
Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam

The 2024 college entrance examination is imminent, and in the past few days, the Pingba District Public Security Bureau, the District Transportation Bureau and other relevant departments have acted in advance and carefully deployed to do a detailed and practical job in organizing the college entrance examination, and to do a good job in service guarantee with heart and affection, so as to help candidates and escort their dreams.

Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

On the evening of June 4, the District Public Security Bureau went deep into the vicinity of the test center in the jurisdiction, as well as the "nine small places" such as Internet cafes, KTVs, and billiard rooms, to carry out a comprehensive and detailed investigation of pre-test risks and hidden dangers, and to find out all kinds of contradictions, disputes and potential safety hazards that may affect the safety of the test.

Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

"From before the college entrance examination to the end of the college entrance examination, we have increased the number of police forces to carry out security patrols around the test center, as well as in relevant key places and key areas, increase the density and frequency of public security patrols, effectively improve the police detection rate and control rate, and eliminate potential safety hazards to the greatest extent. At the same time, we will persuade noisy business places to provide a quiet environment for test takers to prepare for exams and rest. Xing Tong, a member of the assault squadron of the Special Patrol Police Brigade of the Pingba District Public Security Bureau, said.

Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

On June 5, the District Transportation Bureau organized drivers of Yueda Bus and Shanli Jiangnan and other transportation companies to carry out safety training and mental health counseling. Detailed arrangements were made for the pick-up and drop-off vehicles and pick-up time during the college entrance examination. Traffic and transportation law enforcement officers conducted an on-site qualification review of the vehicles and related drivers who participated in the test to ensure that the safety and technical conditions of the vehicles put into operation were up to standard. On the same day, the drivers gathered at the Pingba South Passenger Station, posted the sign of "Love to Send the Test", and extended sincere wishes to the senior high school students.

Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee
Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

"The college entrance examination is approaching, and we organize buses and taxis to provide candidates with caring escort services. In order to ensure service quality and safety, we have strengthened the qualification review of service vehicles and drivers in the early stage, and strictly carried out vehicle safety inspection and maintenance. At the same time, the driver's mental health counseling is organized to ensure that the vehicle and the driver are qualified and meet the requirements. In the process of service, the car is required to be clean and tidy, the driver is enthusiastic to serve, and the taxi adopts the method of 'one-click taxi' to carry out mobile pick-up, 'one-to-one' pick-up, test center pick-up and drop-off and other services, so as to create a safe, stable and harmonious college entrance examination atmosphere in the whole region. Long Yuntao, head of the transportation and shipping management unit of the Pingba District Transportation Bureau, said.

Pingba District multi-department linkage to do a good job in the pre-college entrance examination service guarantee

It is understood that 2,025 people will apply for the college entrance examination in Pingba District in 2024, and 1,587 people will actually participate in the college entrance examination, and 2 standardized test centers will be set up, namely Pingba No. 1 Senior High School and Pingba No. 3 Middle School, with a total of 57 examination rooms. During the college entrance examination period, 20 buses (with a capacity of 1,200 people) and 50 taxis will be arranged every day to provide transportation support at the two test centers, of which 10 buses will go directly to and from the test center and the South Bus Station.

On the eve of the college entrance examination, in addition to the public security and transportation departments, the departments of education, electric power, health care, market supervision and other departments have also responded, actively acted, made joint efforts, combined with their respective work responsibilities, and made every effort to do a good job in the work of the college entrance examination, so as to create a good preparation environment for the college entrance examination candidates in the whole region.

Source: Pingba District Rong Media Center

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