
In 1982, when I scratched a boy from the same village, his mother forced me to marry him, and I resisted with scissors against my neck

author:As a word
This article is a fictional novel, the pictures are all network pictures, and the names of people and places are all apocryphal.


I am Li Xiuqin, I was 20 years old at the time, I was impatient by nature, and I was angry at every turn.

In the summer of 1982, I accidentally collided with Zhang Jun from the same village in the village alley.

Zhang Jun was a few years older than me at that time, and he had always had a little conflict with me, but he was not a real enemy.

If you want to say how bad he is, he doesn't.

It's just that this person's boss is not small and doesn't have a serious job, he usually flows in anger, jokes with girls at every turn, and the girls in the village don't treat him very well.

The other girls have a soft temperament, at most they are far away, but I am different, I have never been afraid of him, as long as he dares to provoke me, I will scold me directly, and I must not suffer a loss.

That afternoon, I ate something bad and felt very unwell, so I held my stomach and walked slowly home, only to bump into Zhang Jun head-on when I was about to get home.

When he saw me holding his stomach, he smiled sheepishly: "Yo, how many months has this been?" ”

I was already very unhappy with my stomachache, and he still joked with me like this, and my anger "rubbed" came up at that time.

In desperation, I picked up a stone on the ground, just to scare him, but I knew that if I was not careful, I would really scratch his face.

The wound wasn't deep, but the blood was really coming out.

At that time, my heart was full of shock and fear, and Zhang Jun, he covered his face and took a few steps back in pain, his eyes full of disbelief.

This matter quickly became a big problem, and when Zhang Jun and his mother heard about it, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood. She didn't give up, and with a few relatives, she went straight to our house and demanded that I be responsible for her son.

This incident made my family really anxious and miserable.

My parents thought that the biggest worry in their lives was that the harvest was not good, but they didn't know that the bad luck came so suddenly, or from their own daughter.

During that time, my family was immersed in an indescribable embarrassment and anger.

My father was sad all day, and my mother sighed.

As for me, while feeling deeply remorseful, my heart was also full of ups and downs, and I had no idea at all.

At this moment, I am no longer the arrogant Li Xiuqin, but I am full of anxiety and don't know what to do.

Zhang Jun is also stubborn, although the wound is not too serious, he does not say a word, and even when his family persuades him to find a doctor to treat the wound, he refuses.

I don't know what he thinks, but every time he looks at me, I feel like my heart is hairy.

The people in the village knew about it and talked about it in private.

It seems that everyone is waiting to see how this farce will end in the end.

And I only hope that this matter will end quickly, after all, no one wants to have a deep grudge against the people in their own village.

However, such an incident made a lot of waves for my simple rural life.

Every evening, I would sit alone on the stone steps in front of the door, watching the rice fields and the sunset in the distance, and my heart was mixed.

At that time, I really hoped that I could go back to before the incident and talk to Zhang Jun well, maybe everything would not be like this.

In 1982, when I scratched a boy from the same village, his mother forced me to marry him, and I resisted with scissors against my neck


Since that day, Zhang Jun's mother has become almost a "regular visitor" in our house.

Every time she came, her face was full of sorrow, and the meaning of her words was to let me marry Zhang Jun.

At first, I firmly disagreed, thinking: How can there be a reason in this world to ask someone's daughter to marry your son because of a stone?

My mother was already in poor health, and one day she was drying clothes in the yard, but Zhang Jun and his mother rushed in with a group of people and threw my mother's freshly washed clothes on the ground, stepping on all footprints.

My mother covered her chest angrily and cried, but Zhang Jun's mother cried worse than my mother.

She fell to the ground crying unconscious, and she had to force me to marry his son.

Looking at my mother's appearance, I was in pain, and the hot temper came up again, I went directly back to the house and picked up scissors and rushed out, pointing the tip of the knife at my neck and yelling: "You are forcing me, I will die now!" You can just drag my body back! ”

My actions frightened everyone present, and the tips of the scissors were shining cold, only half an inch from my skin.

Actually, I'm not sure if I'll really stab myself at the time, I just know that she forced me too much pain, and I can't wait to end it all quickly.

Zhang Jun's mother was frightened by me, she didn't pester, but she didn't let me go.

Her persistence and the discussion of the people in the village made me and my family feel unprecedented pressure.

In 1982, when I scratched a boy from the same village, his mother forced me to marry him, and I resisted with scissors against my neck

As the days went by, the pressure seemed to weigh on the air, and when night fell, my parents and I sat around the old-fashioned wooden table at home, with the food in front of us, but no one was in the mood to eat.

My parents' brows were furrowed, and they occasionally exchanged helpless glances.

They began to persuade me, "Since the Zhang family is so insistent, you don't really hate Zhang Jun, so you might as well just obey." ”

As for Zhang Jun, he waited for me every day under the old willow tree at the entrance of the village, and the scar on his face did not seem to make him hate me.

He didn't say much, but his eyes showed hope for the future.

Looking at him, I had mixed feelings.

Maybe it was time and his attitude that made me feel about him slowly start to change.

I also began to think that this was not entirely bad.

After all, we are both young people in the village, and we don't like each other.

Eventually, in the early morning after a spring rain, I made my decision.

I told my parents that I was willing to marry Zhang Jun.

People in the village reacted differently to the news, some expressed surprise, others said "I already knew".

We didn't choose to have a big wedding, everything was as simple as possible.

In a humble ancestral hall built by neighbors, Zhang Jun and I had a wedding.

The wedding is not grand, but it is real.

I was wearing my mother's elaborate red shoes, and Zhang Jun was standing beside me a little shyly.

At that moment, when Zhang Jun and I stood hand in hand in front of everyone, I suddenly realized that all this seemed to be fate.

After the wedding, our lives gradually got back on track.

The scar caused by the accident is no longer a barrier between us, but a special memorial between us.

Now, when I think back on that tortuous experience, I will smile, that year, I was 20 years old, and the unexpected ups and downs allowed me to embark on an unexpected road, but I also gained a lifetime of companionship.

In 1982, when I scratched a boy from the same village, his mother forced me to marry him, and I resisted with scissors against my neck


In the days after marriage, Zhang Jun and I actually had a little awkwardness.

I still think of the past occasionally, but Zhang Jun always tries his best to make me feel warm and tolerant.

I remember that in the first month after marriage, the family was quite poor, Zhang Jun received a salary of 2,200 yuan a month in the factory in the town, and I helped people in the village to do some tailoring work, and I earned about 800 to 1,000 a month at most.

In this way, we began a new life, not rich, but happy.

What was especially memorable was the first Spring Festival after we got married.

It was very cold that winter, and the small tiled house we lived in leaked, but Zhang Jun used his limited salary to buy a new quilt and a bag of briquettes to keep warm.

I still remember the two of us wrapped in that new quilt, looking at the snowflakes outside the window, and my heart warmed.

Although it is simple, that feeling of happiness cannot be expressed in words.

Since then, we have been like true companions, willing to work together through the cold and hardship.

As time went by, our days slowly got better.

Zhang Jun's performance in the factory was recognized by the boss, and his salary was gradually increased to 3,500 yuan.

I also got better and better at my tailoring work, and everyone in the village knew that I was good at my craft, and I was often asked to make clothes.

As a result, our revenue has increased dramatically.

I remember that the first big thing we saved up to buy was a color TV, and it was decided after a long discussion between the two of us.

When the TV was delivered to our home that day, we were both as happy as children, and the sense of accomplishment is still unforgettable.

Years later, I often think back to the days we had, and the bitterness and happiness of those years now seem like a dream.

From the beginning of mutual incomprehension to the current heart-to-heart relationship, the relationship between me and Zhang Jun has become deeper after so many ups and downs.

Although our story began with a chance conflict, perhaps this is a special fate arranged for us.

Now, we have walked hand in hand for many years, although life is still ordinary, but it is full of happiness and sweetness.

I believe that no matter what difficulties we encounter in the future, as long as we support each other, we will be able to get through it together.

This story is purely fictional, the names and events in the story are fictional, and the purpose of using place names is only for the purpose of describing the plot and making it easy to read and understand.

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