
The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

author:Good medicine for health

It is human nature to love beauty, but the "acne" on the face has always lingered and is difficult to get rid of, which always makes many beauty lovers feel annoyed. "Acne" is medically known as acne, which is a common skin problem faced by many people, especially for teenagers and young adults, when acne problems are found, they need to be paid attention to and take reasonable treatment as soon as possible, so as to avoid the further development of the disease and cause adverse effects on physical and mental health.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

First of all, why does acne on the face linger?

It is generally believed that the occurrence and development of acne is mainly related to excessive lipid secretion by sebaceous glands, abnormal keratinization of the sebaceous ducts of hair follicles, proliferation of hair follicle microorganisms such as Propionibacterium acnes, and inflammation and immune responses. In addition, irregular lifestyles, staying up late, poor mood, and excessive use of cosmetics can all be catalysts for acne symptoms to worsen. When these factors intertwine and interact, it can lead to recurring acne that lingers forever.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

Secondly, acne is always bad, and it can cause both physical and psychological damage

When acne persists and is always bad, it's not just a simple skin problem, it's a double blow to the patient's physical and mental health. On a physical level, acne can cause redness, pain, and even infection, which can make the skin in a very bad condition, and in severe cases, it can also leave scars, which can affect the overall appearance of the skin. From a psychological point of view, long-term acne distress often makes patients feel inferior, anxious, and worried that their appearance will be negatively evaluated by others, so that they appear uncomfortable in social situations, and even avoid participating in social activities. This psychological stress not only affects the patient's daily life and work, but may also further aggravate the condition of acne, forming a vicious circle.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

Finally, how can you get rid of annoying acne?

Acne is not an unsolvable problem, and generally with prompt and reasonable treatment and patience, most people can improve or resolve their acne problem. There are many ways to help patients get back to healthy skin.

1. Medication

When it comes to the medication for acne, isotretinoin softgels are undoubtedly one of the commonly mentioned medicines. If the patient has acne, isotretinoin softgels can be taken under the guidance of a medical professional to help improve the disease, usually with 0.25-0.5mg/kg/day as the starting dose, and this dose needs to be calculated according to the patient's weight. As for the duration of medication, it is necessary to consider factors such as the patient's tolerance, regression of skin lesions, and the dosage of the drug, and should usually not be less than 16 weeks. In addition, to promote better absorption of the drug, patients are advised to take it with food during meals.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

2. Physical and chemical therapy

Physical and chemical treatments are also important means of treating acne, mainly including red and blue light, laser and intense pulsed light, and chemical peel therapy, which can be used as an adjunct or alternative treatment for acne, and can also be used to deal with the sequelae of acne. Red and blue light has the effect of killing P. acnes, anti-inflammatory and tissue repair, while laser and intense pulsed light help inhibit sebum secretion by sebaceous glands and achieve anti-inflammatory effects. Superficial chemical peels mainly include fruit acids, salicylic acids and compound acids, which can be used clinically for the adjuvant treatment of mild to moderate acne and acne sequelae.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

3. Psychotherapy

If the acne problem is not properly addressed for a long time, it may also have a negative impact on the patient's psychological state, so psychotherapy also plays an important role in the process of acne treatment. While paying attention to the patient's skin condition, the doctor should also be keenly aware of and pay attention to their psychological state. Through professional psychological interventions, patients learn to face the disease with a positive attitude and improve their self-regulation ability, so as to reduce the adverse effects of mood swings on the acne condition. This not only reduces the psychological stress of the patient, but also improves their compliance with treatment, which in turn promotes recovery.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

4. Adjust your lifestyle

It is also crucial to maintain a regular routine in daily life, and care should be taken to avoid staying up late and ensuring that you get enough sleep each night to avoid aggravating the symptoms of acne. In terms of diet, it is necessary to reduce the intake of foods with high glycemic index/glycemic load and increase the intake of foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids such as deep-sea fish. In addition, proper exercise can also help improve blood circulation and boost metabolism, which can reduce the occurrence of acne. Through these lifestyle adjustments, the skin is restored to a healthy state.

The annoying "pimples" on the face linger, how can you get rid of them?

To sum up, lingering acne on the face may be related to a variety of factors, which not only affect the patient's body, but also bring a lot of psychological burden. In order to get rid of annoying acne, we need to start with a comprehensive treatment from multiple aspects, including medication, physical and chemical therapy, psychotherapy, and lifestyle adjustments to help improve acne problems.


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4. Isotretinoin softgel instructions