
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

author:Mr. Mr. Jiang

On one side is the rainstorm and thunder and lightning, Taiyin Jiajing is calling for wind and rain,

On one side is the scorching sun, and the sun Hai Jui is about to illuminate the people.

Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

The gossip array of the Ming Dynasty revolved wildly around the poles of yin and yang, and the turmoil caused by a lantern ~ ushered in the ultimate showdown between Hai Rui and Shen Yishi.

Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Hu Zongxian's official document gave Hai Rui the long-awaited military power.

  • With the officers and soldiers swaggering to the dock,
  • Like an unsheathed sword to the grain ship of the Weaving Bureau.
  • "What are you doing here? What for? ”
  • I am optimistic that Lao Tzu is going to kill all sides today.
  • A paper order is now, and thousands of troops are coming to meet each other.
  • Jiang Qianhu and Xu Qianhu, you two led the troops to quickly surround and give me a good look at the grain ship.
  • Your original soldiers here will go to the city to listen to Gaofutai's dispatch.
  • Good! Unrelated personnel have been cleared.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Then the next drama to be staged is Shen Yishi, who is a righteous and IQ capped, Hai Gangfeng vs. Shen Yishi, the ceiling of the business world.

  • The two of them collided and looked at each other, and Hai Rui's eyes told him that this person was quite difficult.
  • Shen Yishi's face showed a seriousness that had never appeared before.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

The outcome of this duel will determine the direction of changing rice to mulberry.

  • "Applying for the position of your driver"?
  • "Do business for the Jiangnan Weaving Bureau in Xiashen Yishi".
  • "So you're just a businessman."
  • "Even if it's it"!
  • That's it! According to the law of the Ming Dynasty, merchants were not allowed to wear silk and satin.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Rush at him in a yellow coat, and Hai Rui can take you down.

  • Looking at Shen Yishi again, this guy didn't panic at all, obviously he was prepared.
  • Immediately after a snap of their hands, four geisha came up with four trays.
  • They are embroidered official hats, pointed shoes, six-grade official uniforms, and jade-inlaid knots.
  • Because Shen Yishi made money and made a meritorious service, the celebrant specially applied for him.
  • In other words, although he is a businessman, he is also an official.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

The only legal merchant in the entire Ming Dynasty who was a businessman who was a legal official and businessman.

  • Silk silk is naturally worn casually, and Shen Yishi backhanded a general who caught Hai Gangfeng a little off guard.
  • "It turns out that the imperial court also has a special case of rewarding merchants with meritorious crowns, no wonder this set of official uniforms is entrusted to women."
  • Putting the official uniform in the hands of the geisha is a mockery and a blasphemy.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Hai Jui's anger surged upward, and his words were full of disdain and digging holes.

  • "What Lord Hai said is very true, although this fame is a gift from heaven, but I, Shen, never dare to wear it casually on weekdays."
  • "After all, it is not in line with the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty, since the emperor rewarded me, I am not just a businessman in this palace."
  • "This is the reason why I, Shen, dare to wear silk and satin today. Replying like this, I don't know if Lord Hai recognizes it or not. ”
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

The ancestors became a national official weapon, and they were able to reach the emperor directly through the eunuchs.

  • Modify and reward merchants without authorization, and force Hai Jui to approve.
  • It can be seen to what extent the eunuchs, officials, and businessmen of the Ming Dynasty colluded.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Shen Yishi wanted to prove the legitimacy of wearing silk, but Hai Rui's thinking was also quite tricky.

  • He stared at Shen Yishi's official uniform:
  • "You just said it yourself, the emperor rewarded you with this set of meritorious crown belts, which is not in line with the ancestral system of the Ming Dynasty."
  • "Do you want me to recognize your words now!"
  • Now it's good!
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

Shen Yishi originally wanted to use the emperor to suppress Hai Rui, but he also said that this was not in line with the ancestral system.

  • This was forcibly used by Hai Rui, who asked him whether he was the emperor or the ancestor.
  • There is no explanation for this, and there is no answer.
Hai Rui Haigangfeng and Shen Yishi's official and business peak showdown

This feeling of meeting an opponent in chess made Shen Yishi tremble!

  • How can he break the game?