
@广大游客 Kanas Scenic Area invites you to taste "small portions".

author:Snow is all toot

In the past, I wanted to taste Xinjiang-style barbecued meat, finger meat, grilled fish, and large plates of chicken...... After a circle, a lot of money was spent, but the food could not be eaten, and it was not eaten at all. In order to respond to the demands of customers and tourists for tourism consumption, and to meet the different and differentiated needs and diversified experiences of tourists inside and outside Xinjiang for Xinjiang cuisine, recently, catering establishments in Kanas and Hemu scenic spots have launched "small dishes" to advocate tourists to participate in the CD-ROM action, so that tourists have new dining choices and new experiences, which have attracted praise from tourists.

@广大游客 Kanas Scenic Area invites you to taste "small portions".

In Kanas and Hemu scenic spots, many restaurants are prominently placed at the entrance of the restaurant with signs such as "small dishes", "set meals" and "eating according to the amount".

Many tourists walked into the store and waited for a meal after learning about the types and flavors of "small portions" from the owner.

@广大游客 Kanas Scenic Area invites you to taste "small portions".

"Our "small portions" and "set menus" allow more customers to experience more local food for less money. At the same time, the store has also launched a half-price activity for special groups and seniors over 70 years old to avoid food waste. Wang Long, the person in charge of a restaurant in the scenic spot, said.

With the improvement of people's consumption level, the trend of small groups and customization of tourism is obvious, driving the increasing demand for personalized catering, "small dishes" and "packages" not only help to stop food waste, but also give a better dining experience according to the tastes and consumption habits of different people.

@广大游客 Kanas Scenic Area invites you to taste "small portions".

"The "small portions" we ordered today tasted good and the amount was sufficient, the four people ate just right, and it was not wasted, economical and affordable, and the waiters were very enthusiastic, and we were very satisfied. Ms. Zhan, a tourist from Beijing, said.

"The 'small portions' are very distinctive, on the one hand, they are economical, and on the other hand, they are more varied, which is more suitable for us." Li Wei, a tourist from Hubei, said.

At present, Kanas, Hemu scenic spot has 50% of the restaurants to promote the "small dishes" and "packages", the next step, Burjin County will continue to strengthen the thrift public welfare publicity, urge operators to provide standardized dishes that meet the requirements of conservation, and clearly mark the amount of meals and the recommended number of consumers on the menu, so that "small dishes" become a "new food" to guide the majority of consumers to establish a healthy consumption concept, and strive to create a good atmosphere for the whole society to cherish food and save food.

Altay Regional Convergence Media Center

Correspondent Cheng Biao