
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

author:Chaoyang release

The college entrance examination is imminent

But all hard work is a gift

The future is undecided, you and I are dark horses

Come on, boy!

(Don't forget these safety tips)


The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

Candidates, parents

Travel safety precautions


Pay attention to choosing appropriate means of transportation, and try to choose to travel by public transportation to reduce traffic pressure;


Whether you are taking a bus or driving a private car to the test center, you must choose your route in advance;


Parents who drive candidates should inspect the vehicle in advance to ensure that it is in good condition;


Obey the command of the traffic police, stop at the designated place, and do "stop and go";

05 Fully estimate the unexpected situations such as traffic jams, and go out in advance to avoid delaying the exam and avoiding traffic accidents caused by hurry; 06Abide by traffic laws and regulations, travel in a civilized manner, and avoid traffic accidents and delays in catching up with the test; 07

If there is a road congestion on the way to the test, the time is urgent, and the candidate is expected to be unable to arrive at the test room on time, he or she can request help from the traffic police.

The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

Citizens, drivers

Precautions for civilized travel


Units around the examination room should take the initiative to reduce vehicles going out during the test, and social vehicles should try to bypass the test center;


The majority of drivers and friends try their best to create a good traffic environment for candidates, take the initiative to stop and avoid students crossing the road, and take the initiative to give way to vehicles with "love to send the test with you" stickers;


Slow down near the test center, do not honk indiscriminately, do not slam on the accelerator or brake, and try not to use loudspeakers on buses to reduce noise;


If you encounter an urgent request for help, please cooperate as much as possible to help the candidate arrive at the test location as soon as possible.


In the event of temporary traffic restrictions on the roads around the test center, you must give understanding and cooperation, and obey the command of the traffic police;


In the vicinity of the test center, please park your vehicle according to the guidance of the traffic police, and do not park indiscriminately and block traffic.

The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

Sorting and editing: Chaoyang released the source of materials: "Guangdong Emergency Management" official account; Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security

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The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

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The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

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The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!
The college entrance examination is coming, please put away this safety tips!

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