
Why didn't Tian Kai ascend to the hall of elegance

author:Letting go is the way

"Tian Kai" is controversial because of its unique style, and it is often questioned whether it can be used in the hall of elegance. So, why does "Tian Kai" face such doubts?

1. The origin and characteristics of Tian Kai

"Tian Kai" refers to the regular script style created by the contemporary calligrapher Mr. Tian Yingzhang. As an outstanding representative of the calligraphy industry, Mr. Tian Yingzhang's regular script works are deeply loved by the public and are known as "Tian Kai". Tian Kai is characterized by its dignified and gentle, rigorous and standardized, and the pursuit of the ultimate rigor and standardization, forming a unique artistic style. However, this extreme rigor and standardization is also one of the reasons why it is controversial.

Why didn't Tian Kai ascend to the hall of elegance

Second, the focus of Tian Kai's controversy

The controversy over "Tian Kai" mainly focuses on the following aspects:

Tian Kai's strokes are neat and delicate, each stroke has a graceful arc, such as the arched horizontal painting and the enhanced anti-shoulder angle, and the contrast between the thickness of the strokes is strong, giving people a visual impact.

Tian Kai pursues the ultimate rigor and standardization, but it has also been criticized for printing.

Tian Kai's structure is balanced and rigorous, and the overall presentation presents a peaceful aesthetic that is easy for calligraphy lovers to learn and adopt.

In terms of knots, Tian Kai pays attention to the combination of elements such as straightness, rigidity and softness, and square circle, and forms a pattern of odd and positive interdependence, rigidity and softness through the changes of the upper horizontal straightness, right-handed bending, and the turning of the left stroke.

Why didn't Tian Kai ascend to the hall of elegance

The layout of Tian Kai is orderly, with vertical and horizontal rows neatly aligned, like carefully arranged pearls, giving people a beautiful experience.

These characteristics of Tian Kai make it easier to learn and master than the traditional Ou Kai, and even beginners can quickly see the results of learning. This advantage makes Tian Kai occupy an important position in the field of calligraphy education, and is widely used in calligraphy teaching. But it has also been criticized as a primary calligraphy and a "vulgar calligraphy".

Tian Kai's influence in the contemporary calligraphy world is indisputably more influential than other calligraphy genres, and is widely used in online calligraphy courses and face-to-face calligraphy teaching. Its popularization not only improves the basic ability of calligraphy for primary and secondary school students and teachers, but also promotes the inheritance and development of calligraphy art. But because of this, he robbed the jobs of other books and became the target of many people's attacks.

Why didn't Tian Kai ascend to the hall of elegance

3. Objective evaluation of Tian Kai

In view of the above controversies, we can objectively evaluate Tian Kai:

First of all, the unique art style deserves recognition

As a unique style of regular script, the artistic value of Tian Kai cannot be ignored. Through long-term practice and exploration, Mr. Tian Yingzhang has formed his own unique artistic style, which has a certain uniqueness and innovation in the art of calligraphy. Therefore, we should affirm the artistic value of Tian Kai.

Second, the pursuit of extreme rigor and standardization has limitations

However, Tian Kai's pursuit of extreme rigor and standardization also has certain limitations. This pursuit can make the work appear dull, lacking in change and innovation. In the art of calligraphy, change and innovation are very important elements, and works lacking these elements often find it difficult to occupy an important position in the art of calligraphy. Therefore, while pursuing the ultimate rigor and standardization, Tian Kai also needs to pay attention to change and innovation.

Why didn't Tian Kai ascend to the hall of elegance

Third, it will take time to judge whether or not they can get to the Hall of Elegance

On the question of whether "Tian Kai" can ascend to the Hall of Elegance, we need time to judge. Any kind of art style needs to go through the precipitation of time and the test of history before it can be accepted and recognized by the general public. Therefore, we should maintain an open mind and an inclusive attitude towards Tian Kai's unique regular script style, and let time prove its artistic value.