
The supplies could not come in, the Philippines finally wanted to evacuate people, and China did not let it go easily and made a condition

author:Lu Zhe has something to say
{"info":{"title":{"content":"物资进不来,菲律宾终于想撤人了,中国不轻易放过,开出一个条件","en":"The supplies could not come in, the Philippines finally wanted to evacuate people, and China did not let it go easily and made a condition"},"description":{"content":"菲律宾这根南海的刺头,一刻不消停都浑身难受。这不,前段时间中国海警刚把他们空投给仁爱礁坐滩军舰的物资扔进了大海,又有消息...","en":"The Philippines, a thorn in the South China Sea, is uncomfortable for a moment. No, some time ago, the Chinese Coast Guard just threw the supplies they airdropped to the beached warship at Ren'ai Jiao into the sea, and there is news..."}},"items":[]}

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