
Modi was mixed with joy and sorrow, and just received two pieces of good news, and the headache came again

author:Observation Room Seven

Straight to the point, the global economic growth list for the first quarter has been released, I believe everyone is as curious as I am, who is the biggest dark horse this year? The result turned out to be unexpected, not the United States, nor the Eastern powers, but India. That's right, you heard it right, it's this former "little brother" who has now become the leader of the growth list, making the world look at it. How exactly did India do it?

Modi was mixed with joy and sorrow, and just received two pieces of good news, and the headache came again

This is inseparable from the efforts of the Modi government, which has continuously implemented various reforms during the 10 years of Modi's administration, such as toilet reform, tax reform, currency abolition reform, prime minister's fund and many other reforms, which have deeply shaped India's political culture, and it is Modi's series of reform measures that have enabled India's economy to achieve drastic economic growth. At this rate, India will surpass Japan by the end of the year and become the world's third largest economic power, which is simply just around the corner.

It is precisely because of this that Modi has become the best candidate for prime minister in the hearts of the Indian people. No, following the announcement of the good news of economic growth of 7.8% in the first quarter, Modi has another piece of good news. India's general election vote has come to an end, and according to opinion polls, India's National Congress Party has once again been trampled underfoot, with Modi's BJP winning more than two-thirds of the seats. In other words, in this Indian prime minister's election, the 73-year-old Modi won a big victory again, which is undoubtedly a gratifying result for him.

Modi was mixed with joy and sorrow, and just received two pieces of good news, and the headache came again

Because for the position of Indian prime minister, it is almost impossible to achieve three consecutive terms, so far, only India's founding prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru has completed three consecutive terms, and the others are basically stepping down after one or two terms, but now, Modi has used his diligence to tell the world a truth, as long as a person has a dream, it can be realized.

After all, Modi was born in troubled times, since he became the prime minister of India, a lot of things have happened in India, and he has experienced three years of the epidemic, but on the whole, Modi is still more rational and wisely controls the world situation and India's domestic situation, so it is not surprising that he can be re-elected, and Modi is obviously ready to use this opportunity to do another good job. However, what I didn't expect was that the sky didn't follow people's wishes, because even Modi, who welcomed the two good news, gave him a headache, which really gave him a good experience of a mixture of joy and sorrow. What is it exactly?

It turned out that the continuous high temperature in many places in India even broke the historical record, reaching more than 50 degrees. To make matters worse, the extreme heat in central and northern India has killed at least 87 people, many of whom were polling station workers. It is reported that on the last day of voting in the Indian general election, 33 staff members were killed by heat in one state alone, which is distressing to think about.

Modi was mixed with joy and sorrow, and just received two pieces of good news, and the headache came again

So why is India so hot? According to the relevant news, due to the abnormally strong Iranian subtropical high, the control of India, resulting in a rare high temperature heat wave, this heat will continue for a period of time, until the middle of June will be relieved, although there will be high temperatures in every period, but this year's heat, is it inevitably too hot?

According to the records in the past novels, if there is an abnormality in the country, there will be a special change in the climate, or conversely, because there is an abnormality, the country will be affected. So I can only say that Modi continues to be the leader of India, and there is a long way to go to improve the country's internal infrastructure and people's livelihood, and the test for him has just begun.