
Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it


Changing roles is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but every time it happens, it can always cause a lot of waves. Recently, a TV series called "Camp with Love" staged such a side-by-play. The role originally played by Wang Ziwei was suddenly changed to An Yuexi, and this sudden change made many viewers and fans feel confused and dissatisfied.

The cause of the incident has to start with the drama "Love as the Camp". This drama is adapted from the popular novel "Wrong Flirtation", starring Bai Lu and Wang Hedi, and has attracted much attention since the official announcement. On November 22, 2022, the crew officially announced the start of filming and announced the cast, including Wang Ziwei. Wang Ziwei's role in the play, Xu Yuling, also made many fans look forward to it. However, the good times did not last long, and on January 4, 2023, Wang Ziwei was suddenly replaced and replaced by An Yuexi.

For this sudden change of role, Wang Ziwei herself seems to be quite surprised. Her reply on social media seemed a little helpless and aggrieved, she said: "Don't expect me, it was me, anyway, it wasn't me who acted." This vague expression makes people feel that she is not aware of the crew's decision, and she is also a little dissatisfied. As a substitute actor, An Yuexi's response was more professional and calm. She said in an interview that she didn't realize why she changed roles, but only knew that she participated in the filming according to the crew's arrangement and did her duty. She said: "Because the role of the play decided in November was temporarily changed, so I took a leave of absence. At the beginning of December, I accepted the audition request for the new play, and the next day I sent the audition session, and waited for the results, and received a reply on the same day. This is the normal process for an actor to get a role. ”

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

An Yuexi's response was very clear, she said that she only got the role after the audition, and she didn't know the cause and effect. At the same time, she also said that this is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, and the changed roles are not special. Although An Yuexi has not acted in many plays, her audience popularity has always been very good. She has played the dumb girl in "Fire Military Academy", Abe in "Tremble Abe", and Sugar Treasure in "Flower Thousand Bone". This beauty has good acting skills and is also beautiful, and she has always performed her own plays quietly and quietly, and is loved by the audience.

The casting process of the crew is often complicated, and it is normal to change roles or be robbed. If the actor does not meet the director's requirements, he may be replaced even if the film is turned on. Some protagonists can't escape the fate of being replaced, let alone a small supporting role. If the crew is replaced, Wang Ziwei will definitely contact the crew if she has any questions. Even if the role is changed temporarily, the actor who takes over may not know what is going on. The official announcement was changed, shouldn't I ask the crew? The problem of the drama party is bigger!

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

This incident has caused widespread discussion on social media, some netizens expressed sympathy for Wang Ziwei's experience, thinking that the crew's approach is not transparent enough, and some netizens believe that this is the norm in the entertainment industry, and actors should learn to adapt. However, in any case, this role change incident has added a lot of topicality to the drama "Camp with Love", and has also made more people pay attention to the progress of this drama. For Wang Ziwei and An Yuexi, this may just be a small episode in their acting careers, and there are more opportunities waiting for them to grasp in the future.

The reasons behind the role swap incident are always curious, especially when it comes to public figures. Wang Ziwei's role was replaced by An Yuexi, which caused a lot of fluctuations among fans and audiences. An Yuexi said in her response that she accepted the audition according to the normal process and finally got the role 11. However, this so-called "normal process" comes with questions on the timeline.

First, let's take a look at the timeline. "Camp with Love" officially announced Wang Ziwei when it was launched in November, but in January, Wang Ziwei hinted that she had been replaced by 11 when replying to fans. The time difference in the middle can't help but make people wonder, what happened to the crew after the official announcement? And An Yuexi claimed that she only received the audition request in early December, which seems to conflict with the timing of Wang Ziwei's official announcement. If the crew has already decided on Wang Ziwei's role, why did they let An Yuexi try out a month later?

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In addition, An Yuexi mentioned in her response that she was temporarily replaced by another drama in November, so she took a direct vacation12. This leads to another question: If An Yuexi already knew that she was changed roles in November, did she already know that Wang Ziwei's role had been officially announced when she auditioned for "Love as a Camp"? If so, is her audition still part of the "normal process"?

In this incident, Wang Ziwei's attitude is also quite interesting. Her remarks on social media seemed to reveal dissatisfaction and helplessness, but she did not directly blame the crew or An Yuexi 11. This vague expression makes people feel that she is not aware of the crew's decision, and she is also a little dissatisfied. An Yuexi, on the other hand, is more professional and calm, emphasizing that she obtained the role through the normal process and does not know the cause and effect.12

However, the role change in the entertainment industry is often not as simple as it seems. There may be a multi-party game of interests involved, including but not limited to the actor's personal performance, the crew's internal decision-making, and even the involvement of capital14. In this role change turmoil, some netizens speculated that An Yuexi's role in November was originally scheduled for someone else, but she was changed by her halfway, and then she was replaced by others, and now she has replaced Wang Ziwei, behind which is capital in the game14. Although this statement is unconfirmed, it also reflects the public's concern about the complex factors that may exist behind the change of roles in the entertainment industry.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In general, Wang Ziwei's role was replaced by An Yuexi, although both sides claimed to be carried out in accordance with the normal process, but the doubts on the timeline and the possible entanglement of interests behind it made this incident not simple. As bystanders, we may not be able to know the whole truth, but such an incident undoubtedly raises thoughts about the operating mechanism of the entertainment industry.

In the entertainment industry, the personal problems of the artists can sometimes trigger a chain reaction, resulting in the stranding or reshooting of the entire series, bringing huge losses to the crew. This has been especially common in recent years, especially in some high-budget, big-budget series, where the entire project could be at risk of stalling if the lead actor goes wrong.

Take "Green Hairpin Xing" as an example, this drama was originally a highly anticipated S+ project, costing as much as 400 million, and invited Yang Zi and Wu Moufan, two top stars, to join, with the goal of creating a ratings myth. However, just when everything was ready and about to start, Wu Moufan suddenly broke out and was detained by the police on suspicion of committing a crime, which undoubtedly gave the crew a blow to the head. Since his character could not be easily replaced, the entire series had to run aground and has not been restarted so far, resulting in huge financial losses and waste of resources.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

The same situation happened with the drama "Winning the World". This drama starring Fan Bingbing and Gao Yunxiang, with an investment of up to 250 million, was originally a high-profile big production. However, when the series was about to be broadcast, Gao Yunxiang was exposed to private moral issues such as cheating in marriage, which triggered a strong resistance from the audience. In the end, the drama had to be temporarily stranded, and Fan Bingbing even had to find her boyfriend Li Chen at the time to save the scene, trying to reduce the loss by replacing the male lead. But people are not as good as heaven, Li Chen just filled the vacancy of the male lead, and Fan Bingbing was fined 883 million because of tax issues, becoming a bad artist, and this drama was completely abolished in the end.

Faced with this situation, some crews will choose to use technical means to solve the problem, such as AI face swapping technology. In "The Rise of the Great Qin Empire", Wang Xuebing, the actor of General Bai Qi, was arrested for drug involvement, and the crew invited Xing Jiadong to act in front of the green screen, and then replaced his image into the play through cutout technology. In last year's hit "Splendid Stars", Guo Tao's good brother General Wan was also replaced by AI face-swapping technology, and the original role was played by Jing Gangshan, and later changed to Ren Qingan for some reasons. Although this technique can solve the problem to a certain extent, the effect after face change is often unsatisfactory, and sometimes it even causes complaints and dissatisfaction from the audience.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In general, the problem of changing roles caused by bad artists has brought a lot of challenges to the film and television industry. On the one hand, the crew needs to bear huge economic losses and waste of resources; On the other hand, the use of technical means to solve problems may affect the quality of the series and the perception of the audience. How to properly deal with the impact of artists' personal problems while ensuring the quality of dramas is a problem that the film and television industry needs to think about seriously.

In the entertainment industry, "playing a big name" often means that the artist is replaced by the crew because of his unprofessional behavior. This kind of behavior not only damages the artist's own image, but may also bring a lot of trouble and losses to the crew. Li Meng's role change in "White Deer Plain" is a good example.

Li Meng, a talented young actor, once attracted attention for his role in "White Deer Plain". In a variety show, when asked about the reason for the change of role, Li Meng burst into tears and admitted that he had a flawed personality, which seemed to be an indirect admission of the fact that he was changed for playing a big name2122. She mentioned in the show that she once insisted on two identical apples during the filming of "The Hidden Corner", which seemed to be an obsession with art, but actually brought a lot of trouble to the crew21.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In the role change incident of "White Deer Plain", Li Meng's role was finally replaced by Zhang Jiayi and changed to Sun Yi, and the crew had to reshoot all the scenes about Bai Ling 23. Such a change of roles not only meant that Li Meng lost an important role, but also meant that the crew needed to invest extra time and resources to reshoot. This is a huge burden for any crew.

Playing big names can take many forms, such as not following crew rules, disrespecting other staff members, and asking for special treatment excessively. These behaviors will not only affect the day-to-day operations of the crew, but may also disrupt the harmonious atmosphere of the team. In Li Meng's case, her behavior was deemed unprofessional by some judges and industry insiders, and some judges even bluntly stated in the show that they would not use such an actor21.

However, it is not without opportunities for big-name artists to make amends. Li Meng seems to be reflecting on his behavior after experiencing the role change incident, and expressed his desire to become a better actor in the show. She realized that as an actress, in addition to being talented and persistent, she also needed to have professionalism and a sense of teamwork22.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In general, the role change incident caused by playing a big name has had a great impact on both the artist and the crew. It reminds us that no matter how talented an artist is, he or she needs to abide by industry norms and respect others in order to achieve long-term development in the entertainment industry. For the crew, when choosing actors, it is not only necessary to look at their talents, but also to consider their professionalism and teamwork ability. Only in this way can we avoid the occurrence of similar role changes and ensure the smooth operation of the crew.

In the entertainment industry, capital and power often play the role of behind-the-scenes promoters, and they play a decisive role in the role of the role change. Sometimes, the stay of an artist does not depend entirely on their acting skills or popularity, but on the game and trade-off of the capital forces behind them. The role swap events in "Agarwood Like Crumbs" and "Ode to Joy 3" are typical examples of the influence of capital power.

The original heroine of the drama "Agarwood is like crumbs" was a popular flower, and her joining undoubtedly brought a lot of attention and expectations to the series. However, during the preparation of the series, the news of the heroine being replaced suddenly came out. According to people familiar with the matter, this change of role is not due to artistic considerations, but to the decision of the capital side. It turned out that after weighing the market and the return on investment, the capital side believed that another actress could attract the audience more and bring greater commercial value. As a result, driven by capital, the position of the heroine changed hands, although this decision caused a lot of controversy and dissatisfaction among fans.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

The same was true during the production of Ode to Joy 3. As a sequel to the popular IP, this drama has naturally attracted much attention. However, during the casting stage, a certain actor who was originally scheduled was suddenly replaced and replaced by another actor who had more market potential in the eyes of the capital. The decision to switch roles also sparked widespread discussion among the audience, with some questioning whether the crew placed too much emphasis on commercial interests and neglected artistic quality.

The role of capital power in the event of a change of role is often reflected in a keen grasp of market trends and accurate calculation of investment returns. In their view, choosing which actor to join is not only a part of artistic creation, but also a well-planned business operation. Factors to consider include the actor's popularity, fan base, market appeal, and potential commercial value.

However, there are also risks associated with this capital-oriented decision change. On the one hand, it may cause disgust among original fans and affect the word-of-mouth and ratings of the series; On the other hand, the excessive pursuit of commercial interests and the neglect of artistic quality may lead to a decline in the quality of the work, which will ultimately affect the return on investment.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

In this process, artists are often in a more passive position. Their career development and role choices are largely influenced by the power of capital. Sometimes, even if they are passionate and looking forward to a role, they may have to give up because of the decisions of capital.

In general, the influence of capital forces in the role of the change of roles cannot be ignored. It is market-oriented, profit-oriented, and has a profound impact on the casting and production of the series. As viewers, we may not be able to change this phenomenon, but we can use our own choices to express our insistence on artistic quality and reflection on commercial operations.

The phenomenon of changing roles can be said to be common in the entertainment industry, and the reasons for this can be summarized into three categories: bad artists, big names and the influence of capital power. Behind each cause, there is a series of stories and influences.

First of all, the problem of bad artists is the most direct and helpless. Once an artist is involved in illegal or morally corrupt behavior, the work they participate in often faces the fate of remaking or changing roles. For example, because of Wu Moufan's incident, the originally high-profile "Green Hairpin Xing" had to run aground, and all the investment and efforts were in vain31. Similarly, "Winning the World" starring Fan Bingbing and Gao Yunxiang could not be broadcast because of the personal problems of the leading actors, causing huge economic losses34. In this case, the crew sometimes has to use technical means, such as AI face swapping, to reduce losses.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

Secondly, the behavior of playing big names is also an important reason for changing roles. Some artists may feel too good about themselves or have excessive demands on working conditions, which leads to strained relationships with the crew and eventually replaces. For example, Li Meng's role change in "White Deer Plain" is related to his big-name behavior in the crew32. Because of her attachment to an apple, she made the whole crew look for the exact same apple in the middle of the night, which seriously affected the normal work of the crew and eventually led to her role being replaced.

Finally, the intervention of capital forces often complicates the phenomenon of role swapping. Driven by capital, some roles may be replaced by artists with more market value or stronger capital behind them. For example, Zhou Qi's role in "The Code of the Riverside Map at Qingming Festival" was replaced by Zhang Yao, and behind it was the game of capital power31. In addition, the role of Xu Kaizhan in "Agarwood Like Crumbs" originally belonged to Ye Qing, but was changed because of Xu Kaizhan's improper relationship with the producer34. This kind of capital operation often makes the originally fair casting process no longer transparent, and also puts some young actors at a disadvantage in this game.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

Overall, the reasons behind the phenomenon of casting are varied, and each of them has a profound impact on the crew, the artist, and the industry as a whole. For artists, maintaining good professional ethics, living in harmony with the crew, and correctly handling the relationship with capital are the keys to avoiding being replaced. For the crew and investors, how to deal with various interests while ensuring the quality of the work is also a problem that needs to be pondered.

In the entertainment industry, it happens from time to time that actors are replaced, which not only affects the actor's career, but may also bring additional trouble and cost to the crew. To avoid this, actors need to remain professional and learn to protect themselves in the game of capital.

First of all, the actor needs to show a high degree of professionalism. This includes showing up on time, studying the role carefully, respecting the director and other actors, and following the crew's rules. Professionalism is the foundation of an actor's foothold in the industry, and it is also the key to avoid giving the crew a chance to change roles. For example, Li Meng's role swap in "White Deer Plain"42 was partly attributed to her unprofessional behavior, which undoubtedly sounded the alarm for other actors.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

Secondly, the actor should maintain a good public image. In the public eye, every word and deed of an actor will be magnified and scrutinized. Any violation of the law or moral turpitude may result in the actor being quickly replaced. Therefore, actors need to pay attention to their behavior at all times to avoid personal problems affecting the work they are participating in. For example, Wu Moufan's incident 42 directly led to the stranding of "Green Hairpin Xing", which was a huge blow to all the actors and staff involved.

Moreover, actors must learn to handle the relationship with capital. In the game of capital, the actor is sometimes just a pawn and may be forced to leave because of the decision of capital. Therefore, when choosing a project, actors should fully consider the stability of the crew and the capital background, so as to avoid affecting their roles due to changes in capital. At the same time, actors should also build their own team, including agents, PR and legal advisors, etc., to help them make the right decisions in the complex entertainment industry.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

Finally, actors need to constantly improve their acting skills and market value. In the highly competitive entertainment industry, only by making continuous progress can you stand out among many actors. By participating in high-quality productions, challenging different roles, and receiving professional training, actors can improve their irreplaceability, thereby reducing the risk of being replaced.

In short, if an actor wants to avoid being replaced, he needs to work on professionalism, public image, capital relations and personal ability. Through these efforts, actors can stabilize their position in the entertainment industry and reduce the risk of changing roles due to various external factors.

Another actor has been replaced? Looking back at the role change incident in the film and television industry, there is an ecological chain behind it

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