
Learn to be a hero, forge loyalty, burn ointment, follow the sundial and create a first-class - Chen Hongjun militia company organized themed activities for several days

author:Defense Times

June 15 is an unforgettable day. This day is the day of the heroic sacrifice of Chen Hongjun, the "hero of defending the country and defending the border". On this day, Chen Hongjun's militia company ushered in his most important day - several days.

"Chen Hongjun!"

"Here!" "Here!" "To ......"

In front of the exhibition room of Chen Hongjun's martyrs, more than 100 Liangdang militiamen stood solemnly, and with the roll call of the instructor of the militia company, the militiamen replied "yes" in unison with strength and strength, and the voice echoed for a long time in the red blessed land of Liangdang.

Learn to be a hero, forge loyalty, burn ointment, follow the sundial and create a first-class - Chen Hongjun militia company organized themed activities for several days

Chen Hongjun's militia company organized themed activities for several days

Standing in front of the relief wall of the exhibition room, one can't help but recall the thrilling battle scene four years ago. Deputy instructor Luo Yiming was also a border soldier, and every time he studied Chen Hongjun's deeds, he couldn't help crying, "It is precisely thousands of heroes like Chen Hongjun who can win the peace of our country in this life." As the inheritors of Chen Hongjun's fighting spirit, we must take over the hero's gun and be ready at all times! ”

Learn to be a hero, forge loyalty, burn ointment, follow the sundial and create a first-class - Chen Hongjun militia company organized themed activities for several days

Chen Hongjun's militia company organized themed activities for several days

Learn to be a hero, forge loyalty, burn ointment, follow the sundial and create a first-class - Chen Hongjun militia company organized themed activities for several days

Chen Hongjun's militia company organized themed activities for several days

Under the leadership of the bright red company flag, the militia of the whole company was neat and neat, and when they came to the county armed police squadron, the militiamen were all impressed by the tense and rigorous style of the armed police soldiers, the highly consistent pace, and the passionate morale, and the blood of youth instantly infected all the militia on the scene. Militia member Ning Binhao said excitedly, "It is the biggest regret of my life that I have not been a soldier, and I feel honored and proud to join the militia now." Today, when I came to the barracks of the grassroots squadron for the first time, I saw the neat housekeeping of the armed police soldiers for the first time, and experienced the training life of the barracks for the first time. In the future, we must strengthen the tempering of our work style, improve our training level, be good fighters who listen to the party and follow the party, and like Chen Hongjun, we must make our due contributions to defending the country's tranquility. ”

The leader of the People's Armed Forces Department of Liangdang County said: "The militia is an important part of the mainland's armed forces, and it is responsible for the mission and task of aiding and defending the war. Through a series of educational activities, we have leveraged red resources, cast red ideas, and trained strong red teams. ”

Learn to be a hero, forge loyalty, burn ointment, follow the sundial and create a first-class - Chen Hongjun militia company organized themed activities for several days

Chen Hongjun's militia company organized themed activities for several days

In the conference room of the Ministry of People's Armed Forces, the company also organized a theme party class, reviewed the battle video of the heroes of the defense of the country, and then held a fierce discussion on the concept of struggle in the new era. "Living in the red blessed land of Liangdang is a kind of happiness in itself, and we are in this honorary collective, so we must inherit the red gene and be a good militia in the new era." "Chen Hongjun is a banner that inspires us to move forward bravely, and only hard training and completing tasks can be the best inheritance of the heroic fighting spirit." Everyone, you and I will be the first to speak. "No struggle, no youth. I believe that the young militia should do a good job in their own work, fulfill their militia duties, always maintain an attitude of forging ahead, and add glory to the company. ”

"Not afraid of death, faith is as strong as steel, blood is always boiling, and the original intention will never be forgotten......" everyone sang a song, singing the heroism and passion of the militia in the new era with their singing voices.

It is reported that in order to cherish the memory of the heroes and commemorate the heroes, in 2023, the Party Committee of the People's Armed Forces Department of Liangdang County will determine the day of Chen Hongjun's sacrifice as a militia for several days. On this day every year, the county will solemnly organize themed activities for several days, calling on the whole society to learn from heroes and strive to be heroes, and encourage the majority of militia to shoulder heavy responsibilities and forge ahead.

(Ding Fei, Zhang Hui)

Source: Defense Times

Editor: Xu Xiaojuan

Editor: Zhou Jialin

Defense Times Press Center [email protected]

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