of Fuzhou High-tech Industrial Development Zone (Fu Fa [2015] No. 13) and other relevant policy documents. Identification materials: original and photocopies of relevant certification materials for the application form, household registration booklet, introduced high-level talents, active military personnel, retired servicemen with second-class merit (inclusive) or above, fire and rescue personnel on the staff and senior executives of enterprises above designated size. The deadline for applications is June 20, 2024.

3. Implement the time steps

(1) Online registration. From June 1st to June 7th, those who fail to register online within the time limit will be deemed to have automatically given up their admission qualifications. Fresh graduates of primary schools who intend to study in public schools of Linchuan Education Group can register online, including: fresh graduates of primary schools in the central urban area can fill in Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, and fresh graduates of primary schools in Shangdundu City District can fill in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School and Linchuan No. 2 Middle School (because Linchuan No. 1 Middle School and Linchuan No. 2 Middle School are adjacent to each other in the nearest school district, the two schools will register in a combined way, and no branch schools will fill in).

Registration website:

Linchuan Education Group public school junior high school enrollment registration QR code

(2) Information Collection. Before June 9, the municipal and district education examination centers will jointly collect and verify the basic information of students.

(3) Qualification review. Before June 16, the municipal and district education examination centers will review the qualifications of students in conjunction with the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Municipal Natural Resources Bureau and other relevant functional departments.

(4) List publicity. Before July 5, according to the results of the qualification review, the publicity list will be determined, and it will be publicized on the official website of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau to accept social supervision. If there is any objection during the publicity period, the District Education Examination Center shall summarize the relevant relevant materials such as the student's household registration and student status for a preliminary review, and then the final review shall be determined by the Municipal Education Examination Center.

(2) Computer-based admission method

1. Allocation of places

The number of computer allocation places in Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, Linchuan No. 1 Middle School, and Linchuan No. 2 Middle School is the difference between the number of enrollment plans of the school minus the number of priority enrollment in the vicinity; The number of first-class and second-class computer-based places in Linchuan No. 1 Middle School High-tech Campus is 550, and the number of third-class computer-based places is 300, which is specially used to divert primary school graduates (including students from municipal experimental schools who are promoted to junior high school) who meet the admission requirements of the first grade of the municipal experimental school.

2. Eligibility for allocation

(1) Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School: Primary school graduates with electronic student registration of schools in the city center (excluding municipal public schools and those transferred after March 31, 2024).

(2) Linchuan No. 1 Middle School and Linchuan No. 2 Middle School: Primary school graduates with electronic student status of Shangdunducheng District School (excluding municipal public schools and those transferred after March 31, 2024).

(3) Linchuan No. 1 Middle School High-tech Campus: According to the principle of giving priority to the nearest and taking into account fairness, the allocation qualifications are divided into three categories.

Category 1: Primary school graduates (excluding graduates of municipal public schools) who have a household registration in the Chengnan area of the city center (south of Yingbin Avenue) and whose legal guardian or student himself has purchased a house in the Chengnan area (the household registration and the address of the house are the same). Identification materials: household registration book (the location of the household registration is Changling Police Station, Chengxi Police Station, Chonggang Police Station), real estate ownership certificate or real estate certificate (or the purchase contract and purchase invoice filed by the housing management department).

The second category: primary school graduates with household registration in the central urban area (excluding graduates of municipal public schools). Identification materials: household registration booklet (the location of the household registration is Wenchang Police Station, Liushuiqiao Police Station, West Street Police Station, Qingyun Police Station, Jinglu Police Station, Changling Police Station, Chengxi Police Station, Chonggang Police Station).

The third category: primary school graduates who have the electronic student status of the Municipal Experimental School or meet the admission requirements of the first grade of the Municipal Experimental School, and are voluntarily shunted to the Linchuan No. 1 High School High-tech Campus. (The specific diversion method is subject to the work plan on solving the enrollment problem of new students in Fuzhou Experimental School in the fall of 2024)

The deadline for moving in and buying a house in the first and second categories is June 30, 2024.

3. Fill in the volunteers

The computer-based allocation is carried out in the form of online voluntary application, and students can only fill in one school that meets the qualifications for allocation, and more than one application is invalid. (The specific registration time and website are subject to the 2024 computer allocation work plan for municipal schools, as follows)

4. Implementation steps

(1) Qualification review. The Municipal and District Education Examination Centers, together with the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and other functional departments, will review the qualifications for student allocation.

(2) List publicity. On the official website of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, the list of students participating in the computer allocation will be announced. If there is any objection during the publicity period, the student's source school shall summarize the relevant supporting materials such as the student's student status and report it to the District Education Examination Center, and then review and determine it by the Municipal Education Examination Center.

(3) Computer allocation. General principle: When the number of qualified places is less than or equal to the number of computer-allocated places, all students will be admitted directly; When the number of qualified places is greater than the number of places allocated by computer, random allocation will be carried out.

Linchuan No. 1 High School High-tech Campus computer allocation is given priority to the first category. When the number of qualified places in the first category is less than or equal to the number of places allocated, all the places in the first category will be given priority, and the remaining places will be used for the second type of computer-based allocation admission; When the number of qualified students in the first category is greater than the number of places allocated to the first category, only the first category will be admitted by computer, and the second category will not be allocated again. Under the third type of computer-based allocation scheme, when the number of voluntary students is less than or equal to the number of places allocated, all students will be admitted, and when the number of voluntary students will be greater than the number of places allocated, all students will be randomly allocated by computer.

The computer allocation is organized and implemented by the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau, and invites representatives of the Municipal People's Congress, CPPCC members, discipline inspection and supervision, parent representatives and other personnel to participate, and the notary public notarizes on the spot.

(4) Publicize the results. After the allocation is over, according to the results of the computer allocation, the list of candidates to be recorded will be determined, and it will be publicized on the official website of the Municipal Education and Sports Bureau to accept social supervision.

(3) Admission methods

According to the list of exempt students from the nearest entrance examination, the Municipal Education Examination Center will handle the admission procedures for new students and issue an admission notice.

7. Job requirements

(1) Extensive publicity. Grasp the correct guidance of public opinion, adopt a variety of forms to widely publicize the enrollment plan, in-depth interpretation of relevant policies, actively respond to the concerns of the masses, eliminate social doubts, and ensure the smooth progress of enrollment work.

(2) Careful deployment. The relevant departments and schools of the city and district shall, in accordance with the requirements of the program, assume their own responsibilities, conscientiously review the qualifications of students, standardize operating procedures, fully implement sunshine enrollment, and ensure that the enrollment work is open, fair and just.

(3) Strengthen supervision. Strengthen the supervision of the process of enrollment work, resolutely investigate and deal with illegal enrollment behaviors, and seriously investigate the responsibility of relevant personnel.

(4) Strict discipline. Schools should strictly implement enrollment plans and enrollment disciplines, and must not recruit students in violation of regulations, and must not accept "borrowed students". Students will be admitted in strict accordance with the admission notice, and the new student status will be established with the admission roster. All officially admitted freshmen are not allowed to participate in the admission of private schools, and all freshmen who have not been formally admitted will be dismissed.

(5) Up and down linkage. Establish a two-level linkage mechanism in the urban area, implement responsibilities, strengthen coordination and cooperation, and form a joint work force.

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