
Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"


2024-06-08 11:24Published in Guangdong

公牛球员德罗赞参加了油管的一个球员之间的访谈节目《The 25 10 Show》顺带推广自己新出的自传《Above the Noise. My Story of Chasing Calm》。 (译名:争吵之上:我追逐平静的故事)

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

DeRozan is a superstar player in the NBA who dares to open up about his depression cases, and he also hopes to use this interview show to let more people know about "men's mental health".

Billionaires have their own troubles, and we, as mortals, should also pay more attention to our psychological conditions, and don't worry about making money all day long.

DeRozan revealed that the biggest setback in his years in the league was that he was caught off guard by the Raptors and sent to the Spurs before the start of the 2018-2019 season.

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

July 10, 2018 was the most important turning point for the Eastern Conference team in the past 10 years, as LeBron, who had dominated the East for 10 years, announced that he would become a free agent and sign with the Lakers. At that time, DeRozan was quite happy when he learned the news, and he bluntly said to the host of "The 25 10 Show" that "we can't beat James, we are always beaten by him, but he is gone, I think my chance has come." ”

But nine days later, the Raptors all in their chips took DeRozan as the most valuable part of the change, and sent the other coins to the Spurs in exchange for a hundred dollars: Leonard's one-year use.

"I don't know at all, I'm very angry, please give me another chance, I deserve a chance without LeBron."

In fact, DeRozan also has a point, after all, they lost to the Cavaliers for three consecutive years before the 2018 season. And every time he fights the Raptors, in the face of the super-god James, the Raptors really have no way at all.

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

But at the same time, they are the team with the most consistent record and the best roster depth outside of the Cavaliers. They have won at least 48 in each season since '13-14 to '17-18, with three 50-win seasons in between.

We have reason to believe that if it weren't for the existence of a supermodel-level player like LeBron, the Raptors would have reached the Finals at least once during this time.

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

However, the Raptors still won the bet in the end, and they only used Leonard's rights for one year to finally defeat the Warriors to win the coveted championship in the right place and at the right time. It's just that DeRozan said, "I don't dare to watch the Raptors win the championship."

Should DeRozan get that chance? It can only be said that the dynamics of the NBA are also changing rapidly.

Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

Although James has traveled west, the maturing Celtics, the Bucks, who have an equally deep lineup and a supergiant as the chassis, are behind the Raptors at any time, and these teams are stronger than the "DeRozan + Lowry" hard-working duo in terms of core and financial ceiling.

Do you guys think DeRozan deserves his chance?

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  • Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"
  • Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"
  • Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"
  • Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"
  • Sad! "James is leaving, please don't trade me"

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