
Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Eat melons in half of the way

2024-06-10 07:00Posted in Jilin Entertainment Creators

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Recently, Huang Yiming, a trainee of "Youth with You 2", suddenly revealed on social platforms that the father of the child born out of wedlock was suspected to be Wang Sicong:

"WSC, I hate you so much, I let him watch the baby, he was blocked, WSC, are you a der?"

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

After the matter fermented for half a day, the man immediately issued a denial: "I don't know, don't get drunk, why should you go!" ”

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Maybe everyone is not familiar with who Huang Yiming is, but fans who like her know:

Born in 99, she is only 25 years old this year, although she has been tepid since her debut, she has also become an Internet celebrity by her own ability, and she originally had a good future.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

But she revealed last year that she had a child out of wedlock, and she directly showed off: If you know who the father of the child is, you will envy my good life......

However, half a year later, Huang Yiming came out again to complain that "the father doesn't recognize the child", which made fans very dissatisfied: "I don't understand. ”

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In fact, the combination of "actress + wealthy" is not uncommon in the entertainment industry, but not every actress can get married directly with the ball "with a good fate", but there are many even if they give birth to children, they still haven't exchanged for a piece of paper, and finally become a laughing stock in the outside world.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Will Huang Yiming be that exception?

1. Huang Yiming

Huang Yiming, who was born in 1999, made his debut in "Youth with You 2" four years ago, competing with Yu Shuxin, Zhao Xiaotang and others.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

However, during the draft, she was exposed by netizens that she was a famous "little sister" in the school during her studies, and she was also involved in bullying classmates with low intelligence.

Not only that, Huang Yiming, who is from Anqing, Anhui Province, is also suspected of disliking his hometown, and lied on the show that he was from Sichuan.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

As the matter fermented, netizens denounced it louder and louder, and although her agency came forward to deny it, it still couldn't prevent the fact that she was eliminated.

After that, Huang Yiming participated in the recording of the game reality show "Home Defenders: Heroes Killed", but it also did not make any splash.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

However, after she terminated the contract with the company, she became a popular self-media and became a small Internet celebrity.

It's just that no one expected that in 2022, Huang Yiming suddenly stopped changing, and it wasn't until June last year that he returned to the audience's field of vision.

But this time she brought a daughter with her, and also claimed that she gave birth to the child while she was out of wedlock, but "has broken up with her boyfriend".

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Because she was "reluctant to give up this little life", she decided to face everything alone, and also revealed: "When I found out that I was pregnant, I immediately contacted the child's father, but he asked me to have an abortion. ”

Faced with netizens asking who the child's biological father was, Huang Yiming was triumphant: "If you know who the child's father is, you will think that my life is good." ”

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

This remark directly angered fans: "Is a mother more expensive than a child? We felt sorry for you before! ”

However, as a paste, this matter has not attracted too many people's attention.

It wasn't until this time that she used "WSC" as a code name to call the child's biological father, so that the outside world guessed that the child's father was suspected to be the rich second-generation Wang Sicong, so it caused a large-scale discussion.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

At present, in the face of the man's denial, Huang Yiming has not made more responses, and what is the truth of the matter?

We'll have to wait and see.

2. Liang Luoshi

And the last famous "abandoned woman of a wealthy family" was Hong Kong actress Liang Luoshi - and all her choices may have a lot to do with her original family.

His mother was young and beautiful, but she was born in a poor family, and when she became an adult, she could only go to the casino to work as a dealer, so she met her father, a descendant of a prominent family in Macau.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Although there are family boundaries, the two still fall in love, and gave birth to an illegitimate daughter Liang Luoshi while unmarried, but her father died of illness shortly after she was born, causing her mother's way to enter the wealthy family was completely blocked.

After growing up, Liang Luoshi was favored by the emperor because of his beauty, and was immediately praised as "Cecilia Cheung 2nd Generation" and successfully got out of the circle.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In this process, after being introduced by actress Michelle Yeoh, she was photographed by Li Zekai, the second son of the wealthy Li Ka-shing, and the two developed into lovers.

Their relationship stage was extremely high-profile, and the man also spent 200 million yuan to redeem his girlfriend's free body from the Emperor.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

At the age of 21, Liang Luoshi gave birth to a baby boy for Li Zekai, and the following year added a pair of twin boys.

Just when everyone thought that she was holding three "talismans" and was finally going to become the rightful "Mrs. Li", the two officially announced their breakup.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

It is said that the breakup was proposed by Liang Luoshi on the grounds that she had always longed for a stable marriage, but the man could not give it.

And the life of the "wealthy" is too restrictive - even if you go out to party with friends, you have to report in advance.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Although she was ridiculed by the outside world as a "wealthy abandoned woman", she never cared:

"We can't control other people's thoughts, and we can't stop the outside world, as long as we know what our lives are."

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

But in fact, after the breakup, Liang Luoshi has been rumored by the Hong Kong media: not only got a breakup fee of 500 million, but also got 60 million as child support for three children every year.

After that, she lived in Canada with her children for a while, and did not return to Hong Kong to film until 2018.

And Liang Luoshi's state is really good, when recording "Wonderful Sayings", she responded domineeringly: "I once chosen, but I don't regret it." ”

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

3. Wu Peici

is similar to Liang Luoshi's situation, Wu Peici also gave birth frequently after meeting her rich boyfriend, but compared with the former, she doesn't seem to be so free.

Wu Peici is a typical little princess, her father runs a large construction company, so her life has been intertwined with fame and fortune since she was a child.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In addition, she is beautiful, and she is a "nine-headed beauty" that even Big S is jealous of.

After entering the entertainment industry, Wu Peici's luck was also good, and her first album "Decision with Tears" released became an instant hit.

But she still felt that "she worked too hard", so she wholeheartedly wanted to find a rich husband to marry.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In those years, Wu Peici fell in love with designer Su Dianzhong, Malaysian wealthy businessman Peter Chen and others, but they failed to achieve positive results.

It wasn't until 2011 that she met Ji Xiaobo, a wealthy generation.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

The man once made a fortune by being a stacked horse boy in Macau, and it is said that the most profitable stage raised 300 million a year.

After becoming rich, Ji Xiaobo often had scandals with different actresses, until he fell in love with Wu Peici.

And the woman is also very high-profile about this relationship, and she once publicly said bluntly in an interview:

"My life of working hard to earn money is finally coming to an end, and someone will spoil me in the future, and my savings can be used exclusively for my parents."

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

However, Ji Xiaobo never seemed to have any intention of marrying her - even if Wu Peici gave birth to 4 children for her boyfriend in the six years from 2014 to 2020.

Although she didn't get the paper of the legal couple, it is rumored that every time she gives birth to a child, Wu Peici will get a huge reward from the other party.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Some media have calculated that although she has withdrawn from the circle, Wu Peici's worth exceeds 5 billion.

However, at the end of last year, after Ji Xiaobo was arrested, she "disappeared" for a while, and her last appearance was at the end of May, at the birthday party of a celebrity friend.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Although she is still in good shape, sharp-eyed netizens found that the clothes Wu Peici was wearing at that time were worn two years ago, so she calculated: Her life may no longer be easy.

4. Liu Bili

also gave birth to four sons in a row for a "wealthy family", but still did not get the name, as well as Liu Bili, who was born as a model.

When she debuted, as a mixed-race child, she was known as "Xiaoguan Zhilin", and later fell in love with Chen Bolin, so she became well-known.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

After the two broke up, Liu Bili gradually improved in her acting career, but she did not strike while the iron was hot, but began to squeeze into the wealthy family desperately.

In 2014, she asked Zhou Zhuohua, the boss of Sun Entertainment Culture at that time, to sit on her lap publicly, which sparked discussion.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

The man was also born as a horse, but later ran the casino business prosperously and doubled his value.

However, Zhou Suihua had a wife Chen Huiling at that time, but Liu Bili still ignored it, and even fought openly with her:

In 2015, she gave birth to her firstborn daughter before the main room.

Chen Huiling also wanted to let go because of this, but Zhou Huihua chose to return to the family for fear of being separated from her wealth, but on the other hand, he still maintained a lover relationship with Liu Bili.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

The woman later gave birth to a son and a daughter one after another, while waiting for the opportunity to be corrected.

However, Zhou Qiuhua's father had no good impression of her, and even publicly said: "I won't let Liu Bili enter the door!" ”

After that, her relationship with the man gradually became estranged, so she had to propose to break up, but she got a breakup fee of 300 million.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

What's even more intriguing is that after the breakup, she also gave birth to the other party's fourth child in 2019.

Later, Liu Bili left for England, bought a manor, and became a columnist.

Zhou Suihua was arrested and sentenced like Ji Xiaobo, but none of this seems to have anything to do with him.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

5. Wu Qili

This year's 51-year-old Wu Qili was the "Miss Asia" beauty pageant champion, and at the age of 17, she debuted in a peerless style, attracting countless eyes to follow.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

But in fact, her original family is also speechless: her parents are arranged marriages and have no love, and her mother Zheng Liming has instilled in her since she was a child: "Men are bad!" ”

But on the other hand, she grew up next to her grandparents since she was a child, but she was pampered in every way, and her mother's career was getting bigger and bigger, and she had a wide range of contacts, which caused her temper to become bigger and bigger.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

After entering the showbiz, Wu Qili was constantly controversial, and was often talked about by the outside world for playing big names and other reports, and her reputation was very poor.

But because she is too beautiful, there are many rich second-generation pursuits around her, including Ye Chongren, the son of Ye Zhiming, the former owner of Feitu Records, and Lin Guobin, Anita Mui's ex-boyfriend, etc.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In 1998, when her career was at its peak, she sparked with Jackie Chan because of a party, and the two later participated in a racing competition organized by the man together, which led to scandals.

Although they are 19 years apart and the man already has a family, Wu Qili still fell into it regardless of it, and even became pregnant with a child.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Although Jackie Chan was different from the billionaires above, he had become an "international superstar" at that time, earning 280 million Hong Kong dollars a year, and was the most profitable artist in Hong Kong at that time.

It is said that when he learned that the woman was pregnant, he promised to give her 100 million yuan to "kill the fetus", but Wu Qili refused.

The following year, with a big belly, she bluntly said in an interview: "The child is Jackie Chan." ”

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Immediately, Wu Qili willfully gave birth to a child, but Jackie Chan just said lightly when he apologized publicly: "I just made a mistake that many men in the world will make", and then returned to the family.

After that, the woman ruined her acting career, and after the forced marriage failed, she retired from the circle.

Until 2011, she made a comeback again, but time has changed.

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

In the days to come, Wu Qili lived alone with the "Little Dragon Girl", and during the interview, she also shed tears on the scene and accused Jackie Chan in an interview, but the man directly threw a sentence: "I won't help you with any dime!" ”

Compared with the hero and heroine, the most hurt in this incident is actually the "Little Dragon Girl" Wu Zhuolin - she grew up next to her emotionally unstable mother, suffered domestic violence since she was a child, ran away from home several times, and later came out publicly, living with her girlfriend is stretched, and once made a living by picking up garbage......

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Pick-up and half-point summary:

Those female stars who want to borrow their belly to take the top position but regret to fail, some of them bury their careers and lose more than they lose; Some have become so-called "fertility machines" and still draw water from bamboo baskets......

Of course, some people say: After all, they got the material life they wanted, and it was not a loss.

But behind this, it is like walking on thin ice, fighting against the water, and bearing huge public opinion and psychological pressure, it can be said that it is endurance, perseverance and determination, and it may be Liang Luoshi who wins, and Wu Qili must lose it......

However, although their results seem to be different, are they all full of sighs?

Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

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  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock
  • Wang Sicong likes to be a father but doesn't admit it? Those actresses who want to borrow their belly to get on the top have finally become a laughing stock

Personal opinion, for reference only

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