
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

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Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

In our diet, it can be said that the existence of a good pair of teeth is inseparable, but as we age, teeth also begin to gradually expose many problems.

Some of your friends' teeth may have begun to loosen, or even lose their teeth, which makes many people feel that it is inseparable from lifespan.

So is tooth loss really related to longevity? After we are 60 years old, how many teeth are left to be normal? Hurry up and take a look, have you met the standard!

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Tooth growth

With the development of society, we pay more and more attention to our dental health problems, not only brushing the teeth of the little ones at home, but even going to the dentist regularly for care.

Although we use teeth every day, we know very little about "it", so today I will take you to understand the knowledge of teeth.

It can be said that a normal adult usually has 28~32 teeth, including our baby teeth and permanent teeth, so only if the teeth meet more than 28 are considered normal.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

And our teeth are divided into incisors, molars, premolars, and canines, and it can be said that they have different shapes and different functions to use.

There will be two teething opportunities in a person's life, the first outgrown tooth is called "baby teeth", and the second outgrown tooth is called "permanent teeth".

The time of the first teething is 6 months after we are born, and the critical period of the second teething is around 13~14 years old, and the last "wisdom teeth" are grown at about 20 years old.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Therefore, we must take good care of the oral cavity during the critical period of teeth, so as to help the healthy growth of teeth and reduce tooth damage.

In addition, the inside of the tooth is full of "pulp", which can be said to be rich in blood vessels and nerves, so this is why there is a saying that "teeth are not diseases, but pain kills".

In our daily life, we must clean our teeth, otherwise it is very easy to cause gingivitis and even tooth decay.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Maybe you usually pay great attention to the health of your teeth and will clean your teeth in time, but when you get older, you will lose your teeth.

So is tooth loss really related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth do we have left to be normal? It is recommended that friends find out quickly!

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Is tooth loss related to longevity?

After the age of 60, many elderly people will have loose teeth, and even some elderly people begin to lose teeth, which they think is related to lifespan.

In fact, this idea is wrong, if human healthy teeth want to be worn out, it can be said that it will take at least 130 years of wear and tear to complete.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

However, in real life, the health problems of human teeth have long exceeded people's life expectancy, in fact, this fully shows that teeth are "sick and dead".

As an elderly person over 60 years old, the number of teeth should be kept at about 20, but most elderly people's teeth will have a state of missing teeth.

The reason for this is that the oral hygiene is not effectively cared for, which leads to various diseases and problems of teeth, and finally begins to fall out.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

According to relevant data, the loss rate of teeth in the mouth of the elderly over 60 years old in mainland China has reached 80%, and it can be said that only 2 out of 10 people have complete teeth.

This also makes many people think that the loss of teeth is related to lifespan, in fact, the most fundamental reason is that we do not clean our teeth in time in life, resulting in oral diseases.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Therefore, we should no longer think that tooth loss is a "natural law of growth", but should effectively clean and care for the oral cavity in life.

So how should we clean and brush our teeth effectively? What should I pay attention to during the brushing process?

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

How to brush your teeth effectively

We all clean our teeth in our lives, but we still can't avoid dental diseases, which is actually the lack of dental cleaning.

Many friends think that we only need to squeeze the toothpaste on the toothbrush, and then brush the teeth for more than ten seconds, and the oral problem can be solved.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

In fact, this idea is wrong, because because we don't brush our teeth in the right way, so some bacteria will remain in the teeth, and eventually cause disease problems.

In the process of brushing our teeth, we can learn the "Pap brushing method", which means that the toothbrush needs to be oriented towards the gums and then tilted at 45 degrees to clean.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

Moreover, each tooth in the mouth needs to be brushed 7~8 times, and even in addition to the surface, we also need to brush the side of the tooth and the bite surface of the tooth.

If you have problems with gum recession, you need to use the "rotary brushing method" to better protect your teeth.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

First of all, we need to turn the toothbrush with our fingers on the outer and inner sides of the teeth, so that the toothbrush starts from the gum and brushes upward.

In the process of brushing teeth, it is necessary to maintain a 45-degree inclination, and the occlusal surface of the teeth also needs to be brushed by brushing back.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

When brushing our teeth, it is best to keep the force we use evenly and consistently, and never suddenly exert too much force, otherwise it will cause bleeding gums.

In addition to developing a good habit of brushing your teeth in the morning and evening, you also need to choose the right toothbrush and toothpaste, and it is best to keep the toothbrush every three months.

In this way, the teeth will become healthier, and you should not be lazy, after all, the teeth are connected to the nerves, and the pain is also very torturous.

Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark
Is tooth loss related to longevity? After the age of 60, how many teeth are left to be normal? Let's see if you're up to the mark

"Teeth" is one of the most important oral organs in our body, so we must maintain good brushing habits so that it will not cause oral diseases.

As we get older, the digestive system in our body will also deteriorate, so we need to protect our teeth to make chewing easier.

Therefore, it is recommended that friends quickly forward it to their families, so that they can quickly understand how important it is to maintain a good oral hygiene!

Information sources:

Brush your teeth every day and still have rotten teeth! Have you done these details of effective brushing?

Is it normal to be "old-fashioned"? Don't let age "carry the pot". Popular Science China.2023-09-15

Why can't the elderly escape the fate of "losing their teeth"? 》. Liudaokou Campus, The First Hospital of Dandong City.2022-09-12

Research Progress on the Etiology of Tooth Loss in the Elderly at Home and Abroad. Chinese Journal of Gerontology[J].Vol.35 in December 2015

"Uncle Fuzhou didn't care if he lost 1 tooth, and destroyed 3 teeth! Do 4 things well, and you can have 20 teeth at the age of 80". Fujian Health News.2021-07-16

Tooth age = life expectancy? The average life expectancy of people with missing teeth is shortened by 11.7 years - People's Daily, March 27, 2018

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