
Excellent anti-grape gray mold! Moon Biotech has made new progress in the development of its business in Brazil

author:World Agrochemical Network

World Agrochemical Network Chinese Network Report: Recently, SynTech Research Laboratories Brazil S.A., a multinational GLP test organization, released its latest test data report on "The efficacy and agronomic practicability of Bacillus velezus M173 in the control of grape gray mold". The results of the report showed that Bacillus velezi M173 had good performance in reducing the incidence and spread area of grape gray mold, increasing the average number of grape bunches and the final yield, which confirmed its excellent prevention and control effect on grape gray mold, and the product did not show any phytotoxic effect, which was safe and environmentally friendly.

Excellent anti-grape gray mold! Moon Biotech has made new progress in the development of its business in Brazil

Grape test plot in Palmeira, Brazil

The first phase of the trial, which began on December 18, 2023 (first application) and ended on January 24, 2024 (harvest), lasted 37 days. The test report showed that the treatment of the field plot with a dose of 7.5 L/ha of Bacillus velez M173 significantly controlled the gray mold, with a 101% reduction in incidence and a 169% reduction in AUDPC (area under the disease curve) compared with the blank control group. The average number of bunches and weight of grapes increased by 26%; The yield of harvested grapes was as high as 30,250kg/ha, an increase of 38.13% compared with the blank control group, while the yield of a world-renowned multinational giant in the competitive product treatment group only increased by 15.22%. In addition, compared with the growth of Brix (°Bx) content, fresh and dried aerial parts, SPAD value (chlorophyll content), NDVI (vegetation normalization index, which measures the degree of vegetation coverage and growth status, the larger the index, the better the vegetation growth and the higher the coverage), the highest value also appeared in the Bacillus velez M173 treatment group, which was better than that of the competitor treatment group.

The above detailed and in-depth multi-dimensional experimental data successfully verified the effectiveness of Bacillus bellez M173 in the control of grapevine mold.

Excellent anti-grape gray mold! Moon Biotech has made new progress in the development of its business in Brazil
Excellent anti-grape gray mold! Moon Biotech has made new progress in the development of its business in Brazil

Phase 1 trials are underway

In recent years, driven by the dual needs of efficiency and ecology, biological control methods have gradually become an important means for countries around the world to achieve cost-effectiveness and sustainability. In particular, the Brazilian market continues to grow rapidly at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of agro-biological products.

As an international leading microbial discovery and biomanufacturing platform, Moon Biotech responds to the call of the national strategy of "going overseas with science and technology", and forward-looking layout of many overseas markets with fierce competition and high registration thresholds such as Brazil and the United States. At present, Moon Biologics products have been registered in the United States, and the registration of products in Brazil is being accelerated.

The product trial results obtained by SynTech in Brazil further verify the high gold content and product strength of Moon Biotech's products, and also add a competitive advantage for Moon Biotech to expand its business in Brazil and other global agrochemical value chain highlands in the next step. "Made in China, Created in MoonBiotech" series products are just around the corner!

About SynTech:

SynTech is a leading global provider of agricultural contract research, product positioning and development, registration and market support services. SynTech leverages its scientific, agronomic, regulatory and market experience to provide high-quality GEP field, greenhouse and laboratory studies to determine the efficacy and crop safety of new and existing products, adding value and competitive advantage to customers through in-depth knowledge of the crop protection industry. It has more than 600 experienced scientists and managers working in a network of field stations, laboratories and regulatory service locations in more than 40 countries, serving more than 200 client companies worldwide.

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