
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

author:Blind visit

Stir-fried shredded beef is a very classic Sichuan dish, which can be eaten as a dish or as a snack, with wine and rice. Nowadays, it is rare to see restaurants selling this dish in Sichuan, because the production process is more complicated, so there is no profit or anything, and many chefs are not skilled now, resulting in fewer and fewer people who can make this food.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Today we are going to replicate this rare delicacy, dry fried shredded beef can make this dish at home, it tastes chewy, and you can enjoy the comfort of the food with some wine.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

【Stir-fried shredded beef with Sichuan vegetables to prepare ingredients】

Ingredients: 300 grams of beef, appropriate amount of shredded chili pepper

Ingredients: 20 grams of ginger, 30 grams of onion, 100 grams of shredded bamboo shoots, 7 grams of salt, 10 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of monosodium glutamate, 15 grams of bean paste, 10 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of green onions

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

【Sichuan Vegetable Dried Stir-fried Shredded Beef Production Process】

To make this dish, we use a piece of fresh beef, which we then adapt to the texture of the beef.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Cut the beef into slices and then into evenly sized strips.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Put an appropriate amount of salad oil into the pot, and heat the oil temperature higher, about 5 percent of the oil temperature, add the shredded beef and stir-fry it together over low heat.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Slowly stir-fry the shredded beef to dry and fragrant, and the moisture of the shredded beef to simmer out, and a little yellow.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Add an appropriate amount of shredded ginger to stir-fry the shredded beef, which is mainly to remove the fishy and increase the flavor.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Then add an appropriate amount of shredded bamboo shoots and continue to stir-fry over low heat

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Add an appropriate amount of watercress and dried chili shreds and onion shreds to continue to stir-fry, mainly to add color and flavor and highlight the fragrance of chili peppers.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Finally, when the stir-fry is almost off, we can start seasoning, add an appropriate amount of salt, soy sauce, and sugar, and if you don't like to eat, you can not put sugar, and finally add an appropriate amount of cooking wine, and the effect of increasing the flavor will be formed together.

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma

Finally, this dry stir-fried shredded beef is made, we can add a little green onion to decorate it together, and this very good dry stir-fried shredded beef is made!

How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma
How to make shredded beef spicy and fragrant? This is the authentic taste of spicy and dry aroma