
Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race

author:Linchuan release
Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race

Linchuan release

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On June 1, the Nanchang International Dragon Boat Race started, and the dragon boat team of our district competed with 41 domestic and foreign dragon boat teams on the same stage, and finally won the 10th place in the 500-meter straight race; He finished 11th in the 800m straight, less than a second away from reaching the final.

Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race
Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race

It is understood that the team is composed of 22 villagers from Lufang Village, Shangdundu Town, this is their first large-scale event, and the team members from all walks of life, because of their love for dragon boats, invariably put down their work to participate in training and competitions.

Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race

"A phone call came, all of them were Murakami, and there were many playmates who played together to the end, they just liked it, they just loved it." Xu Weirong, the team caller, said that when the Dragon Boat Festival was approaching, he began to plan to form a team to participate in the competition, and will participate in the first dragon boat Dragon Boat Race in Linchuan District on June 10.

Less than a second! On behalf of our district, Lufang Village fought bravely in the international dragon boat race

Although it failed to enter the finals in the international competition, the team trained hard before the game and showed the spirit of Linchuan people fighting bravely in the competition with the best attitude. "Since the formation of the team, I will train for about 4 hours every day, although the training is very hard, sometimes I am exhausted after training and lie on the shore, and I wake up the next day with back pain, but it can't stop our love for the traditional folk of dragon boating." Xu Weirong said.

"Almost all of our team members are working outside the home, and we spent a month before and after this competition, and although there was no income during this period, we still didn't want to miss it." Team member Xu Chenglong said.

After the race, the team members said that they would quickly devote themselves to training, increase the intensity of training, and strive to achieve good results in the dragon boat competition at home in the best condition.

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