
A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

author:Heian Aicheon

Police academy linkage

"Drink a little drunk, a moderate amount is the best, pay attention to personal and property safety!" "This stall owner, the night market is not big, this signboard must be set up in the rules, don't scratch passers-by." "Boss, don't occupy the fire escape, you can't leave potential safety hazards!" ……

At 8 p.m. on June 5, a team of campus security volunteer patrols composed of police officers from the Hechuan District Public Security Bureau, auxiliary police and students from Hechuan High School began their daily patrols. I saw that the uniformed people's auxiliary police and the college student volunteers in reflective vests walked along the perimeter of the campus, walking all the way with neat steps, discovering potential safety hazards or uncivilized behaviors, and stepping forward to remind or persuade them as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the people's personal and property.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

"My classmates are also patrolling inside, which makes me feel very familiar!" Mr. Li, who was dining at a nearby restaurant, had just greeted his classmates in the patrol team with a proud face. He believes that such patrols can greatly enhance the sense of security of the school's teachers and students, and at the same time, make the students feel very friendly. He believes that as a hot-blooded boy and a student, it is an honor and a manifestation of self-worth to have the opportunity to participate in the safety of the campus. "I want to work out and sign up as a volunteer next time." As he spoke, Mr. Li, who is more than 1.8 meters tall, showed off the muscles on his arms and was full of confidence.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

At the scene, the patrol team went into hotels, Internet cafes, bars, street night market stalls and other places around the campus where people gathered, and inspected the fire fighting facilities, fire passages, personnel registration, etc., aiming to investigate all kinds of potential safety hazards.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

"For example, smoking in an Internet café can lead to conflicts and disputes, a small distance between two tables in a restaurant can lead to quarrels, and too loud noise in a bar can also lead to conflicts, etc., these small problems are the focus of conflicts and disputes." Thanks to the familiarity of the patrol team with the campus and the surrounding area, the patrol team quickly identified and sorted out a more detailed list of key security checklists, and made this a daily project that must be patrolled and reminded.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

According to the police who led the team, the student volunteers who participated in the patrol all carried out comprehensive and systematic relevant business and physical training at the Hechuan District People's Police Training School. Before the daily patrol, the patrol team held a pre-patrol meeting in accordance with the rules and regulations to check the appearance, mental outlook and physical condition of the team members, and first ensure that the team was energetic. "The patrol team is not only a security force, but also a display of the image of public security and the mental outlook of college students, and it must be as strict as in the police barracks!" In addition, the pre-patrol meeting will also make arrangements for the patrol time, patrol procedures and key patrol points of the day, not only to investigate hidden dangers, but also to be ready to respond to emergencies at any time.

At the end of the daily patrol, the police and volunteers also have a brief summary and exchange meeting to summarize and exchange the problems found in the patrol that day, so as to continuously improve the operational ability of the patrol team and make the joint patrol of the police academy truly implemented.

In order to further explore and innovate the cooperation model between the police academy, promote the deep integration of university resources and public security work, promote the comprehensive management of public security problems on campus and in the surrounding areas, enhance the legal awareness and safety awareness of teachers and students in colleges and universities, and make every effort to create a recognizable brand of "police academy linkage to build a safe Hechuan", and help the construction of a higher level of safe Hechuan, this year, the Hechuan District Public Security Bureau has closely followed the requirements of safe construction and promoted the construction of a safe campus in depth, targeting Chongqing Institute of International Trade and Economics, Chongqing College of Humanities and Technology, and Chongqing Vocational College of Industry and Commerce in the jurisdiction, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing Mobile College, Chongqing Vocational College of Applied Technology six colleges and universities, the district bureau is keenly aware of the performance of duties, and carefully plays a multi-project combination of "police-school linkage", including helping the school to set up an anti-fraud propaganda volunteer service team and regularly carrying out training and guidance; Help colleges and universities set up campus safety volunteer patrols and do a good job in training; Help the school to establish a traffic safety publicity volunteer service team and carry out a series of projects such as training.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

According to the relevant person in charge of the Hechuan District Public Security Bureau, deepening the "police academy linkage to build a safe Hechuan" is a long-term task of the Hechuan Public Security Bureau in the future, the district bureau will open a new chapter in the development of cooperation with colleges and universities, further deepen the cooperation between the police and the school, refine the cooperation matters and work plans, clarify the work objectives and implementation measures, and make every effort to promote the implementation of the agreement, so that every vision, every task, and every project can take root, blossom and bear fruit, and do our best to build a safe Hechuan.

A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus
A new model of "police-school linkage" was launched with the campus safety volunteer patrol team to weave a "safety net" to protect a safe campus

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