
The single-day entry and exit of the Takshiken port reached a new high

author:Snow is all toot

On June 9, during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday, passengers were queuing up for customs clearance in the border inspection hall of Takshiken Port in Qinghe County; At the freight lane, trucks slowly drove in.

The single-day entry and exit of the Takshiken port reached a new high

On June 7, the entry and exit flow of the port exceeded 862 people, setting a new high for single-day inspection and release since 2018.

"We implement forecast and pre-inspection to minimize the customs clearance time, and by optimizing the customs clearance process and adjusting the service mode, we can give full play to the maximum efficiency of the police and fully protect the fast entry and exit of passengers, vehicles and goods." Wu Zheyun, director of the Border Inspection Department of the Takshiken Border Inspection Station, said.

The single-day entry and exit of the Takshiken port reached a new high

As of May 31, the import and export goods of Takshiken Port were 1.4825 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 31.39%, and the import and export trade volume was 2.017 billion yuan. Among them, the import trade volume was 1.447 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 31.11%; imported coking coal was 1.4381 million tons, a year-on-year increase of 30.31%; The export trade volume was 570 million yuan, and the export goods were 26,600 tons, a year-on-year increase of 7.69%. A total of 63,100 people and 45,000 vehicles were inspected, an increase of 36.20% and 27.85% respectively year-on-year.

With the opening of the land trade route between China, Mongolia and Russia and Europe, cross-border tourism at Takshiken port has also become popular. Most of the outbound tourists through this port are tourists from Xinjiang, and most of the tourists from outside Xinjiang come from Zhejiang, Fujian, Sichuan and other places, and the inbound tourists are Mongolian and Russian tourists.

The single-day entry and exit of the Takshiken port reached a new high

On June 9, at the China-Mongolia-Russia international intermodal ticket office in the secondary market of the border people mutual market of Takshiken port, there was an endless stream of passengers who came to buy tickets to Mongolia. At the same time, after the passengers from Mongolia got off the bus, some purchased daily necessities in the market, and some rushed to Urumqi and other provinces in time by contacting the line car.

"I arrived in Urumqi by plane and drove here with my friends. It is very convenient to go through the formalities to Mongolia from the Takshiken port, and we are ready to travel to Ulaanbaatar and other places. Mr. Wang, a tourist from Shandong, said.

"The international shuttle bus from the Takshiken port to Mongolia was officially launched in February this year, with two round-trip trips a day, Monday to Friday, departing in the morning and returning in the afternoon, with up to about 200 tourists and businessmen per day. With the operation of the shuttle bus, the number of tourists has gradually increased, bringing rich benefits to the local hotels, guesthouses, catering, foreign trade and other industries. We plan to increase the number of routes and strive to open up the line to Russia this year. Qian Wanwei, head of the China-Mongolia-Russia international intermodal shuttle, said.

The single-day entry and exit of the Takshiken port reached a new high

In order to ensure the smooth flow of the port, the joint inspection unit of Takshiken Port and the Qinghe County Culture, Sports, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau actively planned Sino-Mongolian cross-border tourism, and established Xingqing International Travel Agency, established cooperative relations with 4 international travel agencies, and made full use of the favorable conditions of China and Mongolia as the main source countries and tourist destinations of each other, and formulated a 5-day cross-border tour and a 14-day tour route between China, Mongolia, Russia and Kazakhstan, and the average time for outbound tourism inspection was maintained at 15 minutes, and the average customs clearance time per capita was 45 seconds.

"In order to consolidate the good momentum of the continuous growth of import and export trade at Takshiken Port, Altay Customs has opened a green channel for bulk energy products, carried out customs clearance appointments, optimized the process and inspection mode, and ensured that imported mineral products enterprises can achieve "zero delay" in policy fulfillment." We will promote the reform of the "highway port + direct mode" to further improve the efficiency of customs clearance at ports and create a more convenient business environment for ports. Zheng Jun, director of the Altay Customs Office in Takshiken, said.

Reporter Dong Fayong of the Altay Regional Financial Media Center, Intern Reporter Wang Jinghong, Correspondent Liu Jinrui