
New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

author:Nanchang Railway

Source: China Railway

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

Wei Jingqi, a member of the Communist Party of China, director of the Technology Research and Development Department of Harbin Railway Industry Group Co., Ltd. of China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd., has won the locomotive medal, the national railway model worker, Heilongjiang Province "Longjiang craftsman" and other honors.

In the Mengxia season, everything is beautiful, and the world's eyes converge on the banks of the Songhua River.

From May 16th to 21st, the 8th China-Russia Expo was held in Harbin. Wei Jingqi's team of China Railway Harbin Bureau Group Co., Ltd. and Harbin Railway Industry Group Co., Ltd. brought railway and highway electric dual-purpose tractors and other products to the exhibition, taking advantage of the exhibition platform to explore domestic and foreign markets, so that more railway "intelligent manufacturing" can enter the public eye.

"Everyone's growth is not smooth sailing"

When others left, she chose to stay

Over the past 28 years, Wei Jingqi has been doing one thing with her heart - focusing on the special equipment needs of the railway-related market and tackling technical topics.

Back in 1996. Wei Jingqi graduated from Dalian Railway Institute and was assigned to Harbin Railway Internal Combustion Machinery Factory. I thought it was an iron rice bowl, but after I went, I found that the factory was self-financing.

What I saw was a simple factory and outdated equipment, and what I heard was that there was no support for several months and that talents left one after another......

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

"Xiao Wei, everyone's growth is not smooth sailing, the most difficult time often breeds greater hope, the factory is now in urgent need of talents to develop new products, stay, fight!" At that time, the team leader and master Huang Yinhua spoke to her from the bottom of his heart.

In the confusion, a picture of a foreign road and railway dual-purpose car broke into the field of vision, which can be used as a car on the highway and as a "locomotive" on the railway. There are no manufacturers in this field in China yet, and gnawing this "hard bone" may be able to break into a new world.

Yes, the foundation is poor, and there is a lot of room for growth, and if others don't do it, we will do it, and I really don't believe that we can't do it!

The enthusiasm was ignited all of a sudden, and Wei Jingqi, who had short hair and a "tomboy" appearance at that time, joined the research team without hesitation.

But after the excitement, problems followed. She is a professional in molding technology and equipment, and has nothing to do with rail vehicle design. The huge gap in knowledge has caused unprecedented skill panic......

What to do?

Wei Jingqi gritted her teeth and silently said to herself: Fight, who is afraid of whom!

Just do it.

She seized all the time and taught herself practical technologies such as diesel locomotives, rail vehicles, construction machinery, and steel structures. In the face of thorny practical problems such as vehicle falling off the road, we analyzed, improved and tested again and again on the spot, and asked the experienced master over and over again for details that need to be paid attention to in the production and assembly process, and the notes were full of 3 books.

The operation test is generally in the field, which is labor-intensive, and there are many inconveniences for female employees. As the only woman on the team, she persevered.

When she saw the frame and guide mechanical drawings of the road-rail dual-purpose vehicle she designed become a product entity, she was excited and proud beyond words.

Sweat is not in vain! The hard work has brought great success, and the promotion of road-rail dual-purpose vehicles has turned the factory into a profit in the second year, achieving an income of 7 million yuan.

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

With this experience, Wei Jingqi's heart has become more and more determined: relying on her own strength to innovate and create, you can make the impossible possible, and make the "railway manufacturing" of railway equipment no longer a dream!

Dry, do it to the best. Once the factory won the bid for a catenary, track parameters comprehensive testing vehicle, the car has its own power source, the length of the vehicle can reach 16 meters, the project operating conditions are very poor, the curve radius is only 25 meters.

The conventional structure could not meet the application requirements, and the scheme was overturned again and again. Wei Jingqi stayed at the scene day after day, carefully observing and groping, and looking up papers on the Internet to find evidence. There is dirt on the line, and often the male colleague has not recovered from it, and she has quickly gotten under the car. "The space under the car is small, and they are big men, so they can't show their hands and feet." She lay down and tinkered for two or three hours.

Finally, it was proposed to change the whole vehicle to two front and rear car bodies, and the middle was hinged by folding shed windshield, and each car body was equipped with two single-axle bogies, which successfully passed the small curve radius line. Its structure has also become the first in China, and it has been used well in the field.

"She has such a momentum in her, she can do everything decently." Li Chunming, director of the product research and development department of Harbin Harbin Harbin Railway Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., commented on the "comrades-in-arms" who have worked together for many years.

"Let the mind be constantly updated, so that the technology will never lag behind"

In the field of scientific research, she has a strong sense of ingenuity

At first, they designed road-rail vehicles that could only tow 300 tons and 1,000 tons, but gradually, the limited specifications could no longer meet the market demand. It is urgent to promote the serialization of dual-purpose models of road and rail.

Problems always come one after another. The focus of product serialization is on the power system, but matching requires the analysis and calculation of a large amount of complex and huge data. Many experienced masters retreated, Wei Jingqi did not admit defeat, and must try.

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

Go to the site to collect user demand information, analyze the data day and night, and if it is not right once, it will be twice, three times, or even dozens or hundreds of times.

Considering that the road-rail dual-purpose vehicles are mainly used in railway stations, factories and mining enterprises, there are differences in the working conditions of traction and shunting vehicles, she analyzed them one by one.

Hard work pays off. In the end, she explored and determined the three optimal traction tonnage grades of 600 tons, 1600 tons, and 2000 tons, as well as different power systems, to ensure that the continuous traction meets the requirements of different traction tonnage, and to expand the use of road and rail dual-purpose vehicles.

"Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of the development of new quality productivity, so that the railway equipment manufacturing industry from 'running' and running 'and running' to 'leading', only let the mind continue to update, so that technology will never lag behind." Along the way, Wei Jingqi's feelings were particularly deep.

The performance of products is constantly improving, and the requirements of users are getting higher and higher.

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

In order to overcome technical barriers, for a period of time, she walked and slept full of design and structure, and her weight lost 10 pounds unconsciously. One morning, after another sleepless night, it suddenly occurred to me that -

The original diesel engine is replaced by new energy as the power source, and a height-adjustable traction device is set up to support various coupler connection devices to meet the coupler requirements of different types of towed vehicles...... As a result, it has gradually developed a domestic advanced level, with no emissions, low noise, low energy consumption, and large traction characteristics of road-rail bridge electric dual-purpose vehicles, which quickly seized the internal market of the railway system, and also won the first prize of the Science and Technology Progress Award of Harbin Bureau Group Company.

Under her vigorous promotion, the iterative upgrading of products has been accelerated, and "intelligent manufacturing" has blossomed everywhere——

The four-wheel independent drive steering road-railway-electric dual-purpose vehicle can rotate 360° through the control system, which well meets the needs of getting on and off the track in a narrow space.

The automatic detection system of seamless line rail status increases the function of settlement and rainfall monitoring.

The expanded monitoring points provide data support for the public works system to study and judge the status of seamless lines.

The scientific and technological achievements of 15 products, such as ballast excavators, have also completed the technical review, of which 9 products have been transformed and promoted in the same year......

Today, road-rail dual-purpose vehicles have become the main products of the factory, and the products are all over the country and exported to countries such as Kazakhstan and Malaysia. Harbin Railway Industry Group is also different from the past, with an investment of 450 million yuan, covering an area of 128,000 square meters, Harbin equipment manufacturing base has risen from the ground, first-class equipment, modern workshops, and realized the dream of several generations of industrial people.

"Everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high, and technology research and development is even more so"

Climb new heights in the concentricity

In the 4-square-meter partition of the office, the railcar drawings stored in the computer have a wide variety of categories, with pink, green, yellow and blue lines, outlining the most beautiful pictures in Wei Jingqi's eyes.

In 2018, the "Jingqi Model Worker Innovation Studio" was established. In August 2022, Wei Jingqi was adjusted from the product research and development department of Harbin Harbin Harbin Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, to the position of director of the technology research and development department of the industrial company. She pays more attention to cultivating scientific research teams, constantly improving the quality and skills of scientific researchers, and giving full play to the role of collective wisdom.

New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

"One person can go faster, but a group of people can go farther. The flame of everyone collecting firewood is high, and the technology research and development is even more so. In the year of Destiny, Wei Jingqi looked at the new college graduates who entered the factory, just like seeing herself who was ignorant 28 years ago. She thought: high-quality talents are so scarce, we should contribute the experience accumulated over the years and lead young people forward hand in hand.

In the weekday training, she is always strict with new college graduates, requiring everyone to complete a certain number of three-dimensional drawing practice tasks every day to improve their design ability.

Engineer Wang Lei in the design of the road and railway dual-purpose vehicle motor and axle drive box coupling, the structure is unreasonable, the radial direction is not positioned, she targeted to explain the teaching, personally demonstrate.

"There are some designs that we think can be within a certain range, and she always says that there can't be any 'almost'."

"She knows everything about hydraulics, brakes, and electricals outside of her profession."


New Era, Railway Model丨Wei Jingqi: Climb bravely to the "new".

Once, when engineer Wang Jiabin developed a JN5-10 tractor, Wei Jingqi did not participate in the preliminary drawings, but found that the vehicle design and installation were unreasonable at a glance during the audit and check, and gave a more practical and easy-to-operate improvement plan on the spot. The truth of "do it, do it to the best" has now been deeply rooted in the heart of this "post-90s" young man.

A group of young technical backbones with strong innovation ability have joined the studio. In her words and deeds, she has brought out 13 apprentices, 5 of whom have become technical experts.

The worn floors of the studio and the sweat stains left on the workbenches are a testament to the team's hard work. Focusing on the construction of the "six modern systems" of the railway, they are committed to being a "little giant" of specialization, refinement, and innovation, based on the front line of transportation and production and "industrial manufacturing + intelligence", docking 16 projects with the Public Works Department, Freight Department and Vehicle Department of Harbin Bureau Group Company, and organizing its two major equipment companies to concentrate on jointly developing urgently needed scientific research products in the station section to promote the implementation of scientific and technological achievements as soon as possible.

At present, Wei Jingqi and his team have developed 7 series of more than 70 products, of which 5 have obtained the utility model patent certificate issued by the State Intellectual Property Office and 4 have obtained software copyrights, generating a total income of 600 million yuan for the enterprise.

Wei Jingqi said that what she likes most is to work with everyone, fight as a team, overcome difficulties, and make countless impossible possibilities.

There is no trace of the blue sea, and the women step on the road. No matter how difficult the track is, Wei Jingqi dares to be the first. With the courage to defy difficulties and the tenacity to admit defeat, she continues to create new miracles of railway equipment "made by rail".

It doesn't take the brilliant to dream

But it is the dreamers who are outstanding

Layout industrial scientific and technological innovation in a broader space

In a picturesque new era

Be an innovator who dares to fight

"Jingqi" has a heavy responsibility on their shoulders

Looking forward to more "Spring Stories"