
Notice on Carrying out the Three-Year Action (2024-2027) for Improving Health Literacy for All

author:Peony blending
Notice on Carrying out the Three-Year Action (2024-2027) for Improving Health Literacy for All

National Health Office Propaganda (2024) No. 13

Health Commissions, Traditional Chinese Medicine Bureaus, and Disease Control Bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:

In order to comprehensively and systematically improve the health literacy of the whole people and further promote the transformation of health work from "disease-centered" to "health-centered", the National Health Commission, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention decided to jointly carry out the "Three-year Action for Improving the Health Literacy of the Whole People". The "Three-Year Action Plan for Improving Health Literacy for All (2024-2027)" is hereby issued to you, please carefully organize and implement it to ensure that it achieves practical results.

General Office of the National Health Commission and General Department of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Comprehensive Department of the National Bureau of Disease Control and Prevention

May 29, 2024

(Form of information disclosure: voluntary disclosure)

Three-year action plan for improving health literacy for all


The CPC Central Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the promotion of health literacy, and clearly put forward that "improving the health literacy level of the whole people is one of the most fundamental, economical and effective measures to improve the health level of the whole people". In recent years, the mainland has vigorously implemented the Healthy China strategy, introduced a series of policies and measures, promoted the construction of a healthy China, and carried out health knowledge popularization actions, which have achieved remarkable results. Monitoring shows that the health literacy level of mainland residents continues to grow, reaching 29.70% in 2023.

In order to further promote the transformation of health work from "treatment-centered" to "health-centered", promote traditional Chinese medicine to become the cultural consciousness of the masses to promote health, improve the health literacy of residents more comprehensively and systematically, and educate and guide residents to truly become the "first responsible person" for their own health, this action plan is formulated.

First, the objectives and tasks

With the promotion of "Health Literacy of Chinese Citizens - Basic Knowledge and Skills" as the main line, promote health education into communities, families, schools, enterprises, and institutions, and guide the public to consciously practice a civilized, healthy, green and environmentally friendly lifestyle, so that the people can truly become the first responsible person for their own health, and better pay attention to health, maintain health, and enjoy health. The main objectives are as follows:

-- The supply of high-quality health science popularization products has become more abundant, and the coverage, reach and effectiveness of health science popularization services have been further improved;

-- The environment for the dissemination of health science information has become clearer, authoritative health science works have been pushed in an all-round and multi-channel manner, and false and misinformation has been resolutely curbed;

-- The contingent of health education personnel has been further strengthened, and the professionalism, initiative and creativity of medical and health institutions and medical and health personnel in devoting themselves to health education have been further enhanced;

-- Mobilize all sectors of society to support and participate more extensively, and further expand the opportunities and platforms for social forces and the people to participate in health education;

-- The health literacy level of Chinese residents will continue to improve, with an average annual increase of about 2 percentage points from 2024 to 2027, and the level of Chinese citizens' health literacy in traditional Chinese medicine will continue to improve.

Second, the main measures

(1) Increase the supply of high-quality health science products.

1. Release a batch of high-quality health science works. Select and bring together high-quality health science resources of medical and health institutions, and establish a national health science resource database matrix. Focusing on key groups such as infants and young children, children and adolescents, the elderly, pregnant women and occupational groups, focusing on key themes such as myopia prevention and control, mental health, reasonable diet, scientific exercise, prevention and control of infectious diseases, "salt reduction, oil reduction, sugar reduction, healthy mouth, healthy weight, healthy bones" (referred to as "three reductions and three health"), healthy pregnancy, etc., we continue to innovate the concept, perspective and model of health science popularization, and release a number of scientifically authoritative and easy-to-understand health science popularization works to the society. Repeat and continue to talk about important hot issues, and constantly strengthen public awareness.

2. Publish a series of health science books. Do a good job in the editing and publication of a series of health science popularization books such as "Healthy China, You and I Walk Together", covering key groups such as the elderly, children, and women, as well as key contents such as respiratory diseases, infectious diseases, cancer, reasonable diet, and mental health, and provide more authoritative health science books to the people. In light of actual conditions, all localities are to edit, publish, or make good use of health science series.

3. Hold a new era health science popularization works collection competition. Competitions are held every year to support the creation of more scientific, policy-oriented and disseminated works. Mobilize all provinces across the country to organize local health science popularization works collection competitions, and encourage more medical and health institutions and medical and health personnel to participate in the creation of health science works.

4. Launched a series of TCM science popularization activities and products. We will continue to hold brand activities such as the Chinese Medicine Health Culture Knowledge Competition, "Thousands of Doctors Talk about Traditional Chinese Medicine", and "Reading Chinese Medicine", support the launch of a number of series of popular science comics, short videos, cultural and creative products, etc., such as "Moxibustion Boy" and "Heluo", and encourage all units of the Chinese medicine system to set up popular science columns on new media platforms, and regularly push popular science content such as traditional Chinese medicine health care that is close to the production and life of the masses, so as to continuously improve the level of citizens' traditional Chinese medicine health literacy.

5. Create a number of disease control science popularization brands and boutique activities. We will do a good job in running the China Health Science Competition, improve the ability and level of professionals to produce popular science works through the Communication Skills Competition, gradually expand the coverage and participation groups, and continuously expand the communication power and influence. Combined with the time characteristics of the season with a high incidence of infectious diseases, and the publicity activities of the theme day for the prevention and treatment of major infectious diseases, we will carry out various forms of online and offline science popularization activities, and normalize and institutionalize the popularization of health science on the prevention and control of infectious diseases. Establish and improve the resource database and expert database of disease control and health science, further broaden the channels for the public to obtain health science knowledge, improve the linkage mechanism between the monitoring of infectious disease epidemics and the release of emergency science, and help maintain public health and public health safety.

(2) Regulate the publication and dissemination of health science information.

1. Implement a mechanism for the release and dissemination of health science knowledge. Strengthen multi-departmental linkage, and widely disseminate high-quality and authoritative health science popularization works through television, radio, newspapers and new media. Sort out a batch of samples of health rumors and false misinformation, increase the extent of monitoring and handling of negative health science information on the Internet, promptly address and refute rumors of negative information that has a large impact and a wide range of dissemination, and pursue the responsibility of the disseminator in accordance with law, and purify the online environment for health science popularization.

2. Promote a health science mini program. On the basis of the original pilot work, the China Family Planning Association has expanded the "Health Knowledge into Ten Thousand Homes" project in the central and western regions, using small programs, relying on the family planning association organization network and member organization service system, giving full play to the advantages of the family planning association's work in the community and family, and using family health instructors as the medium to push high-quality health science works to more people "point-to-point".

(3) Strengthen the construction of health education talents.

1. Build a strong database of health science experts. Publish the list of members of the National Health Science Popularization Expert Database (2024 Edition), and implement training and dynamic management of experts in the database. Promote the members of the national and provincial health science popularization expert database to actively carry out science popularization activities, and improve the quality of health science popularization works through on-site lectures, media interviews, live video broadcasts, writing and reviewing works, and other methods.

2. Make good use of a health education performance appraisal mechanism. Guide many places to make good use of the existing incentive policies for health education and health science popularization, so that more medical and health personnel can enjoy the system guarantees such as performance appraisal, subject declaration, professional title promotion, and evaluation and evaluation, and are more willing to devote themselves to health education and health science popularization.

(4) Strengthen social advocacy and mobilization.

1. Build a number of healthy counties and districts. Continue to promote the construction of healthy counties and districts, adhere to the joint construction and sharing of the government, society and individuals, and improve all kinds of health influencing factors. Establish a health promotion mechanism, formulate health public policies, build health promotion places, create a health culture, improve a healthy environment, and cultivate healthy people.

2. Build a number of health-promoting hospitals. With the construction of health-promoting hospitals as the starting point, we will promote the transformation from the medical and health sector to multi-departmental and multi-level participation, from the individual to the participation of individuals and communities, and from the treatment of diseases to prevention. Through the participation of all hospital staff, effective allocation of resources, organized actions, optimization of the hospital environment, the introduction of policies conducive to doctors and patients, the stimulation of medical staff to give full play to the best effectiveness, health promotion and health education into all aspects of daily work of disease prevention and control.

3. Launch a Health Literacy Awareness Month. June of each year will be regarded as the health literacy publicity month, promote industry associations and societies to issue initiatives to the whole system and the whole society, organize and plan health-related theme publicity and education activities, hold a national health education and health promotion conference, continuously enhance the influence of publicity activities, and set off an upsurge of health literacy publicity and promotion. Make use of existing statutory holidays, traditional cultural festivals, health theme anniversaries, etc. to do a good job of health literacy publicity.

4. Organize a series of volunteer service activities. The state and various provinces are linked, and regularly organize "model of the times", "the most beautiful doctor", "China's good doctor, China's good nurse" monthly figures, and members of the health science popularization expert database at all levels and other advanced typical representatives and authoritative experts, to go to remote areas, ethnic minority areas, poverty alleviation areas, etc. to carry out the "famous doctors go to the grassroots - volunteer service" activities, through on-site free clinics, health consultations, health lectures, etc., to deliver health knowledge and health services to the village (resident) community and the masses.

5. Carry out an essay contest on "My Family's Health Story". Every year, health stories are collected from the whole society, so that the general public can tell the stories of inheriting healthy family style, establishing health concepts, developing healthy behaviors, and improving the personal health literacy of families and members, and actively summarize and promote the experience and practices of promoting family health reflected in excellent stories.

6. Hold a health knowledge network competition. Jointly with relevant departments and social forces, with the help of the Internet platform, a health knowledge contest is held every year, calling on the majority of netizens to actively participate, learn knowledge, enjoy happiness, and harvest health.

3. Organization and implementation

The first is to strengthen collaboration. Strive for the support of multiple departments, make good use of the coordination mechanism of health, publicity and other departments, strengthen the linkage between the top and bottom of the health system, widely mobilize social forces to participate, and implement various tasks. The second is to seek practical results. Health departments at all levels have combined with local conditions, promoted innovation in work forms and methods, continuously enhanced pertinence and effectiveness, insisted on serving the masses as the starting point and the satisfaction of the masses as the end point, did not force the apportionment of tasks, did not engage in flashy formalism that worked hard for the people and hurt money, and did not do things with characteristics and results. The third is to summarize and exchange. In the process of implementing the action, we will dig deep into the fresh experience of all localities and departments in strengthening health education and health science popularization, and exchange and promote typical cases. Make full use of all kinds of news media and online new media to widely publicize good measures and good practices to improve residents' health literacy, and create a good atmosphere of public opinion in the whole society. (Click here for details to read the original article)

Source: Official website of the National Health Commission