
The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?


2024-06-06 09:53Posted in Shandong Automobile Creator

It is reported that Li Auto recently lowered its annual sales target for 2024 again, about 480,000 units.

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

Initially, Lee Xiang set a full-year sales target of 800,000 units on the eve of the launch of the MEGA. However, after the launch of the MEGA suffered a waterloo, Li Li adjusted its sales target to between 560,000 and 640,000 units.

After that, the Ideal L6 was successfully launched and performed eye-catchingly, helping Ideal to regain the first place in the weekly and monthly sales lists.

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

However, Ideal underestimated the impact of MEGA. Because of the poor performance of this pure electric MPV, the launch rhythm of the M series has also been disrupted, and the three pure electric models originally planned to be launched this year have been postponed to the first half of next year.

If you put aside Ideal's sales expectations for M series models, then it is reasonable to lower its sales target again.

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

As of May 31, Li Auto had delivered a total of 141,000 new vehicles. Based on the annual sales of 480,000 units, Ideal needs to sell about 50,000 new cars every month in the next seven months.

In the past May, the ideal monthly sales were about 35,000 units, although the quality is full, but there is still a certain gap from the figure of 50,000.

Therefore, even with the adjusted sales target, it is still somewhat difficult to achieve the ideal.

This also begs the question, if the next sales are not satisfactory, will it still adjust the sales target?

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

At the beginning of the year, most car companies will set sales targets for the whole year. This provides a clear direction for the development of the brand and stimulates the motivation and motivation of the sales team members.

In terms of channel construction, sales channels can also be expanded according to sales targets and targeted expansion.

On the production side, it is possible to reasonably plan production capacity and set an appropriate production rhythm to avoid the situation that production capacity cannot keep up.

Therefore, if the sales target is not achieved, it will have a great impact on the development and construction of the entire brand. After the first downward adjustment of sales targets, Ideal carried out large-scale layoffs.

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

However, it is different from car companies that after setting sales targets, they bury their heads in completing them. After it is obvious that the goal cannot be achieved, the ideal will lower the number, and it seems that there is also a great obsession with completing the plan.

It is true that achieving the sales target on schedule is a great achievement for the brand, and it can also gain more favor in the capital market.

However, lowering KPIs to make the plan work better seems to be putting the cart before the horse. After all, as long as you keep adjusting your sales goals dynamically, that plan will always be achieved. But what is the point of such a target that changes according to sales?

The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

At present, although the ideal has come out of the quagmire, the pace of progress is still slow, and how to get back on track in great strides is the most important thing at the moment.

Can Ideal achieve the annual sales target of 480,000? This is indeed something to look forward to.

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  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?
  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?
  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?
  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?
  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?
  • The sales target has been adjusted again and again, from 800,000 to 480,000, what is the ideal obsession?

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