
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

author:Mr. Mr. Jiang

Yang Jinshui's pot throwing drama

  • He learned Zheng Michang to pretend to have a headache, and returned to the wine table with a swaying and weak breath.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Who are the Jinyi Guards!

  • Something was right away!
  • "What's wrong, Grandpa Yang? The surname Zheng gave you the gas to accept it."
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Yang Jinshui smothered a glass of wine and began to complain about the performance,

  • Turn the purchase of land into a disaster relief matter, and tell Jinyiwei to listen.
  • "Brother, I was tricked by them this time."
  • "In this way, it became that I deceived the ancestors, and the ancestors deceived the emperor again."
  • "You can't let the old ancestor go to the emperor to ask for guilt!"
  • "If you want to arrest me, you have to arrest me."
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

After Yang Jinshui's performance, the senior brother came up again to assist:

  • "Godfather's dog-boy is still lying there pretending to be dead, he must ask his godfather to see him."
  • "He won't stop if I want to do it."
  • "He said that he was a feudal official of the imperial court, and today he was humiliated by his godfather, and asked his godfather to give him an explanation."
  • "You tell him, it's really not okay, let him send soldiers from the yamen to arrest me."
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

not only threw out the pot of the bully, but also gave Zheng Michang a new pot.

  • Calculating Yang Jinshui and calculating Lu Fang, in the final analysis, is calculating Emperor Jiajing.
  • The three Jinyi guards were furious by Yang Jinshui, and they had to arrest Zheng Michang.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Only Zhu Qi is as immobile as a mountain

  • "Bi Ding is the governor of a province, and now that there is no matter of buying land, we cannot arrest him."
  • "But if he cares, he'll play with us like that."
  • "That's stealing fruit from the Coptis tree, asking for your own hardship."
  • "We'll meet him."
  • Why Jiajing said that Zhu Qi was powerful can be seen here.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

On the other side, Zheng Michang was still lying on the corpse, and when he looked up:

  • A waist card of the North Town Fusi, and then look up, the tiger's back bear waist mantis legs.
  • Oh my mother, my brain is buzzing.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

I almost didn't scare out a heart attack.

  • "Don't worry about getting cool on the ground, lie down more."
  • "Isn't Lord Zheng going to ask Gonggong Yang for an explanation?"
  • "A few of us made a special trip from Beijing to hear the Fa for the emperor."
  • I couldn't afford to live or die just now, but now I can't remember it.
  • finally knelt on the ground, and his soul was almost gone.
  • This is what Hai Jui said about intimidating officials like family dogs.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Zheng Michangjing picked up the good words and said:

  • It is to help the palace with all their hearts, and it is some people who deliberately obstruct the national policy.
  • Zhu Qi is not so easy to fool!
  • As soon as you open your mouth, do you know about buying land under the brand of the Weaving Bureau?
  • Zheng Michang didn't dare to involve Yang Jinshui anymore, so he could only frantically dump Shen Yishi.
  • Anyway, it has nothing to do with my own fart.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Seeing that Zheng Michang's oil and salt did not enter, Zhu Qi was directly angry:

  • "First to buy land, then to provide disaster relief, 800 miles to the palace in an expedited manner, making the emperor so angry."
  • "Now you say that you are not at fault, and Gonggong Yang is not at fault."
  • "It's just a businessman who wiped out my Ming Dynasty up and down."
  • "You don't have a face, but can the court afford to lose this face?"
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Zheng Michang understood that if he didn't take the blame, he wouldn't be able to pass this hurdle no matter what.

  • But he still played a slippery head and held back a big sin of fart.
  • "I am the governor of Zhejiang, and Grandpa Yang is not here. Something like this happened in Zhejiang. ”
  • "Anyway, I've been negligent!"
  • "I don't know if it's okay to write like this?"
  • As long as someone is responsible, someone will naturally find out what the specific crime is.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Zhu Qi just wants an attitude.

  • But just now this guy was playing tricks, Zhu Qi saw it in his eyes.
  • The hand that broke the stool just now and put it on Zheng Michang's shoulder.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Frightened Zheng Michang, Zhu Qi then put down two cruel words.

  • "First sentence, don't tell anyone about our visit to Zhejiang."
  • "The lower officials don't dare!"
  • "The second sentence, be an official and be fine, but don't be too fine."
  • "Xia Guan understands."
  • "Just understand, let's go."
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Zheng Michang hurriedly touched his head:

  • Let's see if there's anything left,
  • And the whole black gauze hat to see if it is still there.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

The whole thing is just like that, and the stage is over for the time being.

  • It is Shen Yishi who plays the brand of the Weaving Bureau;
  • Zheng Michang is guilty of negligence;
  • Yang Jinshui had no idea.
Yang Jinshui's pot brushing drama

Jiajing's face has also been recovered, but there are still two problems.

  • Changed rice to mulberry yellow, where does the money come from?
  • What about the widows in Chun'an Prison?

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