
From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

author:Shokin tells the story

"Influencing life with life": he went from a homeless man to a multimillionaire, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people. He was received by party and state leaders at the Great Hall of the People in 2019

——The story of Chairman Ding Yufeng, a disabled person

On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, Ding Yufeng, a national self-improvement model who had just participated in the love transfer activity in Sanya, Hainan, came to Tianhe, Guangzhou at the invitation of Xiao Jinzhi, a good man in Guangdong, to participate in the 98th Chinese Excellent Traditional Culture Salon held by Suihua Stomatological Hospital of Jinan University and Suihua Good People Workstation.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

Ding Yufeng, who was in a wheelchair at the scene, talked eagerly with everyone

Influencing life with life, he uses crutches to convey great love with the power of knowledge

Ding Yufeng, who was in a wheelchair at the scene, talked eagerly with everyone, and he shared his mental journey along the way. He said frankly: He is the last batch of polio patients in the country, and he has also experienced the test of life and death, and understands that only learning can and change it, and Ding Yufeng can only stand on crutches. His own misfortune made him pay more attention to the disadvantaged.


He said that this is the third time he has come to Guangzhou, and the first time was to beg in Guangzhou more than 10 years ago. It was the city of Guangzhou that warmed him, and when he was twelve years old, he rented himself to others, who gave his family 500 yuan a month. Originally, I thought that begging would not endure hardship, and I had to beg for 500 yuan a day, and I was not allowed to eat if I couldn't finish it, and I was beaten. Or even soak in the water! He was pulled up when he was about to drown. He wandered for three years, experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, and finally escaped when he went out to beg, and with the help of the Lhasa Wandering Aid Station, he began his way home, and the painful experience made him understand that only learning can change his fate.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

Live sharing

After graduating from university, Ding Yufeng has been committed to changing the fate of people with disabilities, so that more people with disabilities can overlap like able-bodied people, with stable jobs and happy families.

Since 2013, he has founded the "Love Cottage Project" and the Employment and Entrepreneurship Incubation Base for the Disabled, helping more than 30 disabled people to establish 17 enterprises, training more than 500 people with disabilities, and recommending more than 100 people for employment.


Ding Yufeng said. "Only those who have been drenched in the rain know how to empathize, and the 'Love Hut' I founded is a community, which is a convenient station, where citizens can come to buy and sell things, pay Internet and telephone bills, receive and send express parcels, etc.; It is also a new way to help people with disabilities, who can work in this hut, get paid, embody their values, and serve society." In addition, Ding Yufeng has also solved the difficulties of life such as haircuts and travel for more than 1,000 disabled people through disability assistance projects such as "One Person Hairdresser" and "Medicine Capital Wheelchair Travel". Today, Ding Yufeng is the executive vice president of the Bozhou Love Association and the president of the Disabled Care Association, and he has jointly launched the "A Little Orange Lantern" project to care for left-behind children, "I wish you to walk together" and other volunteer actions, conveying the true meaning of volunteer service - "influencing life with life".

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

Live sharing

Constantly innovating and innovating the model, he lights up the hope of the disabled

In 2015, after cooperating with a listed company on the New Third Board, Ding Yufeng set up 15 "service points for the disabled" in the urban area, providing convenient services for the lives of the disabled, and helping nearly 20 disabled people solve their employment problems. Ding Yufeng also created an online e-commerce platform for the disabled, "Lingxiang Mall", so that the disabled can receive free training and open online stores for free. "There are many ways to help people with disabilities, not only to give them the courage to face life head-on, but also to create opportunities for them to change their lives. I want to create a platform that can achieve the life goals of people with disabilities, reflect their self-worth, and change 'one person with a disability, dragging down a family' to 'one person with a disability, family entrepreneurship, and benefit the society'." With Ding Yufeng's efforts, Lingxiang E-commerce has now become a "three-good enterprise" that can pay wages on time for 11 employees, place 5 disabled employees, and help countless disabled people realize their value.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people


In 2019, Ding Yufeng was named a "National Model of Self-improvement" and was cordially received by party and state leaders in the Great Hall of the People. For Ding Yufeng, this is care, but also expectation. In 2022, Ding Yufeng was elected as the representative of the Fifth People's Congress of Bozhou City, and he continued to devote himself to the cause of love for the disabled, set up the Lingxiang Inspirational Scholarship for the Disabled, organized caring enterprises and caring people to donate to education, and encouraged college students to return to their hometowns after graduation to start a business, serve their hometown, and use their own actions to light up hope for more disabled people.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people


In November 2023, he was commended by the National Love Transmission and came to Guangzhou to participate in the commendation conference.

The platform for helping people with disabilities with technology was launched to help people with disabilities work flexibly

On May 18, 2024, with the efforts of Ding Yufeng, an innovative disability assistance project for the disabled was ushered in, Shangshanju Platform, which provides diversified services for the disabled to promote their flexible employment. The platform was founded by Ding Yufeng, and at the grand launch ceremony, Zhu Tuanjie, vice chairman of the Bozhou Disabled Persons' Federation, Yan Tingyi, chairman of the District Disabled Persons' Federation, and other people from all walks of life witnessed this inspiring moment.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

group photo

Ding Yufeng said that the launch of the Shangshanju platform not only provides services such as policy consultation, home work opportunities and consignment sales for disabled friends, but also helps disabled friends save promotion costs while increasing their income through live broadcast comments and interactions, sharing promotion links, etc. This model realizes a win-win situation between the disabled and the society, and reflects the responsibility and innovative spirit of social enterprises.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

When the platform is launched

Looking forward to the future, he set ambitious goals for the platform, planning to help 1 million disabled people achieve flexible employment in the next five years, help 100,000 disabled people increase their income by 500 yuan per month, provide business support for 10,000 disabled entrepreneurs, and provide sustainable development support to 1,000 public welfare organizations for the disabled. The achievement of these goals will greatly improve the quality of life of persons with disabilities and promote the inclusive development of society.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

The first Love Relay event was held in Tianhe, Guangzhou

Ding Yufeng's entrepreneurial spirit and deep concern for the disabled have been fully reflected in the development of the Shangshanju platform. His efforts have not only won the trust of the disabled community, but also been widely recognized by the government and society. The success of the platform indicates that there will be more possibilities and opportunities in the field of employment for people with disabilities.

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

The 6th Love Relay was held at the Haizhu District Provincial Disability Base

With the continuous development of the platform, its influence is expected to gradually expand and become an important platform for employment and self-improvement of people with disabilities. This is not only a strong protection of the rights and interests of persons with disabilities, but also a positive contribution to social fairness and justice. This is Ding Yufeng's original intention along the way!

From homeless to multimillionaires, from begging to helping hundreds of disabled people

The scene of the event