
【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

author:Qianzhong Ping Dam

2024-06-06 01:10:24 Source: Anshun Daily Financial Media Center

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)
【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)
【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)
【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

The watch of Tunpu

□ Li Tianbin

An umbrella

  Pure lilac. Fine floral pattern. Place of Origin: Hangzhou. Umbrella name: Paradise Umbrella. Isn't this the umbrella I walked across the Yangtze River? It was in May, the smoke and rain were gently and slowly, the weeping willows were in a dream, and the artistic conception of Tang and Song poems came and went...... With such an umbrella, I walked through the ancient city of Suzhou, passed through the garden, went to Hanshan Temple, and went to Zhouzhuang. Pink walls, daiwa, pavilions, pavilions, talents, beauties, the story of Jiangnan, rippling under such an umbrella......

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

Tunpu women

  At this moment, am I still in Jiangnan? At this moment, the smoke and rain are still there, the streets paved with stone walls, black tiles, and bluestone slabs are still the same, and time and space seem to have been stagnant - the source of Yunnan Tunjia has been out of Hongwu for 14 years, and the soldiers in Qianzhong have been flowing for thousands of years. On top of time, in the years, Tianlong Tunbao Ancient Town, but a chess piece left behind in the south of the Yangtze River? From the water towns in the south of the Yangtze River to the deep mountains in Qianzhong, isn't it already many generations? But why, this situation and this scene are still so similar?

  Follow the clues provided in the information, touch the blood flowing in this ancient town - in the fourteenth year of Hongwu, Zhu Yuanzhang sent 300,000 troops to attack the southwest, and left the army on the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau after eliminating the remnants of the Yuan Dynasty. Among them, the military garrison is called "Tun", the residence of the immigrants is called "Bao", and their descendants, that is, the residents of the ancient town, are called "Tunpu people". For more than 600 years, they have always followed the cultural customs of the Jiangnan people in the Ming Dynasty......

  What could be more touching than this perseverance and perseverance? After this, is there also a distant and thick back of an ethnic group?

Ichijo Street

  It's about time. When I walked into this street, I knew that this street should be named after time.

  At the entrance of the street, the impressive stone monument is engraved with the history of the ancient town - the four ancestors who entered Guizhou from the south of the Yangtze River, their surnames, first names, and their past wars and glory are presented in the form of words on the stone monument. But just like the years eroded by wind and rain, these records of longing for immortality have long been as thin as a gossamer and looming.

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

Tunpu Street

  And yes, walking into this street, who can really touch the past of these ancestors who entered Guizhou? Far away, far away. In addition to the vague back, the honor and pride of the ancestors have been scattered into mud. The pride and superiority that our ancestors brought to us have long since given way to the life and days of sunrise and sunset......

  And the stone mills and farm tools that lay casually on the side of the street, the faces that have been through the vicissitudes of life under a pipe, and the women who are dressed as if no one is around...... They are telling you truthfully that everything in the past has become a thing of the past. But the watchfulness from the spirit is real, looking at the blue-blue wide-sleeved robe waving on the street, as if fixed in the time and space of Jiangnan 600 years ago, are telling you this real existence, making you feel strange, and making you want to trace it back - from Jiangnan to Tunpu, from Tunpu to daily life, what kind of long distance is it in between?

A house

  Stone walls, stone tiles, stone pillars, there is not the slightest grandeur, only the stone wall with cracks everywhere, and the crooked wall highlights the remoteness of the years in the wind, only an old woman in a blue wide-sleeved robe, sitting on the stone bench in front of the door, raising her vast eyes, looking at us blankly.

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

Photo by Yunshantun Lu Wei

  If it weren't for the tour guide's introduction, I would never believe that this was the residence of Shen Wansan's direct descendants. In the south of the Yangtze River in May, I walked past the former residence of Shen Wanshan. There, although the former wealth has also disappeared, although the existence of a house cannot erase the pain and loss of the past, but the exquisitely made courtyard still gives me a trace of comfort. After all, from there, those faint splendors are faintly recognizable. But at this moment, as I stood in front of this house, I felt a deep sense of loss. I even imagined a distant scene - on a dark and windy night in the moon, when Shen Wanshan took his family, carrying Zhu Yuanzhang's holy decree to send him to the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, and came here in a trance, maybe he was too tired, maybe he heard the Jiangnan country accent here, in short, he stopped here. However, at this time, the once rich country has long become an old dream. I think he must have been full of sorrow, and when he decided to build this stone house, he knew that as a hometown, he must not be able to go back—but I believe that it was from that moment that the watchfulness of his hometown began to flow like water bit by bit...... Just like at this moment, this old woman in a blue wide-sleeved robe, in her vast eyes, I always believe that there must be information about the vast hometown flowing there......

A play

  In Tianlong Tunbao, you must see a play.

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

Photo by Xue Feng

  The drama is a local opera, and the relevant experts call it the "living fossil" of the drama, which is closely related to the Ming Dynasty - "After the grass was created and developed, the people were accustomed to comfort, accumulated for a long time, and the martial arts gradually fell into disuse, how could the peace be maintained for a long time?" Those who know are worried, so there is a dance drama, so as to practice martial arts, not to be unfamiliar, containing the deep meaning of the army in the peasantry. "When the war subsides, when the iron horse is gone, when the once strong and stubborn has become the daily life of soil and farm tools, when everything in life has returned to the dull, but the sense of distress for the country has not stopped for a moment, what kind of spirit and quality should this be? The hardships of the frontier and the hatred of leaving the homeland are insignificant when compared with the safety and danger of the country.

  A local drama is a book, that is, to tell and sing a complete story of conquest. A story is a microcosm of the country's and nation's troubles. I think that when the local drama is staged, a sense of distress must have flowed through this ancient town......

  I also think, perhaps, in the watch over my hometown, it is this spiritual support that makes this ancient stage continue to stage ancient operas year after year. In the smoke and rain, those stories of loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and courage are approaching my heart from the stage little by little......

A tree

  When I was about to walk out of the ancient town of Tianlong Tunpu, I saw a tree.

  The tree is a locust tree with lush foliage. The tree is next to an ancient well, and the cocoon is independent. According to the tour guide, more than 600 years ago, when these soldiers and immigrants from the south of the Yangtze River finally settled down, they planted this tree next to this well, implying the meaning of leaving their hometown, nostalgia for their hometown and thinking of the source of drinking water. My gaze was raised and lowered, lowered and raised, always wandering between the locust tree and the well—I think I must have been struck by some emotion, a tree, a well, how to carry such a bearing, and destined to carry eternity, what kind of heaviness and sadness should this be?

【Cultural China Tour】Understanding the 600 Years of Tunpu (4)丨Poetic Tunpu: The Ancient Rhyme of Jianghuai has a long history, and the new scenery is inherited from generation to generation (II)

Tianlong Tunbao

  I hope for a thousand autumns and shed tears. Time has changed, and this retrospective, which is synchronized with life and the rings of the year, has been imprinted on the immortal scale at the height of time and soul. However, Ye Rong leaves withered, Guanshan blocked, no return geese, no hometown books, only an empty lookback, standing alone, what kind of persistence and helplessness is this?

  So, let's remember a tree. When I walked out of Tianlong Tunbao, out of this curtain of smoke and rain, and finally closed the umbrella, I thought that a tree would become all the metaphors and annotations, and become a secret way to watch over the hometown in the south of the Yangtze River.

Anshun Daily Financial Media Center

Source: Anshun News Network

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