
With Modi's resounding victory in the general election, China has made two-handed preparations, and a large number of J-20 fighters have suddenly appeared on the Sino-Indian border

author:Lu Zhe has something to say
With Modi's resounding victory in the general election, China has made two-handed preparations, and a large number of J-20 fighters have suddenly appeared on the Sino-Indian border

After so long of tossing, India's general election has finally come to an end. Unsurprisingly, Modi was re-elected, becoming the second Indian prime minister to serve three terms since India's founding prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. In the current international situation, it is indeed understandable for India to seek stability and allow Modi to be re-elected. It's Modi's election process, which is really a bit tortuous. His Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) only narrowly crossed the line, which was a pyrrhic victory for Modi's election.

To put it simply, this time, Modi and the Bharatiya Janata Party cannot dominate alone, and they must share power with the outside world. Incidentally, this time in the lower house, the BJP won less than half of the seats. This also means that in the next term, Indian parliamentarians will no longer be Modi's words, which is undoubtedly a challenge for Modi's political career.

With Modi's resounding victory in the general election, China has made two-handed preparations, and a large number of J-20 fighters have suddenly appeared on the Sino-Indian border

Of course, Modi was re-elected anyway. And the mainland also congratulated Modi as usual. But what you need to know is that for Modi's re-election, we have actually made two preparations, and as far as the current situation is concerned, our preparations have indeed been used.

At the end of the congratulatory message, we specifically told India that "stability" is in the common interests of China and India, as well as regional and world peace. It's already a small beat. And Modi really did not expect that, immediately after taking office, he made inappropriate remarks on the mainland Taiwan issue. And Modi's meaning, in fact, is very simple, that is, to divert domestic contradictions and consolidate his own power.

Modi rushed to the hospital in this step, but in the end he still made a mistake. How long has it been since the mainland defense minister's heavy words at the incense meeting have been put aside? Modi's "selective ignorance" is not good. But when it comes to this, I have to mention the second preparation made by the mainland. According to relevant media information, a few days ago, six J-20 fighters from the mainland appeared on the Sino-Indian border and were deployed at the Shigatse Air Base. To borrow the words of a retired general of the Indian army, the J-20 fighter jets deployed on the Sino-Indian border undoubtedly pose a great threat to India's security.

With Modi's resounding victory in the general election, China has made two-handed preparations, and a large number of J-20 fighters have suddenly appeared on the Sino-Indian border

But this is obviously a thief's heart. The deployment of Chinese fighters in China's domain is justified. And these J-20s are just "temporary deployments". Judging from the reaction of the Indian side, these J-20s can be regarded as the right deployment.

To get back to the point, although Modi was re-elected this time, his party did not dominate. In order to strengthen the voice and national cohesion of India, Modi is bound to set up so-called "enemies" and transfer the contradictions to the outside world. By the way, Modi's crushing victory this time is largely due to the backlash of the "supremacy of Hinduism" he advocates.

With Modi's resounding victory in the general election, China has made two-handed preparations, and a large number of J-20 fighters have suddenly appeared on the Sino-Indian border

Therefore, in order to be safe, Modi is bound to change his style of play. Even recently, there has been news that India is trying to compete with us in terms of infrastructure. It's not that I look down on India. But there are really few countries in the world that can compare with China in terms of infrastructure, at least not India. So this road is definitely not going to work.

Counting the numbers, Modi can only think carefully about the border issue and use it to build momentum. But we have been neighbors with India for so many years, and we still know what virtues India has. No, it directly gave India a double preparation, salute first and then soldier. It's up to Modi to dare to use us as a raft.

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